Every morning this week it has been below freezing and the frost on the trees and grass of the golf course near us this morning was beautiful...I just wish that I had had my camera with me as we drove past on the way to work. I have been marking essays this week which has been tough going as none of the students are English so their written work is pretty bad and sadly I was alerted by the University that the essay that looked OK may have plagiarised from text books and I have to investigate this further. I have also been writing my lecture for teaching on the subject of Angiogenesis at UCL next week and found loads of really cool images on the net for it.

Alex had his 10 month review yesterday with the Health visitor who came round to our house to see how he is getting on. He weighed in at 20lb 1oz and is exactly on the 25th percentile which he has been following fairly closely since not long after birth. She pronounced him in excellent condition and was perfectly happy with how he was interacting, standing, crawling etc. He wasn't in the best of moods by the time she left as he was hungry and tired. I have had a lot of fun with Alex this week as we have been doing some drawing together, playing peekaboo, rolling on the floor, climbing on Mummy, chasing Alex round the house and various other silly games to make him giggle and laugh. Sadly today he has developed another cold and has a very croaky voice and isn’t quite his usual perky self. I hope he gets over it quickly.

I have also had time in the evenings to do some crafting and was inspired to get out my little used flowersoft to make the Mothers Days cards. I haven't really used flowersoft in the traditional way before and Tim gave me some flowersoft pots for Valentines Day which I decided to play with. This is my first experiment and I was really quite pleased with how it turned out.

This is the second one, using the same shape of pot (because it worked so well the first time!) on a different background. I am hopeful that both Mothers will like these cards.

Finally, I completed another layout for my 'book of Alex' following this weeks sketch from Pencil Lines. It is a great sketch and I decided to adapt it for one photograph instead of the two that it originally used. This photo didn’t really need any journaling as it speaks for itself … I just love the look on Alex’s face as he wears the cracker hat and waves the rest of the cracker around. I hope to do some more crafting over the next few days so watch this space!
Great pics again Caro, love the pensive look on Alex's face.
I had to look up UCL (DUH!) - it's very prestigeous - well done you. Don't forget to report.
Great cards.
Such a cute photo :) His expression is so sweet there :) Don't forget to send it in to Pencil-Lines if you haven't already! :D
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