Wednesday, 10 July 2019


Welcome back to another edition of What's on your workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW).  Don't know what I am talking about?  Check out Julia's blog as she is Queen Desker and has all the details.
My desk is very empty today as I was working from home yesterday so had to clear space for the laptop, and then went out to parents evening followed by another meeting so no time to play.  On my desk you can see the pile of project life stuff to the left - I still haven't found an appropriate storage solution for them so a pile is the way forward for now!  At the back you can see the pile of my latest ICADs - I have just about kept up so far - and to the right my trusty mug of tea (in need of a top up),  a to do list and pen, and my fit bit which needs charging and syncing. 
The only crafting that has been done this week is the index cards (ICAD) which are a wonderful mix of faith related and random cards made using collages, painting, stamping etc.  They had  to be quick ones this week as I have been so busy so each one has taken 10 minutes or less.
Alex has been creative this week - making box armour was his project of the week!
My main news of the week is that I have had my induction sessions to the School of Ministry here in Sheffield where I am doing a year long Foundation course to explore potential future roles in the church. There is one more induction evening next week before course starts in earnest in September and is evenings and weekends. At the present time becoming a Reader in the church of England is the plan, but God may have other ideas in mind - we will see what happens over the coming year. I am very excited and slightly nervous as studying theology is very different to science so prayers for this new adventure would be gratefully received.
That is all from me for now. I hope you all have a lovely week.
With love & God Bless,


Catriona said...

What a tidy desk! Exciting news about your plans to become a Reader or perhaps even more. I studied for my BEd degree part time while teaching full time. My daughter was 9 when I started and 12 when I finished.My DH often worked away so it was my greatest juggling act ever. So worth all the all night study sessions when they came to see me capped. Daughter followed suit at the same University 14 years later watched by a proud Mum and Dad.

Shoshi said...

How exciting, the beginning of your ministry training, Caro! I pray that the Lord will guide you into all His right paths and use you as a real blessing! Your cards are so gorgeous and so colourful too. As for Alex's project, well, that has to be the most amazing suit of armour I've ever seen!!! It's absolutely brilliant!

Happy WOYWW and God bless,
Shoshi x #9

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I think those quick cards are a brilliant thing to do because you just have to get on with them, no thinking of grand ideas or anything. Congrats on the step you've taken to further studying, I really admire you for doing this, when it's out of your comfort zone.
Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

Glenda said...

I enjoyed your post but the only thing that really stuck was Alex! Just look how creative that boy has been!
Glenda #16

Annie said...

It's coffee time here so I've time to call in on my fav blogs and those who started early and have already visited me.
I love the cards you've made Caro and wish you all the very best in your new life challenges.
Annie x #13

Marit said...

I really love the 'wild' bottom ICAD cards, gorgeous! Your son looks pretty frighting in that armour, although I can see it's made from boxes, it looks scary and real. Good luck with the study, it sounds like a difficult but special 'land' you are diving into! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #18

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Caro, loving the ICADS, they are fab to see every week. Good luck with wherever your journey takes you. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

Belinda said...

Hi Caro! I am so late. First of all thank you for the visit and comment on my blog last week. Summer with my boys seems to engulf me. I haven't even written a post for this week but I wanted to peek at others and stop by the ones that visited me last week.
I had to clear my desk yesterday for some work and so I had nothing to show. Yours looks good. You might find good storage ideas for you Project Life supplies on Pinterest. I haven't done that in a long while but I have a rolling cart filled with all the goodies. Unfortunately they are stuffed in my messy craft closet so I dare not touch them just yet. Have a blessed day and I wish you well on your pursuits.

Sue said...

Hi Caro, I love your index cards. hope you have time for more crafting soon.

Good luck with your course.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #10

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Caro, ooh that is really exciting for you. :) and I love the armor he made how creative is that :) ~Stacy #23

Helen said...

you've done way more than me (as you've already seen, thanks for stopping by) with the ICADS you got completed. MUST get back into the habit of doing something other than just lounge on the sofa in the evenings!! Hope you enjoy your foundation course, it sounds very exciting. Helen #2

StampinCarol said...

