Isn't it lovely when a weekend becomes truly relaxing with no pressures to achieve anything and no deadlines looming. We have had a lovely two days as a family making the most of the time together. Yesterday saw us heading out for a family shopping trip to do the weekly shop and collect a few other essential bits and pieces. It was lovely to be out with Alex in his baby bjorn and see him wriggling, chatting and gurgling away the whole time. He charmed everyone he met with his big blue eyes and wonderful grin. The rest of the day was an organisation and housework type of day with us catching up on jobs around the house, washing, tidying, cleaning, emptying bins etc. To me the most important part of the day was the time spent with Alex as it was just so much fun playing with him, and watching him try to stand up on my lap and wanting to be tickled. One of his favourite games is when Tim and I make funny noises at him and it makes him laugh out loud.

Today we went out for a walk in the woods near Forge Dam and as it was cold we dressed Alex in his 'snowsuit'...he looked like a very cute Michelin man which was a bit of overkill. He wasn't cold though! He is getting more and more vocal and instead of sitting and staring was 'commenting' on things for most of the walk. It was lovely to be out as a family in the fresh Autumn air and walk alongside the stream. The rest of the day has been gentle and lazy, playing on the floor with Alex, chatting to friends on the phone and spending far too much time on Facebook which I have recently joined. I think it is a great way of getting back in touch with people I don't get to see anymore. I think Alex is beginning to struggle with sore gums from teeting as he kept bursting into tears for no apparent reason and was in need of more cuddles than usual, however, for the most part he has retained is usual happy sunny personality and been great fun to be with.
I haven't done very much in the way of crafting this weekend as I have spent the time cooking and doing other things. I did make a start on the next ATCs for the alphabet swap and have made this one, which is entitled 'J is for Jelly'. I just love jelly beans and thought that they made a great background and the jelly itself is decoupaged. I just have to repeat this now for my own records. Back to work tomorrow so I must go and get things organised. More soon,
1 comment:
Oh Alex - what big eyes you have.
All the better for charming us with!
Oh Alex - what kissable rose bud lips you have - such a beautiful little boy.
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