Tuesday 3 December 2013

Finished Advent calendar (WOYWW)

Well as the title suggests I did manage to get the advent calendar finished on time (see post below), so as you can see my desk (for WOYWW) is looking quite empty!  There are some Christmas table napkins which were used in the advent calendar and are now ready to be used for a Christmas Day project, the new edition of Craft Stamper and my note pad with Christmas present lists on it.  Also there is my trusty mug of tea (nearly empty and in need of a refill) and a CD with the soprano part of an anthem we are singing in the Carol Service in church.
Here is the finished advent calendar! It is a totally bonkers creation and as I suspected it takes up much of the dining room, and the excitement from Alex on seeing it was priceless.  He is so excited each morning to 'open' it and has already asked if he can have it again next year.
Each cup has a number (they are in a random order) and contains a chocolate and a little present, hidden by the Christmas napkin so that peeking cannot occur.
There hasn't been time for anything else crafty this week so I thought I would finish with this picture of Alex looking cheeky on our walk in the sunset round Stanage Edge.  The light was stunning. Have a wonderful week everyone.


jill said...

Now that advent is different & i like it . Happy woyww jill #40

trisha too said...

Oh Caro, what a FUN advent calendar!!!!!

Happy WOYWW to you!
#28 this week, Christmasing like crazy
and a free Christmas digi magazine

Unknown said...

That's one cool advent calendar. I know he really loves it. #4

Jackie said...

I am sure Alex is just thrilled with that advent calendar all round the room... What a lucky boy he is

Jan said...

Great WOYWW, thanks for sharing. xx Jan (95)

JoZart Designs said...

Your Advent cones are so effective and I'm sure they are a big hit for Alex. Isn't it a hard task filling them with things other than sweets?. My DDs start early collecting tiny things for my grandees. I made 24 mini woolly hats, all different, for each family a couple of years ago. They hang on a branch and come out each year.
BTW.. the small tape measures are from Wilkinsons and are the cheapest to be found at around £1.29 each. I am making a sewing kit and needle case for each of my DDs.
Jo x

April said...

Love the advent calendar. Very creative. Lovely picture of Alex, too. April #88

glitterandglue said...

Hello Caro,
What a lovely idea for an advent calendar - and does it really matter if it takes up a lot of room if it gives so much pleasure? Maybe you should pop by my home here in North Wales - you would see how much space Christmas takes up.... er, yes, Christmasoholics anonymous live here!!! Good sunset picture of Stanage Edge - golly, that takes me back to my college and courting days - went to Matlock teacher training college, and spent many hours with the now hubby, going around the whole of Derbyshire - beautiful.
Thanks for already vising - glad you like the calendar, and yes, lots of sheep coming along; all to be given out at Messy church to the children there!
Have a great week.
Margaret #60

The House of Bears said...

What a wonderful Advent calendar. We can imagine the excitement at opening it every day. Thanks for visiting us today

Eliza said...

Oh Caro,

What a wonderful advent and clever to wrap the gift and hide it within. You need to soak up as much as their childhood as you can they are not children for long and the innocence is wonderful and joyous. Good for you, it also doubles up as a great decoration.

Thanks for sharing and for visiting.

Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting
Eliza & Yoda 2

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love the excitement that only an advent calendar can bring!! Long may it last :-)
Lovely pic of Alex on your walk..I don't know where that is..shall have to look it up (geography B.A. you see!!)
Hugs, LLJ 36 xx

Spyder said...

Looks like you've been busy as usual! I've at last have a new computer so it's working a lot faster, but doesn't do what my old one did... great photos....and is that a giant Monkey?? I do love Monkey!
Have a great crafty week!
Happy WOYWW #59

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Caro does look like you had a great deal of fun in the making in post below!!

.. and then in opening for next few weeks,
thanks so much for popping over, Shaz in Oz.x #10

Nan G said...

Wow love those rocks behind Alex! Cool Advent bunting! Thanks for the earlier visit! WOYWW hugs! Nan G #13

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a unique and fun advent calendar. I can see why Alex would want it again next year.

You asked what a tip-in is. It's actually a bookbinding term, but basically, you decorate both sides of a page that's about the size of your altered book. Then you cut two adjacent pages to within ~1/2 inch of the spine. Next, using good glue or adhesive, place the decorated page between the two flaps. That's how altered book artists trade and swap themed pages in swaps, I hope to show mine next week, in case you're around (grin).

Thanks for stopping by earlier. Happy WOYWW from #6.

Annie said...

I love your advent calendar and can just imagine Alex's face on seeing it. :-)
Annie x #56

Unknown said...

Alex does look very cheeky in this photo, but adorable and the light is great. Looks like you have been extremely busy.. Have a great week and Happy Crafting
DeDe #8

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Caro,

Great advent calendar! No wonder it's a hit with Alex. What a little cutie pie he is!

Thank you so much for visiting me already. I knew it would be late in the week before I could do most of my visiting.

Happy belated WOYWW
Peace, Kay (12)

Hettie said...

Love that advent calender Caro. I made one for Mr Hettie the first Christmas we were married with little pockets in there. Yes! I still get it out and fill it with little chocolates!

JoZart Designs said...

I have posted for the first time since 23rd Dec and noticed you have been missing from Blogland even longer than me so I'm just popping in to ask how you are? I hope you are well and that you've just been busy busy busy, as I have, and hope none of you has been unwell.
I went to see my family in Brighton after New Year then I've just had the German branch over to stay. Wonderful times, especially with the new baby.
Hope you had a great Christmas and also that you have a good 2014
love Jo x