It was another lovely day here in Sheffield so we headed up to Graves Park where there is an animal farm with donkeys, cows, sheep, guinea pigs, rabbits, ducks and more chickens than you could shake a stick at! Alex slept in the car on the way, but surprisingly he was actually awake for the whole time we were at the park. He seemed to be looking at the animals, although its hard to say for sure. We also had an icecream in the garden of the Rose cafe where I took these photos. That is Tim smiling in the background...he doesn't really like me putting his photo on the net! This afternoon I managed to do a little more gardening, weeding one of the flower beds and then spent a happy few hours playing with Alex, watching him in his door bouncer which he seems to like, and tickling him while he was in the baby gym making him giggle.
I also managed to complete one scrapbook page, again based on a Pencil Lines sketch (#42 by Jennifer Hall). I thought that the original sketch lent itself well to this photo of Alex taken on his first night at home. The title of this page is 'You sleep in the strangest positions' and the journalling says 'From birth Alex has showed a remarkable ability to sleep all folded up on himself. This picture of him sleeping securely in his Daddy's arms was taken when he was one day old'. As a change from my usual style I wanted to try and incorporate some brightly coloured, highly patterned papers and am quite pleased with the overall effect, especially when combined with the plain background papers and the moon and teddy bear embellishments. I would love to hear your comments on this.
Lovely flower pictures. I can't fault your layout Caro as I'm not as expert as you to start with but must say I quite like the bright colours and the theme.
lovely page! I really like the bands of colour and even the narrow strip of pink which really highlights it.....are they rub ons or stitching?
Gorgeous layout Caro and the plain embellishments do set the bright patterns off lovely.
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