Tuesday 26 February 2013

Wednesday crafting! (WOYWW)

Well yesterday morning my desk was taken over by Alex crafting using my things including the cuttlebug and my promarkers to make a cog pattern which he took to school.
This morning he decided that he wanted to follow the instructions in the book 'Super Diaper Baby' and draw the different characters...this particular one is Super Diaper Baby himself
 and this is Deputy Doo Doo, the baddy!
For my entry to WOYWW here is my desk as it looked late on Tuesday evening while I was partway through doing the next page of my weekly smash book. You can see the book with the printed images cut out and spread roughly on top, my trusty mug of tea, my scissors, post it note pad and pen, the steampunk stamps I was intending to use and finally my PVA glue.
Here is the completed page featuring photos taken of Alex during his half-term holiday.  The text is a mixture of stamps and my writing about the things that he did.  I used a mixture of Darkroom Door and Hero Arts steampunk stamps and as a result am entering this into SSSS 'use a stamp you love but never use'.  I love steampunk, and  I was given the Hero arts stamps for Mother's Day last year and this is the first time I have used them (the pointing hand, compass and some of the words). That is all from me for now.  Have a great week everyone.


Angela Toucan said...

great doodles by your son, and I like the way you've cropped the photos in your journal this week.

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Caro! Looks like your starting your son off early - he's a natural!!

Still chuckling about deputy doo doo - LOL. I haven't seen that book but willlook out for it, could be a fun one to read out loud, kids love anything like that (although I refuse to read 'The Poo Train' - yuk!!

Well done you for getting your stamps out, I like a bit of steampounk myself. Happy WOYWW Cindy #76

okienurse said...

awesome job Alex! I love steampunk too and wish I had more friends around to explore it with me. In central Oklahoma people are truly country so steampunk doesn't fit the western going on! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing with us! Vickie #41

Heathers Inspiration said...

Absolutely Love your smash book pages this week. It flows so beautifully and captures the great things done.
Your son is a great young artist and its lovely to see his work too :0)
Happy WOYWW Heather #85

Helen said...

Love Deputy Doo Doo!!! The half term journal is looking great. Have a lovely week, Helen 8

Alison Scott said...

Great journal page Caro.
Love his cheeky face on the balloon.

ria gall said...

I love that your little boy crafts at your desk so special
Your pages are looking fantastic as always so much content included
Happy WOYWW hope you have a great day
Ria #48

sandra de said...

Your little fellow is a budding artist. I am always thrilled to see his lovely work. I never quite got steampunk until I made ATC for a challenge and now I love steampunk. You can never have enough metal, airships, steam, victorian men/women together on one page ... love it.
Sandra @12

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Ah, I remember Super Diaper Baby very well!! Alex has drawn him very well indeed. My boys used to love those stores :)
Hugs, LLJ 38 xxx

Annie said...

Really love Deputy doo doo :-) and your pages aren't bad either ;-)
A x #56

Krisha said...

Hi Caro,
Yes it looks like Julia's linky went into hidding. I've been popping of of the blogs I follow and those that had already left comments. Where there is a will there is a way.
Love the way you journaled your son's holiday. I see he is a future artist himself.
Krisha #32

Gill Edwards said...

Hi Caro, I too love Steampunk its so cool, so i love your layouts a lot. My desk this week features smash books too.

have a good week
Gill x #123

Anne said...

love seeing what Alex has been doing on your desk. His drawings are great. Great pages in your SMASH book. I have not really got into the steam punk thing but like what you have done. Anne x #87

Nan G said...

Great doodles by the son. Happy WOYWW! Nan #1

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

What fun and meaningful pages! He is a cutie! Love your stamped images as well! Thanks so much for stamping with us this week at Simon Says Stamp & Show!

Eliza said...

I have not idea about these creatures or animals, maybe I am to old LOL His drawings look good and he looks peaceful working away.


Im not participating in the desk hop this week working got in the way, just visiting my favourites.

Julia Dunnit said...

Well done Caro. I can't do steampunk to save my life, and so I understand why your stamps are a year unused. Bet you use them more now though!

Scrapcat 1 said...

love the pictures by Alex and your journal looks really interesting. Tracy #72

505whimsygirl said...

What a little cutie patootie Alex is! His drawings are so cute!

Your journal page looks very cool! I keep saying I'm going to start journaling..... one day.

Thanks for visiting me already. I'm very slow this week.

Kay #60

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Steampunk has never really appealed to me, despite my daughter trying desperately to get me on to it, but I think I am past that. I can see how it would really appeal to someone of Alex's age, though, and if he enjoys it, he will get so much from it. thank you for your visit and kind comments. xx Maggie #15

April said...

I love how Alex is so creative. An imagination is a great thing to have. Love what you did with the holiday photos. April #151

SueH said...

Just doing my Monday morning catch up.
Looks like you have a budding Picasso there Caro, your son has done a fab job with those characters.

Your desks looks pretty clear considering the fab job you’ve done on your smash book, what a lovely way to record the activities of Alex’s half term.
Thanks for stopping by this week
Happy Crafting!