Wednesday 28 August 2019

WOYWW 534 - hot hot hot!

I know I say it often but this week has flown by and I still havent caught up with everything, not least because it is so hot and I'm not sleeping - peri-menopausal hot sweats plus hot nighttime temperatures are a BAD combination!  Anyway, enough moaning, the reason you are here is because it is Wednesday and time for WOYWW - see Julia's blog for the details.
My desk has seen a little action but not a lot due to the aforementioned catching up after the holiday (house cleaning and tidying, washing, work etc). You can see my mug of tea, the latest 'pocket page' which is my new version of scrapbooking (sorry about the glare - the details are below), various stickers, peel offs etc, a fineliner, and some books on the right. My aunt very kindly sent me a copy of the Shack and The Hiding place - books I have been meaning to read for years, so I will be reading them hopefully.
This is the latest pocket page from my 2019 book - my brother, and the cousins and I all having fun at the fair in May. 
It has been very quiet around here as Alex has been off with church to 'Soul Survivor' in the boiling heat, 
where he has been worshipping with over 8000 other teenagers! 
He gets back today, and I have barely heard from him, but I know that he will have had a wonderful time.  I can't wait to hear all about it.
In the meantime as a relief from the heat I have been wild swimming at my local plunge pool - it is so lovely to stand under this waterfall,
but I have missed my crazy swimming companion - going solo is not the same.  That is all from me for now so have a great week everyone,
With love & God Bless


glitterandglue said...

Morning Caro. Oh my - where do I begin? Some great photos on your page - a lovely reminder of a good holiday. Three of my grandies were at soul survivor last week - I have yet to hear how they got on - but I know they will have had a tremendous time with God! You have water drops on your glasses... Does that mean you went wild swimming with them on??!!?? Wow! Ah - The Shack and The Hiding Place - Corrie ten Boom. Great book. As for The Shack - it's a love/hate thing I reckon. I loved it, couldn't put it down, felt it was anointed, and went through several boxes of tissues. Tried his second book - couldn't get on with it at all - didn't even finish it - in fact I was so appalled by it I reckon I may even have thrown it away. However, enjoy your reading. Will look forward to hearing from you how you got on with it.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3

Rita said...

Good Morning Caro. Like you the heat means quite minimal crafting after the household chores are done. Not complaining though as winter will be here soon enough. Love that you do scrap booking as my friend Elizabeth has done some beautiful scrapbooks.. I have about five and only made a start on one. Hope you have a Good Week. Hugs Rita xxx

Glenda said...

I know you are so ready for your son to come home but I know he had a wonderful time! I'm always happy to see all the photos of your swimming adventures.
Glenda #16

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Caro, I agree nightime temperatures have been the worst!I can't bear getting too hot when trying to sleep, I always find i have nightmares, weird I know. I'm sure Alex has had a great time, and is also looking forward to being able to swim again. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

Annie said...

I'm sure you will be as pleased as me to hear things are getting a little cooler this week...for sleeping at least. I love the idea of wild swimming but I'm just not brave enough any more so am happy to share your pics.
Annie x #10

Helen said...

Looks like you've had a great summer but I bet you'll be glad to see Alex. Have a great day Helen #1

Elizabeth said...

Hi Caro, it's been lovely following your summer adventures on FB and what better way to record it than in pocket pages. I had a bit of a moment thinking what it must be like to be with over 8000 teenagers - my hat goes off to the organisers! As a child I went on similar events with out church but we could be counted in the hundreds rather than thousands. I'm sure you will be very happy to see Alex back home - no doubt he'll have plenty to tell you about the experience. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #19

Lunch Lady Jan said...

We all sympathise with the flushes and night time sweats and sleep issues...sigh. Hopefully the lower temps will mean that you manage to sleep better now. The wild swimming looks amazing, I'm not surprised it's been so popular recently. Hope Alex has had a good time!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Lillianb said...

i hate the hot weather and its lovely and cool here today with some much needed rain now, Love the page with some great pictures. Sure looks like Alex had a great time


Lilian B #12

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Caro. If you need a moan you have it sweetie. I hate the hot weather it's not good for crafters. I can imagine you'll be pleased when Alex is back you must miss him lots. Wishing you a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x8x

Kathryn Frantz said...

Don’t be surprised how much Alex will have changed upon his return, and in so many ways. Speaking from experience when my son went of to church camp. (Way to many years ago!)
Hope you’ve gotten some relief from the heat.
You are amazing! So much achieved in your busy life! (I was way more efficient before I retired)

Julia Dunnit said...

