Wednesday 27 January 2021


 Hello and Welcome back to my blog for another edition of What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday, hosted as ever by the lovely Julia.

This is my desk, looking fairly neat and tidy at the end of the day on Tuesday - you can see my nearly empty tea mug, and my various journals as I fill them in at the end of the day.

This week I have endeavoured to get my diary style journal (a Hobonichi weeks) up to date so here are the most recent pages.

I have also finished the journal page I started last week - I can't draw faces so didn't even bother trying! The stamped words are from a Dina Wakley set as are the little fish which are deliberately pale to make them look like they are under the water...not sure how well you can see them in this photo.

Alex took these photos of me at the weekend... they are of the moment I submerged my whole body (except my head) in the cold water - a sharp intake of breath accompanied by an exhalation of 'hoooooo', and then the broad grin a moment later as the joy kicked in.  The cold prickling against my skin  can be a little uncomfortable but it makes me feel alive. This swim was about 2.6 degrees, but the air temp was -3!

So Alex and I had a good walk in the to warm me up after the swim.  I am enjoying the time we spend together, he has a wicked sense of humour and I am proud of the young man he is becoming. 

I will leave you with this photo of snowdrops in our local park - a sign of hope that Spring is on the way despite it still being freezing.  There are increasing signs that we will eventually emerge from lockdowns and restrictions, but we have to be patient a bit longer and stay positive where possible.  If there is anything I can do to help anyone, do let me know. In the meantime, please know that you are all in my prayers. Take care and stay safe,

With love & God Bless,



Neet said...

Oh Caro, I wish I could write a daily journal like you do. I just journal art(ily) for pleasure and need to branch out into a different style of journaling.
Love the depiction of you in the water but where is that lovely turquoise hat. Guess it would get lost against the water. I almost asked another question about your swimming but will leave it for another time. Keep going, it is doing you so much good - you look radiant!
Blessings, Neet 9 xx

Mary Anne said...

Ooooh. I love the completion of your page from last week. It's just a lovely style. I missed out commenting then so happy to see it done NOW. And your snowdrops give me hope for better times to come, just as your photo of you and your son make me miss mine al the more. He looks a charmer!

Happy WOYWW - NOT at the hospital today but with a thumping headache yet determined to WOYWW nonetheless! Best day of my week…
Mary Anne (2)

Lisa-Jane said...

Hi hi! I did wonder if you were still swimming - I applaud you! I love your journals - what sort of printer do you use for the little photos? I have a tiny printer that I've not actually put to work yet... Gorgeous art work too - I don't 'do' faces either ;-) Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #10

Annie said...

I really am enjoying your swims....from a distance :-) Your face really says it all...fab.
Annie x #12

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I do admire you for completing a daily journal, it must help in all sorts of ways and will be a great thing to look back on too, especially during this past crazy year. I also admire you for continuing with the cold water swimming, I’ve read so much about it and you’re looking amazing on it!
Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

Sarah Brennan said...

Loving the new journal Caro and the way you finished off the page is fab. Alex certainly seems a most mature and cheerful young man. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

My name is Cindy said...

Bless your smiling face in that water! (I think you are nuts by the way). Love the swimming journal page, the colours are gorgeous. Yes every sign of Spring is going to resonate more than usual this year - hope that things will improve very soon. You are cracking those scrap pages! Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, Cindyxx #8

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Caro!
I admire your dedication, to your swimming and too your journaling! Very inspiring!

I love the snowdrops! I don’t think they grow here. I’ve not seen them when camping in nature. I could check at the local nursery. They are a beautiful glimmer of hope and promise of spring.

Stay well. Are you in lockdown? Teaching?

Happy Wednesday!

Kathryn #35

Felicia said...

Caro, LOVE your day to day journaling!! Anyone who can keep up that daily is a winner in my book! Plus your added photos will pull this all together for great memories for you and your son in years to come! Love your painty spread as well! I don't do faces either, so anytime I have incorporated a person in my crafting, I always do the face just like yours! I've never had a desire to paint people or animals, it seems so complex to me. I'll stick with flowers and nature! Love your spread though, too cute! Stay WARM and safe and blessings to you! Felicia #28

Helen said...

that journal page with you swimming inthe waves is perfect - told you you needed to add a swimmer! I couldn't believe it the other day when I saw you'd been swimming, but glad you enjoyed it, and the warming walk afterwards. Great to see snowdrops too - as you say, spring is on the way! Helen #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

My dear Caro you help us all the time with your great photos and your lovely son too. It's been a bit hard here with mum this week but think she's getting there. It's nothing too serious but when you're 92 even small things look massive. It's so good to be able to escape for a while and you help with that. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x18x

Karen said...

Hooray for signs of Spring! Your journals are wonderful and I like how your picture has you with the hat on in the painting and in real life! Wonderful adventures ~ Enjoy the week! Love, Karen#32

Lillianb said...

Thank you for your visit to my blog,

More great journals, and love the painting, you in the water made me feel coold again lol.

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #16

BJ said...

Dead impressed with your journal writing, I've done the odd year now and again but I guess my scrapbooking is my journal of the day to day (ish) Son's are very special aren't they, had mine home nearly a year now after his days at uni were over. Love your journal page just you. Thanks for the visit BJ#11

Heather M said...

Hi Caro, the journals are looking great, I love the swimming layout. I can't imagine swimming in such cold temperatures! No wonder there was a sharp intake of breath! Alex looks so much like you in that last photo - yes, he is growing into a fine young man, and a great photographer! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #21

Shoshi said...

What a lovely post, Caro. Your journal is going well, I can see. The page with the swimming picture is absolutely stunning - and yes, I can see the little fish just fine! I love the snowy landscape behind and the beautiful sky too. Your swimming pictures made me laugh this week - I think that's the first time I've ever seen anyone swimming wearing a beanie! Lol! Ahh, snowdrops... I adore them. The first promise of spring. I haven't seen any yet.

Thank you for your visit, and I'm glad you like my latest square. I've decided to make several more, even if they do take a long time to make. Part of the problem is that I keep going wrong and have to undo it. As for the kitties finding their comfort zones, I laughed at my hubby today, bringing in a hard chair from the other room to sit on for lunch because he hadn't the hear to disturb them in his armchair!

Happy belated WOYWW and God bless,
Shoshi x #24

Crafting With Jack said...

Your journals are looking great and so are you in that freezing cold water. Your painting is lovely and it really feels like your body and fish are indeed under the water. Have a great week Angela #15

Lindart said...

HI Caro! I'm glad you found your passion, you really seem to enjoy it! I love your journal page, really well done! Snowdrops? Not here! Maybe not even until the end of March! Enjoy them! Thanks for your visit, have a great day and stay safe! Lindart #34

Spyder said...

I love the swimmimg painting, no matter about the face, not needed, perfect as it is! And all that journaling at the end of the day! You are very deicated! Love the blue hat, the one you are wearing in that freeeezing water! Stay safe, stay WArm too! Happy Late WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #16

Kyla said...

ooh I am SO missing wild swimming, not been once in 2020, probably the first year I haven't since I was about 8 years old :-(

LOVE your painting and the idea of not painting the face really does work, why haven't I thought of that before, genius.

Thanks for visiting my desk already


Morti said...

Putting in a very late appearance this week, but wanted to stop by and say "Hi, thanks for visiting!"

Your journal looks fab, and the fish do indeed look under water.... mission accomplished!

Morti #20