Tuesday 26 March 2013

A snowy WOYWW!

Well here we are again...we still have 8 or more inches of snow in our back garden. This is how Alex and I went to church for the Palm Sunday service, and how I have been taking him to school this week. Although we had a great street snowball fight on Saturday with 3 other families, we will all be pleased when spring finally arrives.
As is normal on a Tuesday morning, my desk was taken over by Alex who decided to make a decorated hovercraft!  I was not allowed to help and by the time he had finished, it really did look as though the circle was floating.  I was most impressed!
For WOYWW this is my desk as it was late Tuesday afternoon...in the midst of a gelli plate printing session (it is very dull and tidy now as I am at work). My trusty mug is tucked out of the way, my laptop has been buried in paint covered paper, and there is a pack of baby wipes all ready for the clean up operation.
This is the page from my Faith Smashbook that I made with the gelli plate printed pattern shown in the photo above.  I stamped all over it using distress inks, Hero Arts, Lavinia, IndigoBlu and Crafty Individuals stamps and I masked the rays radiating out from the cross and coloured them with orange distress ink.  The cross itself was made using Microsoft Word and contains an Easter quote from the Bible (John 11:25-26). I am entering this page into Kaboodle Doodles 'Easter', SSSS 'inspirational quote', CTT 'Easter parade' (as well as the cross there are two little rabbits), Fussy & Fancy 'spring days' (colours, rabbits) and Speedy the Fox 'Easter and/or Bunnies'.
I have also made another page in my general Smashbook as Alex got 'Highly Commended' in his street dance exam and it needed recording for posterity...we were all amazed and very proud of him...pretty good going for a little boy that has concentration and co-ordination difficulties. That is all from me for now.  Have a great week everyone.


Dan said...

Great page, you've really used the Gelli plate to great effect! Thanks for joining us for this week's Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge!

Annie said...

I'm having a whiz around a few desks while my twinnies have their morning nap :-)It may depend how long they go down for as to how many I get to see this morning. :-)
I love seeing your little crafter at work.
Annie x #44

Lucy said...

You are lucky to have so much snow! Congratulations to Alex for his commendation! You must be so proud! The Faith smashbook page looks lovely and bright - a lovely mix of colours. Have a great week and thanks for sharing! Lucy #37 x

Neet said...

I saw no point in getting a Gelli plate but seeing what you have done is making me change my mind. Oh dear, more spending.
Love the sled mode of travel - bet your son loves it too.
Thanks for visiting me - Happy Easter and Happy WOYWW - Hugs, Neet xx 1

Heathers Inspiration said...

Congratulations to Alex :0)
that's a Great achievement to be proud of.
Gorgeous creativity this week
Wishing you all a Happy Easter.
WOYWW heather #86

Eliza said...

Hi Caro,

Happy Easter to you and your family all the best. Love the gelli plate page, isn't the plate just awesome to play with? Love the hovercraft creation in the making too, he is one really sweet man, you really a blessed to have such beautiful children.

I so want some snow, I love sunshine and warmth but it would also be nice to have snow, we have to travel so far to get to the snow and only during winter and thats not fun. It would be hard having to do the mundane daily activites like work and school around snow, gosh I can only imagine. Happy Easter I hope it warms up for you, Im sending you hugs and sunshine.


Pat said...

Always great pics of your boys. Thanks for joining Speedy Fox and Friends.

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw Caro, what a great achievement for Alex - notable and worthy glee in his little face! Youand the gelli plate too huh, I seem to be very very behind with new stuff...your faith book page looks really fab.

ria gall said...

your pages look great as they always do. I can't believe how much snow you still have, wow
Wishing you a very Happy Easter and a great day today

Anne said...

Alex is certainly having fun being pulled to church. We too have had more of the 'white stuff' I just hope my family can get down here from Holmfirth for the Easter weekend. I love the way you have done your 'Easter page'- beautiful. I wish you and your family a very Happy and Peaceful Easter. God Bless. Anne x #84

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I am not surprised that Alex did so well in his exam. All the crafting he does is bound to make a big difference to his coordination and concentration. Success in one area almost always transfers to others, bringing increased confidence. Well done to him and to you for all the encouragement you have given him. Thank you for your visit. Sadly, our nearest shop is the local Sainsbury's, which we have to pass to go anywhere. Have a good week. xx Maggie #17

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well done Alex!! Great result in your exam :)
And look at all your snow...I'm very glad that we have missed all that although it has been exceptionally cold.
I have no idea what a Gelli plate is but your Easter page is lovely and very springlike...I live in hope that it may come soon!
Hugs, LLJ 59 xxxx

SandeeNC said...

Well Alex doesn't look like he is minding his snowy transportation at all, aren't you the cool mom? Hopefully spring will arrive soon! Thanks for visiting me today, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

Alison Scott said...

Well done to Alex for bis results.
You know I love his cheeky smiles. ;-)


jill said...

Snow fun & a fab crafting desk with fun projects being made by mother & son Well done . Happy crafting Jill #148

Helen said...

Well done Alex!! You go boy.... and I love the sled ride to school in the snow... Caro, your gelli print work is beautiful. Have a very happy Easter. Helen, 12

The House of Bears said...

We've pre ordered a gelli plate and really can't wait to get playing with it, specially after seeing all the lovely creations made from it. Wishing you a happy Easter and thanks for visiting the bears this week. Oh, and the bears are very glad that Pooh has recovered from his frightful ordeal, we couldn't sleep for worrying!!

scrappymo! said...

Well done Alex...he must be proud!

His hovercraft did look like it was coming along nicely!

Your faith book page is gorgeous.

JoelMcBride said...

Wow... great print. I like the 'role' the bunnies take part in the overall Easter message: a minor one, as it should! My youngest son's name is also Alex - and we hope to make our very first gel prints tonight!

JoelMcBride said...

Oops...I meant to sign the last comment.

Joel #147

Nan G said...

Congrats to the little man! Great page. Thanks for visiting. Happy Easter and Happy WOYWW! Nan #115

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Caro,
A great creative space today love work with your gelli plate and also the small book that cross was very clever, and great quote full of hope and promise to us through God's gift on it well printed out!
Thanks so much for for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #14

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

Beautiful card and a great achievement for Alex - fortunately our snow has just about gone now - thanks for sharing with us at Fussy and Fancy Friday xx

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

This is a beautiful page, and your son seems to have your artistic gifts. Have a blessed Easter!

Winnie and Patty said...

What a great layout! Thanks for playing along with us this week at Speedy Fox & Friends blog challenge.

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Beautiful page, and the scripture is PERFECT!!! I love the cross and I would promise it's glowing...lol! Thought provoking and beautiful! Happy Easter! Thank you for using your words with us this week here at Simon Says Stamp & Show!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Want my snow?? You seem to be enjoying it more, lol!

Such wonderful craftiness going on at your house - Bravo all around!!!

Happy Easter!

Winnie said...

Such a great page you made! Love the background and the wonderful cross. I can understand the pride, that is great news for Alex. Have a Happy Easter.