Wednesday 24 April 2019


Welcome to Whizzday as Julia, the instigator of Whats on Your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW) would say.  It is an apt expression as the week and especially the lovely sunny Easter weekend really have whizzed past.
Here is my desk as it was on Tuesday evening having just finished some Bible Journaling.  You can see my Bible with nice wide margins for drawing/writing in, my distress inks, some sponge applicators and pen as well as my trusty mug of tea and some quick sketch faces I was messing with earlier.  Long story, but I have no confidence in my ability to draw so am practising with faces...
This is a close up of the finished Bible page from the Easter story - I want to do one about the resurrection but haven't had the time as it has been a busy weekend.
This is what my attempts at drawing faces resulted in - a rather random page in my art journal!
 I have loved the sunny weather and actually spent some time while Alex was out at the park with friends taming our little jungle back into a garden

 and took some photos of the daffodils.
Over the weekend Alex and I went on a walk
/waterfight down Padley Gorge
and then he persuaded my to go on this 'Sky swing' - I survived but was slightly green when I came down!  That's all from me for now.  I'm very much looking forward to meeting some of you at the crop... not too long now.  Have a great week everyone
Love and God Bless,


Anne said...

Morning Caro. I think you should have more confidence in your drawing ability. Your 'face' is great! Believe me a far, far better one than I could produce!
It looked as though you and Alex had such fun. You were brave going on that swing thing. Nothing would have induced me to go on! :-)
Looking forward to seeing you as well. Anne X 13

Neet said...

I am flabbergasted that you went on that swing thing. Nobody would have got me up there. You were so brave to do it for your son.
I love how you have used the splatter to draw a face inside and I think you are being a bit over critical of yourself. Mind you, we do tend to be like that. Try just one line for the nose and see what a difference that makes - might work, might not. I like to experiment with the eyes, placing the pupil in different parts can give off different expressions and stops that 'staring' look you can get if you put it in the centre. I sound as if I know what I am on about but I don't really.
Love the Bible journalling you have done - gorgeous colours and images.
Enjoy your week -
Hugs, Neet 18 xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Caro, my hat is off to you for braving that ride! I really can't do them at all. Love the face in the splatter, looks great. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

Sarah Brennan said...

You are brave going on that ride Caro. No way would I have done it despite being more of a dare devil in my youth lol. I must have a go at drawing faces. I am fairly hopeless at that sort of thing and usually cheat by using stamps. You are giving me a nudge to be brave too. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Oh my Caro, how brave are you going on that swing!! I'll just sit and look at it hee hee!! Your face drawing is super, I have a big passion for faces, it's something I've always drawn but there are some fabulous stamp sets and aids around to help give you a bit more confidence. You'll be doing them in your sleep before you know it, believe me ;)
Thanks for sharing WoywW it's lovely when we get to potter around outside.
Hugs Tracey #5

Glenda said...

No way would I go on that ride. Way too old for that nonsense! Loving your drawing my talents are not pointed in that direction! Happy WOYWW Glenda #16

Shoshi said...

Lovely post, Caro. I love your Bible journaling! Do you find stuff seeping through the pages, though? You would never have got me on that sky thing even if you'd paid me lol! Thank you for your visit, and it's awful to read yet another awful wisdom tooth experience! I'm just glad mine is over. It seems to be doing well, because I forgot to take my pain relief at lunch time and only remembered mid-afternoon - I never expected my jaw to stop hurting so soon. I'm continuing to be careful with it and doing the salt water mouth washes and avoiding touching it for a few days till it's healed a bit more.

Glad you like my flowers. I am looking forward to getting that project finished but there always seems to be something else more pressing to do!

Happy WOYWW and God bless,
Shoshi #19

Helen said...

I think I'd have been more than green! Love your face in your Bible - great colours. Hope you continue to enjoy doing them. it will be great to meet at the crop, as you say. Helen #1

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I'd have gone on the Skyswing, I like rides like that! What great photos in beautiful weather. And it doesn't matter about drawing perfection, it's about enjoying the process!
Hugs LLJ 11 xx

Diana Taylor said...

Goodness I'm so impressed with you going on that terrifying ride - I feel slightly nauseous when I sit on my sister's garden swing seat for too long! Lovely shots of you having fun in the Easter holidays - we've been so lucky with the weather and now the children are back at school it's raining, so that was good timing wasn't it! I like the paint splashes around the face, and the Bible journaling too - you've certainly been busy this week.
Hope you have a good week,
Diana x #21

StampinCarol said...

Your Bible journaling is gorgeous!!!! And I'd be more than just green on that swing. I'd have lost my lunch. LOL! Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
Carol N #27

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

You are tougher than me. There is no way you would get me on that thing, no was, not ever. Thank you for your visit and kind comments. Have a good week. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #26

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Looks like you've been having a nice Easter, the weather has been very kind too. Love to see your Bible journaling, love it. Late today as I've been out most of the day with friends so just doing a few late visits. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy belated WOYWW, Angela x21x

Sue said...

Hi Caro, Your face is fab.

Lovely photos.

Looks like Alex enjoyed the water fight.

I would never have gone on the Sky Swing. Well done you.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #8

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Caro, how did I miss your post? I thought I'd worked my way down the list. It must be that your name is only 4 letters and it was hiding between the other links. Lovely Bible journalling and a good go at the faces. I haven't done a face in absolute ages, although while I was on Lifebook that's all I did, but then I decided it wasn't really my forte - even though I wanted it to be! Lovely photo of you and your son. You're very brave - no one could ever persuade me to have a go on those swings! Have a great weekend! Sorry for late reply! zsuzsa #24

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Love your bible journaling and the crown of thorns with Jesus’ saying as salvation was bought us all.. “ for it is finished” is really beautifully done. Brave plus goignon that ride, wouldn’t catch me near it,
Happy belated WOYWW. Shaz in Oz. X

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Marit said...

Practising drawing faces... every day drawing really helps to make your skills 'grow', I know it from experience... I do love your 'random face' with the splashes around it! And to your question about my 'doll on rollerskates'.. I found that image in a magazine about art, I have a few of those mags in my stash. Thanks for your blogvisit earlier this week, have a lovely Sunday! Love from Holland, Marit #3

Kelly said...

Hi Caro! Thanks for the stop by. Love your art work. You're doing great! yeah.. Alex would not have gotten me on the sky swing. You're a grand mom :-) Creative Blessings! Kelly #30