Tuesday 18 March 2014

Mess on desk! (WOYWW)

Well it is another Wednesday and time for another WOYWW.  Firstly I must apologise for not managing to visit everyone who visited me last week, due to illness. This week I hope to do better. As you can see my desk is in a bit of a mess while I try and plan out the next journal page. I haven't got very far with it...the rough sketch in the book is truly terrible so it is back to the drawing board (excuse the pun!).  On my desk you can see my journal, my mug of tea (nice and hot), and various bits of debris left over from both my last crafting session and Alex's! 
The last piece of journaling I did was this page, based on a sermon on worship (in case you hadn't guessed!).  The page uses distress inks in the background, my drawing of notes and swirls, some gold peel offs, white and black acrylic paint, and some inkadinkado stamping round the edge. That is all from me for now.  Short and sweet this week as I am recovering from a bug and not feeling up to much.
I will finish with a happy Alex up a tree - who can but smile at that cheeky face! Have a nice week everyone.


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah great fun there Caro as the smile shows indeed and pray you soon feel much better, Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #32

Annie said...

So many nasty bugs around at the mo....I'm full up with it and have put my face mask on to do my blog visits today.....cough cough cough.
Hope you're feeling much better very soon.
Annie x

Jackie said...

The trusty mug is there as always.. Well except when it's been filled up with tea for you! Lovely picture of Alex
Jackie 27

Lunch Lady Jan said...

He's one cool dude in those shades! My two boys spent most of their childhood up in our garden tree...sigh....happy days!
Sorry to hear you've not been well...goodness there are some nasty bugs going around. Anyway, take care and I hope you pick up soon,
Hugs, LLJ 39 xx

The House of Bears said...

Lovely journal pages, we often have a cup of coffee at the desk but never manage to drink it when it's hot! Thanks for your earlier visit.

Unknown said...

Hi Caro thank you for popping by fellow Graphic 45 fan! Great Art Journal page but it was your little one that made me smile - I agree such a cutie! Wishing you a great week and a happy WOYWW Hugs Helen 61

glitterandglue said...

Hello Caro. Sorry you have felt so rough these past few days. Trust you will soon be back to full strength. Your pic of Alex is great - just right for a good smile! The journal page is so lovely. You have a real heartfelt skill in portraying your love for God. Brilliant!
God bless, and thanks for visiting - can't get on my site at the moment to read it, but I will as soon as webeden lets me!!
Margaret #35

Eliza said...

Hi Caro,

Thanks for visiting me this week, I do hope you are feeling better soon. Great journal page nice color but Alex wins the show with that beautiful smile, gosh he is really growing fast.

Eliza & Yoda 14

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Alex is such a happy little guy. I can see why you like to take photos of him.

I love the journal page, and the silhouettes simply POP off the page. Gorgeous.

Thanks for visiting me yesterday and happy WOYWW from #2.

Anne said...

Hello Caro thank you for popping by. Sorry I'm late visiting. Had the girls yesterday instead of on and Tues. Long story. Hope you are fully recovered. The journal page is lovely! Alex looks very happy and growing up fast. Hugs Anne x #44

Mrs.D said...

Caro, thanks for visiting me, we had a lovely day on the boat with our friends.
once again you have produced such an amazing journal page on worship, someone preaching at your church would be thrilled to see what his sermon had inspired. What a wonderful way to share what the Lord is doing in your life.
Bless you
Chris #63

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I hope you are feeling much better by now. There are a lot of nasty bugs flying around. I am being very selfish at the moment, trying to avoid anyone who is really suffering, but I just do not have the time or the reserves of energy to be ill at the moment. What a lovely photo of Alex! I did have a great time at the NEC, and met several people that, till now, I had only talked to online. I also met up again with the lovely Barbara Gray and Maria Simms on the Clarity stand. Not surprisingly, my purse and m credit card did take a battering, which I had fully expected (I had a large list to start with). And there were such brilliant show offers on things that I loved anyway, that it would have been rude not to take advantage of them, wouldn't it? I saved a fortune, and I am sticking to that story. i will be showing off my stash on WOYWW next week. Have a good time in the sunshine this week, if you can dodge the showers. xx Maggie #76