Wednesday 10 December 2008


Why is it that the run up to Christmas is always so completely hectic? Every year I think that I am organised and everything is under control and then as we get closer I realise that I am labouring under false illusions. Things haven’t been helped this week by my colour printer packing up just as I was preparing to print out the 70 Christmas letters. Most frustrating! This means that I haven’t managed to get a single Christmas card in the post yet which isn’t helping me feel organised. Add to that the fact that I have two papers and two grant applications to finish before Christmas and I am sure you will understand why I feel a little stressed at the moment! However, my first Christmas do yesterday, which was hospital lunch was great fun (although the food wasn't great) and put me in the mood for Christmas. On a more positive note Alex has been the greatest of fun this week and car journeys have been hillarious punctuated by loud shouts of ‘car’ at every vehicle passing us. When we tell him it is a bus or a lorry he very loudly insists that it is a ‘car’ as he can’t say the other words yet. However, we have progressed to adding a new word ‘van’ to his vocabulary which he is very pleased about and proudly says whenever we see one! We have also had a bit of a breakthrough in the food department as he actually ate my very lumpy bolognaise and fish fingers this week – a first for a boy who insists that he wont eat ‘lumpy’ food. Crafting has been a little sporadic over the past few days although I had one success before the death of the printer. One of Tim’s christmas presents is a downloaded computer game called ‘World of Goo’ which means that he wont have anything to open on the day so I decided to record it to CD and then decorate the CD with images taken from the web of the game. This was great fun to do and came out really well. The only other crafting success was to decorate another candle, but as this is identicle to a previous one I wont show it here. Must dash, cards to write, presents to make, work to do. Have a great week everyone.

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