Wednesday 12 January 2022


 Hello and welcome back to my blog for another edition of What's on Your Workdesk (WOYWW).  Firstly a massive apology for failing to comment on many people's blogs last week - life just got completely in the way... I ended up having to re-write my sermon a few times before I felt it was saying what I should!  It went well in the end so was worth all the prep and re-writes. I hope you are all keeping well and I look forward to visiting everyone this week.

Here is my desk as it was at 8.20am this morning (the crafting stuff is now away and I am starting to work at the same desk - it feels a bit like deja-vu). On here you can see my journals and my tea, and a box of washi stickers... my go to stickers for my bullet journal.

I have had a little time for crafting this week so spent the little time I had setting up my new diary journal with the summary of last year and goals for the coming year. These are simple bullet journal style spreads with just pen and washi tape, but I like to have them at the back of my journal as a reminder. 

Some of you may have seen on Facebook, but Alex and I spent a happy afternoon at Chatsworth last weekend looking at the Christmas lights. It was beautiful and special to spend some quality time with him.

And yes, I have been swimming - this is known as the Mangroves and was a new to me swimming venue. I just love the reflections of the trees in the water and the wonderful archway of branches you go through to get to open water. It really is a refresh and re-set for me. That is all from me for now...I have to get on with some editing.  Do take care of yourselves and stay safe. 

With love & God Bless,




Mary Anne said...

Your journal is, as ever, an inspiration. The lights are stunning and so wonderful to spend time with your darling son. I wish mine were closer. And you know how the swimming photos make me shiver so no futher comment needed LOL!

Stay Safe & Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Annie said...

I really love all the photos you’ve shared today.
Annie x #9

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Good to spend some time doing things that are good for your soul! Chatsworth looked beautiful, I do love Christmas lights like that, they did a lights trail in our local forest which was a huge success. The journals are such a great idea, I admire your organisation as I just wing my way through life.
HUgs LLJ 3 xx

Catriona said...

Love the photos of Chatsworth and the swimming venue. Guess you are back to teaching online-my daughter is too. Happy crafting when you bet a moment to yourself x

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous photographs of your trip out with Alex and your new swimming area. Do you have to travel far to do your swimming? It must be difficult to find good areas. Happy WOYWW Angela#4

glitterandglue said...

Afternoon Caro. Glad the sermon went so well - I led worship last Sunday and the plans went through several re-incarnations!!! However, God came among us - so that was the main thing!
Chatsworth looks great. Haven't been for a number of years, but enjoy it when I get there. the lights look amazing. I have o say, that, beautiful though the water looks... it does look incredibly cold!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #8

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Caro, no idea what I've been doing today the time has just gone. Pleased you enjoyed some swimming but pleased it's not compulsory! Looks like a great day out at Chatsworth, we usually go to the Game show but they cancelled it last year so hopeful it might take place this time. Happy woyww, Angela x13x

Helen said...

I really enjoyed the Chatsworth photos - it's somewhere I'd love to go, but would have to be a coach trip as I have no car - and I don't fancy that much right now! Hope you manage to juggle your work and craft spaces again! I love that you are still enjoying your cold water swimming too. Helen #6

Diana Taylor said...

I really loved seeing you photos of the lights at Chatsworth - so magical and spectacular. Thank you for your visit to mine - I laughed when you said Tim still had his university notes - until yesterday I had everything I had ever done educationally from primary school through to PGCE!! Just left with about 10% of it now - it feels good!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #15

StampinCarol said...

Great journaling! Love all your photos!
Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
Carol N #19

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Caro, thanks for the earlier visit. Yep, life sure does a habit of getting in the way - and especially on Wednesdays I find!! Good to hear your sermon went well. The photos at Chatsworth are gorgeous - especially like the one of you and Alex. I love seeing your swimming photos - always such utter happiness!! Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx #17

BJ said...

Just have to say your Alex is adorable. They grow up so fast, mine is 23 now just started his new job this week (working at home still though) he'll be moving away when they (plus 2 uni mates) find a house in Cambridge though. BJ#11

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad you have had some crafty time this week and that the sermon went down well Caro. Loving the journal and the lights at CHatsworth are fabulous. Enjoy the swimming! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

Twiglet said...

Chatsworth looks fab Caro - I haven't been for years but always loved it. xx Jo

Anne said...

Hello Caro. Beautiful photos. Alex looking so grown up now like all my grandchildren. It is not the fear of the cold re the swimming it's where you swim that would frighten me.
Thank you for your kind words re Auntie and prayers. I pray for her. I am sad re the situation but not my doing 😕
Take care. Anne x 1

Christine said...

Chats worth!! My mother so loved that place. I did manage to go once but due to a bit of a daft driver, we only had time to eat our packed lunch!!
What a great experience the lights just have been, thanks for sharing.
I'm not mentioning the swimming..... Brrrrr
Take care
Christine #18

Julia Dunnit said...

Glad about the success of the sermon, I guess the more you do the more easily they’ll come out of your head onto the page to say what you intend. It’s like making a card isn’t it…that final ‘thing’ that I you can see in your head just won’t travel down your arm to the paper in front of you! With all you manage to do, I’m impressed that you still set goals, and I hope the year ahead is just what it ought to be for you.