Tuesday 12 March 2013

Vomit & WOYWW!

Ok, so I know that the post title isn't very appealing, but poor Alex threw up on the classroom floor on Monday morning and spent the rest of the day on the sofa in front of the TV.  Needless to say that by Tuesday morning he was absolutely fine, but with a '48 hour' rule in place he wasn't allowed to go back to school.  He therefore spent the day bouncing on me, the sofa, his dad, and generally being his usual mad self. I am so glad that he is back to school on Wednesday morning.
It is time for WOYWW, but is this really my desk?  I have told you often enough that I HATE sewing and am totally USELESS at it, but here is my desk with material and sewing things on it!!  Why is that?  Because I stupidly volunteered/had my arm twisted to make a costume for Alex for Red Nose Day.  The children in his class are going to be dressed up as superheros and have been encouraged to create their own ideas.  Alex came up with the idea of 'Acid Man' - a hero who sprays acid on the baddies. Acid man had to have a gold cape (with red stitching) on a yellow top with red letters (AM) on it.  I have to state clearly now that even armed with tea I am NEVER, EVER going to sew gold material again!  This is definitely a labour of love and will not look brilliant at the end, but I know that Alex wont mind and will be happy with it.
Back to more normal things for me...paper, inks and paint!  I have actually taken the plunge and started an art journal in which to express myself with random things. I have no idea how this is going to work out as I am not very confident at this type of art - I'm better with cards, smash books and scrapbooking.  These first few pages use the Gellipad to generate backgrounds and layers.  I generated one layer with flower masks, then a darker layer in which I added some leaves, music and a die cut of a bird (which I left on the gelli plate to completely mask the paint). I then added some layers of paint and ink round the bird, music stamps in silver and finally added the writing in white. I am entering this into CCCB 'inspired by a song' (When Songbirds sing), and Delicious Doodles 'use a die cut'.
This next page again used my gelli plate with two different masks and the double lift technique. I then hand doodled the letters on top and wrote a few spring associated words around the flowers and leaves  (new groth, renewed hope, green, flowers, bird song, joy).  I am entering this into All sorts 'Springtime', Flourishes Timeless Tuesday 'go green' and Fussy & Fancy 'flowers'.  That is all from me for now.  Have a great rest of the week.


NanaConnie said...

Great way to use the die cuts on your journal, Caro! Love the bird and your lettering. So glad you decided to enter our "Die Cuts" challenge at Delicious Doodles this week.
NanaConnie DT

Broni said...

Wow, what super cool pages, Caro! Love them! I feel for you having a "sick (not really)" child at home! I remember those days!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Timeless Tuesday challenge!

brenda said...

A gorgeous Springtime creation Caro, thanks so much for sharing with us at Allsorts this week.

B x

Ros Crawford said...

Sorry your little one has been ill ... your journal page is lovely! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!

Heathers Inspiration said...

Even when they are poorly, they soon bounce back :)
Bet he will Love his cape and all the Imaginative adventures that will accompany dressing up x
Love your Art pages So Beautiful :)
Happy WOYWW Heather #46

tuesday afternoon said...

I love your first journal page, well done. Will pop by to see more of your pages in the future.

Helen said...

Glad Alex wasn't poorly for long! Nothing worse than that pile of sawdust on the pile - or don't they do that at schools any more!!! (probably showing my age here..) Glad you got started in a journal - looking good so far! I am sure the superhero will look great in gold! Helen, 11

Scrapcat 1 said...

Hope Alex is better now, love the look of his costume! The journal pages look very interesting. Tracy #67

Jan said...

Great WOYWW thanks for sharing xx Jan (77)

Anna said...

He's going to love it Mom...no matter how it turns out! ...and you are right, sewing gold material is NO fun at all.
Glad to hear his tummy bug was short lived!
Love the gelli plate journal pages...I really want one, but I can squeezing my pennies right now, so it will have to wait.
Anna Leisa #98

ria gall said...

your poor little boy and then poor you he does look the picture of health now bless him.
You are a super mum and he will love all the hard work you have put in to his outfit.
Loving your journal pages they look great
Ria 60

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you son is feeling better. Both you cards look great. Thanks so much for playing along with us at CCCB~

Craftnut said...

