Yesterday we woke up to find there had been more snow overnight although not a lot. It was brilliant sunshine in the morning so Alex and I spent a good while playing in the garden. It was great fun watching him scooping up snow and dropping it on the ground and trying to cover me in it.

He also enjoyed driving his car around in the snow although he found it hard to move due to the patio being somewhat slippery.

He also enjoyed climbing in and out of his little wigwam while shouting ‘Who is in the house?, Alex is in the house!’.

In the afternoon while Tim had his nap we went out to the local indoor playbarn which was great fun,

especially as one of Alex’s friends from nursery was there so he clambered all around with him (and me!). I am rather stiff this morning!

This morning we discovered yet more snow had fallen overnight. We were fortunately able to get to church for the under 5s nativity service, which I loved. Alex wasn’t sure about the whole thing so refused to dress up and every time a carol was sang said very firmly that he didn’t want to dance, but he did eventually go up to the front with all the other children. Sadly I forgot to bring my camera so this photo was the best that Tim managed from his phone (yes Alex and I are in this photo!). When we came out of church it was snowing heavily to Alex’s excitement.

Although it stopped for a little while, by the time Alex woke up from his nap it had started again so we went for our walk in a snow storm with the sledge. Alex was very excited to be pulling his sledge and insisted on pulling it all the way to the park.

He continued to pull it while pushing the roundabout round. I

eventually managed to persuade him to sit in it while I pulled him home, which he also enjoyed.

Although I like snow, we now have 2 inches on the ground and I really want it to stop soon as we are supposed to be travelling south for Christmas….I must say it makes the berries look really pretty though.

I have been crafting a bit as well with a few last minute cards for local people. This first one followed the PTW sketch this week. I just love the elegant simplicity of the sketch.

The next one follows the Sketch Saturday sketch which was fun to do and used all freebie papers.

The final Christmas card follows this weeks Friday Sketchers sketch, again using free papers or scraps of Basic gray papers I had.

Finally I made a birthday card for a friend following the crafty cardmakers sketch from this week using K&Co papers and stickers, Hero Arts stamps and nestabilities cutting dies. It also fits with the CCC theme of a 5x5 birthday card. I hope you all have a great week ahead of you.