Friday 15 November 2013

Special smiles!

I have missed out on being here for a few Fridays recently and so have a few weeks worth of special photos to share with you for  Annie's smiles and Rocking your world Friday, to hopefully bring a smile to your face...they certainly did to mine!  This is a photo of Alex and me on the Ferris wheel in Sheffield at the beginning of half-term.
The latter part of half-term was spent at my parents with the whole family, where we had a bonfire..
rode bicycles to the park in town for the monkeys to get some exercise (LOL),
I played conkers with my brother while Gran (aged 89) watched in some amusement,
we went fossil hunting on the beach with a geologist (much to Alex's great excitement we found lots of ammonites and gryphea)
and went to the local fireworks display. As you can tell we had a wonderful time.
Last week I was unable to post as we were out and about celebrating Tim's birthday, and then on Sunday Alex and I enjoyed the sunset over Higger Tor
and scrambling round the rocks.  All in all I have had a lot to smile about recently as you can see.  That is all from me for now.  Have a great weekend everyone.


tilly said...

Wow, loads of smiles there, it reminds me of my childhood brought up on a farm, big bonfires, exploring everything in sight and lots of fresh air, sunrise and sunsets..... miss it all so much lol

Virginia said...

Such fabulous photos, you look like you've been really busy having great times! Love it, hope you have a fabulous weekend!


Gill Edwards said...

wow you have packed a lot in and sounds like you had a brilliant time too.
great fireworks photo

Gill xx

Annie said...

Wow Caro what a fab set of happy pics...I can see why you were smiling cos I am too now :-)
Annie x

Nan G said...

Looks like a wonderful time was had by all! I see Alex loved his skeleton costume. :) Played what with your brother? Lovely sunset pic. Thanks for sharing. Hugs to all

mamapez5 said...

A lovely happy post. The fossil hunt was fun. I love the fireworks but not the fairground rides. hugs Kate x

Cazzy said...

Hi Caro, you always pack so much in, well done! Your lovely smiles really cheered me up too!

Cazzy x #87

Hettie said...

Oh Caro it looks like you all had a fabulous family week at half term. The smiles show.