Thanks for playing along with our challenge at allsorts this week. Tracy x

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Very sweet, thanks for your lovely work and thanks for playing along with us this week at CCCB!

okienurse said...

Awesome Momma! I won't ever sew velvet anymore because of a project DD got me into! She loved her Medevil dress and still wears it at events...she had better that think cut me out of 10 years life! Love the new art journal pages. Looks like you have been doing them for a while. Sorry to hear Alex was sick. This stuff is horrible! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Vickie #1

Anonymous said...

Oh so sad when they are ill. DS once threu up in my arms as we were leaving a restaurant. Yuk. But Ion a positive note. do love your journal pages. Yummy.


MA (21)

Anonymous said...

Hi Caro,
I'm new to WOYWW but I'm making my way around all the blogs. So happy to have found yours. I really must get a gelli plate. Love that technique. Great art pages.

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Just watch out that Alex is not too generous and gives you his germs. that is what usually happens with children. Glad he is feeling so much better and I am sure he will adore that costume so "lovingly" created by his long suffering Mum. Well done. Thank you for your visit today. I am feeling a little better, especially after the postie delivered a packet of books about drawing animals and landscapes etc. Can't wait to get into them and practice. xx Maggie #9

The House of Bears said...

Art journalling is the best. We cannot draw at all but love our art journals. Thanks for visiting the bears today.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Sewing skippy fabrics like that is a complete pain, so I sympathise....but Alex will love it, come what may...so well done :)
Hugs, LLJ 36 xx

Twiglet said...

Well done on the gold cape - it is very tricky fabric to sew. Hope the little on is well now. x Jo

Unknown said...

Love the background you have created with your Gelliplate, colours are gorgeous, Good luck with the Fussy & fancy challenge xx Annie

Ann B said...

Glad Alex is on the mend, they bounce back (no pun intended) so quickly at that age. Good on you for starting a journal, love working in mine. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words, much appreciated.
Ann B

Annie said...

Hi Caro hope your son is now feeling better. I am sure he will love his super hero outfit.

Your journal pages are amazing, something I must try

Thanks for visiting earlier too


Your newest follower x

JoZart Designs said...

Alex certainly doesn't look sick in the pic and I'm amazed you didn't keep him busy crafting.
My oh My, I wish I'd been there to run up his costume for YOU! I hope to get another Merida outfit ready before I leave for Germany on Weds. Trouble is the little one in Brighton also want one so I'll have to make a 3rd one when I get home before they visit from Brighton over Easter.
Jo x

scrappymo! said...

Hopefully he is better and back at school now!
Your art journal is growing..lots of new pages. Little Miss C wants to try one but this Grandma wants to get on an even keel with my back b4 I have to learn anything new!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Caro,
Well, lovely work going on here (no not the vomit - the WOYWW- feel for the teacher too having been one - never fun)! am sure the gold will look great and love the gelli pad work, well done!
Thanks so much for popping over and for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #15

Eliza said...


Your gelli pages are brilliant and I am so pleased you shared them, hey don't underestimate yourself they are really great.

Sorry to hear about the trials and tribulations regarding Alex being home, at least he is well now and thats all that matters.


Neet said...

Great pages - keep it up - do more.
Thanks for visiting me earlier and happy WOYWW week - Hugs, Neet 16 xx

Marit said...

Although I studied to be a seamstress once (looong ago...) I too prefer paper and ink over fabric - especially the fabric you show here. I can imagine, almost 'feel' (trauma here?) how difficult this is to work with. Hope it's finished soon so you can go back to ink and pens! Happy belated woyww, Marit #79

Anne said...

Hello Caro I'm sorry to be so late visiting you. Sorry to hear about Alex - I expect he's fighting fit again by now. I too started an art journal - a first for me but have not progressed very far yet. Thanks for visiting me. Anne x

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous journaling pages!! And I'm so glad your son is better!! Thanks for sharing this week at CCCB :-)

Nan G said...

Acid Man has a super mom! Cool journal pages. a couple days late Happy WOYWW! Nan #25

Helen Pigott said...

I thought for a minute I was going to see a desk full of vomit! So glad I didnt but I would like to see the cape!
Wishing you a lovely crafty weekend.
Rum x

Laila said...

your pages are great, i love them both! The yellow, shiny one is amazing, I adore the colours you've used :)
thank you for joinig Fussy and Fancy

-Laila aka Koneko