Wednesday 4 November 2020


 Hello and welcome back to my blog for another edition of What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday hosted by the lovely Julia.  Firstly, an apology for missing last week and failing to comment the week before.  Work went completely insane with the announcement that Sheffield was moving to Tier 3 - in the end despite everything we were told to continue with delivering blended learning - some live on-line teaching and some hybrid teaching (face-to-face for those in Sheffield, but simultaneously online for those who are not).  This is still happening with the national lockdown. I have had to meet with over 30 students individually for pastoral care as well as my usual teaching load and running two courses - it has been what you could call pretty full on, hence the lack of contact. So once again, I am sorry, but I am here now and hope to do better!

So here is my desk as it was last night after work.  I was working in my journal so stickers absolutely everywhere!

These are my latest journal pages, including the monthly one for October. 

I also got the paints out on Monday when it was too windy and wild for much else and attempted to paint me swimming in breast stroke in the rather choppy water of the lake.  This has been tucked into the back of the journal - I really cannot draw!

Despite the sadness of not being able to visit Mum at half-term, and me having to work three of the days, Alex and I made the most of our time together, with some walks between the rain, some games, a much needed hair cut, pumpkin carving and lots of laughter.

We also did another Home Tasking challenge: create a spooky creature out of things found in your kitchen. As Alex is often found in the kitchen raiding the fridge and cupboards he became the creature - a vampire bat.

For those of you who were asking, I am continuing my outdoor swimming, although it is harder to find time now that the evenings are dark, and the weather isn't as kind.  I have signed up for a challenge to try and motivate me to keep going - I have to swim at least 20 times between now and the end of March! Let's see if I manage it. 

I hope that you are all keeping well - don't forget to shout if you need anything. Take care and stay safe, and remember that you are loved.  

With love & God Bless,



Mary Anne said...

Always so inspired by my visit to your blog. Loving the journal, as ever, and the watercolour is better than you seem to imply - but then I can't draw either so... LOL!

Your pumpkin gave me a much needed smile this morning!

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)

Annie said...

I'm determined to do my rounds of my favourite blogs before I get under a pile of sewing this just didn't happen last week.
It sounds like I'm not the only busy one. Make sure you look after yourself too my friend.
Annie x #14

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Goodness, you don't’ need to apologise, I marvel at how you can fit everything in to your busy life. The lockdown must have added so much more onto your workload at Uni. I love the fact that you’re still swimming, it’s supposed to be marvellous for your system, you’re certainly looking good on it.
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

So much fun on your blog! It's great that you're still swimming and keep your teenage son occupied. Ours doesn't even want to talk to us any more - only if I catch him in the right mood! If you're on Instagram, I would recommend following my bloggy friend, Autumn. She's recently started bullet journaling and I find her posts so inspirational - even though I don't do handwriting LOL! I do love that photo with the lanterns! Happy November! zsuzsa #19

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Caro, please don't beat yourself up about visiting- we all have 'real' lives outside of Blogland, and know how quickly plans can have to change, even before Covid came along. Love the pics, it's always a joy to see Alex, he always looks to be having so much fun, such a happy child-bet he's not always the same,lol.Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

Felicia said...

Hi Caro! The challenges of your job are no doubt taxing! They are for educators here in the states as well! I commend you ALL who continue to deliver the best of education in spite of this all! Your son is so precious (although I am sure he wouldn't like that sentiment....hee hee) but the two of you always look like you enjoy life and one another! It's so important! I continue to love your outdoor photos. So beautiful! Blessings, Felicia, #28

My name is Cindy said...

Wow life seems so full on for you at the mo - what heros teachers are!! Do try and find time o keep up your swimming, I wouldn't fancy it myself but I know it means a lot to you. Alex makes a super vampire though the video made me laugh!! So good to hear you are managing to have a laugh and do some normal stuff, bless you. Stay well, stay safe, Cindyxx #16

Sarah Brennan said...

Love Alex's response to the Taskmaster challenge Caro. Your journal pages are stunning. Hope things calm down a little soon at least. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Helen said...

good luck with your swimming challenge! today's sky was certainly gorgeous! Hearing about your job makes it understandable why you need to unwind in the water! the journal pages look fab! Helen # 2

Julia Dunnit said...

