It was just wonderful to see my parents transform our jungle back into a garden with a patio, clipped hedges, and flowerbeds (although we don't have many plants yet and most of the beds need serious weedkilling before we can plant much).
I was amazed at how quickly they were able to do it, in only four hours we filled three large estate cars full of garden rubbish, which we transported to the tip on Sunday morning.
Alex loved having his Grandparents there and playing with them and he had a lovely time at the park on Saturday playing with Grandma.
On Sunday we went for a very wet walk by the stream, it was a shame about the weather but it was lovely to stretch our legs, and Alex decided he wanted to walk too. I so enjoyed having them up here and spending some time with them, relaxing and chatting in the evenings. It was just a shame that Tim wasn't well enough to join in with much of the weekend.
I have actually had today off work to spend a bit of 'me' time doing some crafting and gentle catching up on things at home, at least that was the plan. However, I think that Alex is missing his grandparents and the constant attention and he has barely let me have any time to myself today, which is very unusual as he is usually content to play by himself for reasonable periods of time. We played in the garden this morning and then went for a very wet trip to the park as it suddenly poured with rain when we were there. He wasn't bothered by the rain, and still had a great time on the slide and running round the park seeing the other children.
I have managed to make some more of my Christmas inchies today which was fun. They are decorated with a mixture of vintage Christmas images, stickers, gems, gold pen, sakura stardust, glitter glue, and heat embossing. It is back to work for me tomorrow, so more on Wednesday evening. I hope you are all having a good week.
How lovely that your parents were able to visit and yes, many hands DO make light work. A large task always reduces when there are more bodies - just the company helps but it seems they 'got stuck in' it must be a weight off your shoulders.
Lovely photos of Alex with his grandparents.
Those inchies are stunning, are you going to mount them in a frame or are you swapping them?
Lovely blog Caro. Little Alex is looking so sweet and growing up fast.
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