Love the pocket pages, such a good way to go with loads more photos than time. My word your life is so full I wonder quite when you’ll read anything, let alone a whole book! I always think that silence is golden when your kid is away, I bet he’s had a great time too...that’s a LOT of children!! I can almost feel the cool of the water, I can totally see why you love a wild swim, or dip!

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Lovely way of keeping memories together Caro to be enjoyed by you, family and friends for many years to come.
I remember when mine were younger and they would go on residentials and retreats i'd hardly hear from any of them but they would be so excited when they got back home to share their tales.
I'm sure Alex has missed your wild swimming together just as much as you.
Happy WoywW Tracey #15

StampinCarol said...

I hope your temperatures come down. We have to have air conditioning here or at least a "swamp cooler". Our typical daytime temps are near 100*F. Your pocket page looks cool. And what a great experience for Alex!!
Thanks for popping by and have a cooler week!
Carol N #21

glitterandglue said...

Hi again Caro. I have just read your comments on my post. Thank you. I am so very thrilled for Alex - and the joy that you must know tonight - that's just great news! Re The Shack - might not be the easiest of times to read it having just recently seen family members die..., but then, it might be exactly the right time to read it...
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Caro,
The mind boggles at 8000 people all at once. :)
looks like such a pretty place to go and splash too! ~Stacy #26

Carmen said...

Can I just firstly say I adore that image in your blog header. It's gorgeous!

I love your pocket pages. I'm not a natural scrapbooker but am thinking about compiling a scrapbook for my eldest from her early years to now (she's just gone off to teach English on Vietnam! Eek!) So I think this might be the ideal thing to try. Less daunting.

I am so jealous of your wild swimming. It's melting here too and I cannot swim but I follow an artist who regularly swims in the sea and posts underwater pictures. It makes me want to learn to swim so much.

Hope you have a lovely week, Carmen x #30

Shoshi said...

Lovely photos, Caro. I am sure Alex has had a wonderful time at Soul Survivor. I loved "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom but don't have any particular wish to read "The Shack," I must admit. I've read some fairly disturbing reviews about it. Thank you for your lovely comment - I can't tell you how much I appreciate your prayers over my PIP assessment. I am dreading it, and trying not to worry but to trust the Lord to sort it all out according to His will! I'm glad you liked Phase 2 of the Eco Project - I really enjoyed making these!

God bless, and happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #20

Sarah Brennan said...

Looks like a great place to cool off in this weather Caro. Looks like Alex is having a great time! Hope you have time to get more pages done soon. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

Marit said...

I do wish I had a 'wild swimming pool' nearby... (we do have the beach, but it takes 45 minutes bicycle ride to get there and I probably would be half-dead if I tried getting there in this heath!) I know all about menopause-heat flashes... especially the nights are bad aren't they? I hope it cooled down over at your place so you can have a good night sleep (and send the lower temps overhere too will ya?!) Thanks for your visit to my blog the other day, happy - belated - woyww. Hug from Holland. Marit #14

Neet said...

Not hearing from him is surely a good sign - one that he is enjoying himself. I can imagine how much you have missed him though, you do so many great fun things together.
I too have not been sleeping well because of the humidity. Despite having a cube air con thing and an overhead fan. I think with me it is the memory foam mattress we bought recently. Hope the weather does one thing or another instead of remaining muggy, like of late. in the evening. Just keep enjoying your plunge pool and waterfall. It must be so invigorating.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Your pocket page looks like it was fun to make. I'm sure your son is being blessed and having lots of fun at "Soul Survivor." Happy belated WOYWW!

Belinda said...

Hello! We are having the wonkiest weather hear too. It felt like fall for a few days and now it's back to high 80s! Yuck. My allergies have taken over and I am have been sneezing and carrying tissue with me everywhere I go. Love pocket pages. It helps speed up the process from the paralyzing design decisions when working directly on a 12x12. Your swim spot looks great. I would love to take a dip after a long day of heat here. I hope your son had a great time. Thanks for stopping by. I am slowly making my rounds.
Belinda #23

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier.
I remember going to Soul Survivor years ago - as a leader - and what fun and moving of the Spirit! Alex will have so much to tell you.
Love the idea of a Pocket Page for the photos.
Happy belated (very!) WOYWW
Christine #17

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Agreed with you Caro on poor sleep as I’m sleeping poorly too, not your reasons but just go through patches and I love it when they end.. briefly .. love your pool I’d really love to go for a dive and swim and heaps more diving and swimming under water, looks perfect spot fir that, if clear enough with rocks. I love swimming.
Praise God for Alex’s opportunity pray it’s blessed in every way.
Happy very belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #4

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}