Friday 20 September 2013

Sports Day smiles!

It is Friday and time for Annie's smiles and Rocking your world Friday. As the title suggests my smiles come from Alex's sports day. The children were split into groups of 6 and then competed in 9 different activities.  Now, I should explain that Alex has a degree of DCD as well as concentration issues so for him this type of day is a challenge.  What made me smile especially was that he listened to the instructions, concentrated and joined in properly with each event.
Not only that but he got two 2nds and three 3rds out of the events.  Needless to say he was thrilled as was I.  That's all from me for now...have a great weekend everyone.


Virginia said...

Oh that's a lovely Rocking moment hun, I love the photo - he looks so happy!

Hugs as always!

JoZart Designs said...

Well done to Alex and no wonder you are all so proud!
Jo x

Annie said...

Well done Alex. I'm smiling too now :-)
Annie x

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

Brilliant photos! Have a lovely week, jenx