You’re amazing. You don’t have to make visits and leave comments, you barely have time to breathe in! It’s lovely for us to see you here, far more important than worrying about your visiting us individually, honestly. Your work is madness, I am such a ‘one job at a time ‘ person that your flexibility and ability make me gasp and I’m sure your students totally appreciate what you do to be there for them and to continue to deliver for them. And then, the swimming! so glad you are able to keep it up, even if it’s a bit infrequent, and I love the picture you did of yourself in choppy waters....says more than intended I think! I didn’t know and am pleased to see that you swim with a float, for all sort of reasons it’s very reassuring!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

So good to see you both having fun despite everything. It's so important for you to take time out from your busy days. Stay safe my friend and have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x18x

Spyder said...

Hi Carlo! Long time no blog! But I think I'm sort of halfway back, well hope I am anyway. Your journals are as great as they always were! How you find time to do everything, I don't know, you must have a Time Turner! Love the owls.
Look after yourself this Lockdown. Stay safe, Happy WOYWW
((Lyn)) #25

Susan Renshaw said...

I bet it's a cold swim, now!
Love all you photos of the week's activities and am inspired by your journal!
Your swimming picture is fun - look at the waves!!
Keep safe and stay well...
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #23
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Your lust for life during these trying times is a burst of sunshine Caro.. You always look in you element when close to the water. I saw the tasks where back up and running and thought of Alex straight away, such fun makes me wish my 2 where still young again.... hmmmm maybe not hee hee!!
Happy creative WoywW Tracey #10 xx

Lillianb said...

How you fit everything in is amazing, I have trouble doing that and have not got to work you draw better than me so well done, How you swim in the cold is marvellous, well done,

Take care and stay safe

Lilian B # 9

Chrissie said...

I must admit to being in awe when I read your posts... how teachers are managing in these incredibly difficult times is amazing... hats off to you all... nothing was ever as difficult in my day!
Blogging, working,swimming, drawing.. the list goes on..well done Caro!
Take care and stay safe!
Chrissie #12

Heather M said...

Hi Caro, I think you must have more than 24 hours in each day - teaching, swimming, journalling, blogging and quality time with Alex. When do you sleep? Good luck with the swimming challenge - it's always good to challenge oneself. No need to comment on blogs if you run out of time - it's great for us to see what you have been up to. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #8

Neet said...

I think you will complete your challenge easily and probably before the year is out.
Sorry you are so mega busy but glad that you and your son got to spend some happy hours together having fun - that looks an awfully big pumpkin to carve.
Blessings, Neet 5 xx

Shoshi said...

It sounds as if you've been mega-busy, Caro - things certainly aren't easy at present! It is so good that you can spend quality time with Alex and have some fun, despite the difficulties. I am amazed that you are still swimming - the water must be absolutely freezing! We went to Dawlish a couple of years ago in January and there were people swimming in the sea! I'm definitely a stay by the fire with a kitty on my lap sort of gal. I love the drawing of you swimming and I think it should be rescued from being tucked into the back of the journal and given pride of place! You've captured it really well and I love how the choppy water covers you.

Happy belated WOYWW, have a great week and God bless,
Shoshi x #17

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

I'm impressed Caro... love the swimming lanterns... hope pray you can keep to the challenge.. I couldn't. I don't do cold water it affects my breathing.. but think with all the other balls you've in the air you're doing amazingly well. God is good. Great at how well you get on with Alex too. What fun!! Love your paintng of you swimming, very good. It should have a page in your journal.
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Crafting With Jack said...

You plate is stacked high at the moment! Please don’t worry about not participating, I am sure everyone would say the same. Since we are both retired, my husband and I do not feel the pressure as much as those working. You said before that river swimming helped you maintain your mental Heath, so even though the thought makes me shiver keep on swimming.. May Gods give you strength for all your tasks, blessings Angela #20 Sorry I am so late this week.

Shoshi said...

Hi Caro and thanks for your visit. Never be concerned on my account about visiting late - any time during the week is fine by me - I love getting comments on a daily basis rather than all at once, and I'm notorious for commenting after the event! There are far too many to do in one sitting so I tend to spread them through the week. So glad you like Tiny Carpet #6 - I'm making pretty good progress with it and hope to have considerably more done by Wednesday but I've got several other things planned that have to be fitted in. I'm glad you liked this week's fashion shoot, too! I'm really pleased with the new tunic top.

Shoshi x #17