Alex has been hilarious these past few days...he is back to eating more normally again which is a relief and he has discovered that if you drive a plastic toy car over the air vents it makes a great noise, which he usually accompanies by a loud BRRRRMMM BRRRRM! He has also discovered that if he lifts my top up he can find my tummy button which is apparently totally fascinating as he keeps sticking his fingers in it. Hmmm...Not too sure about that one! We have had fun playing in the garden again chasing the football round, playing aeroplanes, playing peekaboo in his wigwam and generally having a good time. He went to nursery again today and ate and slept pretty well, although apparently he doesn't say much when he is there and he was getting tired and crotchety towards the end of the day. He made up for not talking much at nursery by chatting all evening this evening.
Crafting wise I have managed to make another layout of Alex's birthday. This one used loads of shots I took of him having cuddles with various family members and opening his presents. None of the shots were quite good enough to use by themselves but together they make a great fun edging to the page. I don't normally do this as usually my photos are in the centre and not the journalling but it seems to have worked OK. The title is '1st Birthday Party' and the journalling reads 'Alex really loved being the centre of attention on his Birthday, receiving loads of presents, playing with his cousins and having lots of fun, laughter and cuddles'.
I have also made some teabag ATCs for the August technique swap on CM&PC...I know I am ahead of myself but I wanted to be sure and get these done early as I always seem to run out of time before the end of the month. It was quite a challenge to get the size of the tiles right..for the simpler types of folding you need smaller tiles to fit them on the page whereas the more complex folds need larger tiles. The autumnal one is a little small I feel, but I decided that it was still good enough to use having spent the time on it. The backgrounds to all these tiles are a stippling effect of three different colours and then stamped using the Purple Onion stamps. That is all the news for now. More on Friday,