Friday 11 October 2013

Birthday smiles

Those of you who read my previous post will realise that I celebrated my birthday this week so I am entering my happy times into  Annie's smiles and Rocking your world Friday .
There has been lots of loveliness this week including a Harvest dance and meal at church (the photos of the line dancing were taken by Alex so are not being shown – you really don’t want to see the backside of lots of people, myself included!), a birthday tea with cake
And a trip to the National space centre where we saw a show in the planetarium, rode in a space flight simulator, and saw a rocket that was about to take off (as shown above).
Alex and I also got to give a futuristic weather forecast.  We had a great time, but didn’t manage to see even half of it.  We will definitely head back again some day.
Tim and I also managed to go out for a nice meal at our favourite Chinese restaurant and I am going to see my best friend tomorrow (more of that next week). All in all it has been a very good week!
Have a nice weekend everyone.


Annie said...

Really glad you had a great week to celebrate your birthday. Life should be full of weeks like that. Fab snaps to remember it all by.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You have made me hungry with that lovely Chinese meal. and I liked how you spent your week with your son. That looked like a fantastic museum. I can understand why you didn't get all the way through it.

Looks like you had LOTS of reasons to smile this week. Happy belated birthday, too.

JoZart Designs said...

Frohe gerburtstag ... Guess where I am. Arrived safely but babes all asleep so cuddles tomorrow.
Looks like you have celebrated in style.!
Tyhanks for all your good wishes,
Jo x

Anne said...

A lovely week Caro. Anne x