Thursday 14 August 2008

Just to let you know

There are quite a few people with blog candy - crafting gifts for people who visit their blogs - at the moment. Why don't you check out:

A card is for life - the blog candy draw finishes today

Katherina's - wonderful blog candy to celebrate 100,000 hits finishes on 16th August

Jean - some lovely blog candy to celebrate her birthday finishes on 18th August

Jane - celebrating a year of blogging finishes on 21st August

Lauren - celebrating over 1,500 hits on her blog, finishes on 22nd August

Enfy - celebrating 65,000 hits in 8 months, finishes on 26th August

That is all for now, I will be back with my regular posting on Friday evening. In the meantime have a great day!


Jane (Carroll's Creations) said...

thanks and good luck

hugs jane x

Allison said...

have a good day too