Tuesday 27 November 2007

Exhausted and glad it is over!

The past two days have been totally mentally exhausting! I have been frantically editing the BMedSci thesis which has to be completed and go to the binders by 10am on Thursday morning. I have now done all that I can, in that I have read through the entire thing and made corrections/suggestions etc where relevant and it is now up to the student to finish it off in time and as to how good a job he makes of it in the end. Lets hope he does well as he has worked really hard this year. The photograph above is of some normal human breast tissue stained with an antibody to semaphorin (a protein involved in regulating blood vessel formation) which he stained as part of his degree. The brown indicates semaphorin staining in the normal breast milk ducts and in some blood vessels.
Alex has been my little ray of fun throughout this time as cuddles with him have made everything seem so much better. He is interacting more and more with his environment and is beginning to spend time sitting up, but only when he is sat on the floor in front of my lap. After about a minute he suddenly seems to realise what he is doing and the potential for a game and throws himself backwards into my lap. All good fun! Bath times are getting splashier than ever and although he is still looking really tired, he has been sleeping more in the last two nights. I really hope that he learns to sleep properly.
In the past two days I have actually managed to make a couple of cards which was great. They are very similar with one being a paler version of the other. Both of these cards used the StampsAway rose and music stamps with the rose being stamped onto white card then coloured in, then layered over with a scrap version before the card was then stippled all over using two colours. Finally the music background stamp was applied and the scrap paper peeled away to reveal the rose. This central panal was then mounted onto either a pale pink card or dark red card and then applied to an A6 card with a yellowy parchment card edged with ink.
I am really pleased with the effect of these two cards and they will be perfect for two friends who are musical...one sings and the other plays the violin. Anyway, must dash now. More soon.

1 comment:

Angelswings_2 said...

Your Cards are super as always Caro. Your little boy is growing each time I look at the pictures, what a cute smile!