Such a tidy desk! Looks like it's waiting for you! LOL!
Great index cards!
Fun armour! I see you get stuff from Amazon, too!
And blessings for your future plans!
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #22

Neet said...

Wow, how are you going to fit all this studying in with your already busy life? Hope you manage to do it. I am sure you will, well done on being accepted into the study at the School of Ministry in Sheffield. The closest I got to being a Reader in Church was reading the lesson each month when it was my Guides Company Parade to the Church. Our Church was built acoustically to work with a female voice which is why I became a regular. Secretly I used to love doing it.
Lovely ICAD's as always, you seem to have them firmly under your belt so to speak as some of them would definitely have taken me an hour or so, or maybe even longer.
Congrats to your son on his armour - what a fabulous job he has made of it.
Hugs and Blessings,
Neet 5 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Nice tidy desk Caro but you don't need to worry because I know you will enjoy ever moment. Great suit of armour Alex made and loving the weapon too. Nice the card collection. Have a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x14x

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Fabulous ICADS, what fun creations, I could do with some fast creativity right now. Wishing you all the best with your chosen course Caro, you will know in your heart which way to turn, just enjoy the journey until then.
Happy WoywW blessing Tracey #8

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh what fun Alex has found ! Again I love your index cards, such a colorful variety. Good luck with your new adventure. I am not a studying person, but I am thankful there are people who do. Enjoy a lovely week

Diana Taylor said...

I'm loving your ICAD's and good for you keeping up with the challenge despite so many other things going on in your life. I particularly love the style of the bottom two, the bird in the cirle and the face - I love that style, and I'd frame the bird and put it on the wall!
Good luck with your future plans, it sounds a very interesting direction to be taking.
Happy WOYWW and sorry I'm a little late,
Hugs, Diana x #19

Sarah Brennan said...

Love the variety of ICADs Caro and Alex's armour is very striking. Hope the end of term brings a little more time. Prayers and best wishes for your studies. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Lindart said...

I love Alex's armour! So creative (he must have inherited it from you!) Well done for keeping up with the i-cads - what will you do with them when you are done? The Universe often has paths for us that we don't know about, just "go with the flow" and enjoy the ride! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #24

Shoshi said...

Hi Caro, thanks for visiting - two of your comments made it through! Glad you enjoyed seeing the yummy food! Wish I could share it with you.

God bless and hugs,
Shoshi x #9

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm late visiting, but I have three youngsters visiting who are taking all my time. I had to stop by to see your ICADs. I can't believe yours only took 10 minutes or so. I can't even get started in 10 minutes, much less complete one. All are incredible again this week.

Not sure what branch of science you are in, but I know you will find a way to integrate your new chosen path with it. I'll keep you in my thoughts as you continue on your new path.

I'm posting every day, but my WOYWW posts are still on hiatus. Just couldn't pass up seeing your ICADs.

Julia Dunnit said...

Sorry I’m late!
I would think that science and theology are polar opposites on a study scale! I wish you well with the studies, I’ve no doubt you’ll enjoy and get a lot from them. Alex’s armour is amazing! I had a COSPLAYER at home for years and look back fondly at all the building painting and sewing that went on, it certainly makes them inventive! You’re doing well with the ICADs, I sometimes think a quick ten minute thing is the best way to do it, then there’s no hesitating and lots of intention!

Kathryn Frantz said...

I love Alex’s armor! Looks like something my son made at about the same age!
I received the WOYWW badge today! Thank you so much! I didn’t know how or where to contact you. Will yo please share your mailing address? I’d like to send a proper note. Hope all is well with you and yours.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

So ICAD are not an ancient plant like Cycads we have here, 😁 but an index card, there are some really beautiful, inspiring or arty Caro,
Will certainly pray very blessing on your studies, I’ve dine two years at bible college in my mid twenties, it was very beneficial to my Christian walk, it depends on teachers though so pray you’ve ones that are sound in theology, wise and good at imparting knowledge, let the word of God be your yardstick, not the words of men. When in doubt, check it out!
Happy belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #20

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

sandra de said...

Hello Caro, another late visitor and a bit thanks for liking the pug painting. Wonderful to see that God is leading you into ministry work. Well Done Alex a stunning box amour creation.
sandra de