Wednesday 2 October 2019


Another week, another Wednesday and another hop around the crafting desks of the world courtesy of Julia
Here is my desk looking relatively neat and showing some evidence of crafting! This journaling book is almost complete, and this rather busy page was made using acrylics. I put the acrylic paints away before doing the more detailed doodling with the acrylic paint pens that you can see. There are fine posca pens and some much thicker cheap pens that work nicely.  To the left of my desk you can see a colouring card that I have started which was sent to me all the way from Australia by our very own Shaz in Oz (more later). At the back of the desk is a somewhat unusual item that we found tucked into my Gran's top drawer - something called a promise box.
This is a closer image of the box...
and this is the inside of the box.  We don't know when Gran was given the box (Mum didn't even know she had it until I found it), but from the type face it appears to be from the 1940s so may have been when she officially joined the Methodist church or could have been something that Grandad gave her.  For those of you unfamiliar with these boxes the little scrolls of paper each have a Bible verse on them, something comforting, encouraging, or guiding, and the idea is that you read one each day and memorise them. You could do it personally or in a group. At a family gathering, meal time or worship time. The description says that the verses are “a careful selection of precious promises from the Word of God for Comfort, Cheer and Guidance of His own”. My Gran was a Methodist all her life, and her faith was really important to her so it was lovely to discover this aspect of her faith that I didn’t know about. From the edges of the scrolls she has clearly used it so that is really special.
Here is a close up of the journal page - just doodling for fun, but was lovely to do while it was chucking it down on Sunday and Alex was happily engaged in building a Lego castle.
This is another journal page completed using gelli plate images and then doodling in white.
Finally I have to say a massive thank you to Shaz from Oz who sent me this lovely card with these images for me to colour in - I admired the image so much on her blog that she kindly sent me some to play with. I have made a start on one of them, but only have the odd little bit of time here and there at the moment as it is the first week of teaching at Uni and I am dealing with all the new students and associated chaos! 
That is all from me for now.  Have a lovely week
With love & God Bless,


Lunch Lady Jan said...

The Prayer box made me quite emotional, thinking of your Gran using that over the years. How precious and a great reminder of her when you're missing her so much. I love the bright colouring on those doodle pages, really fab. Hope those blooming students keep you from too much crafting, lol!!
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

glitterandglue said...

Morning Caro. My mum and dad had a promise box and when my own two girls were young my dad made one for each of them. I know they still have them. I used to love pulling out the little rolled up texts when I was younger - now I have to have a full Bible - in larger print!!! - as I wouldn't see the small type face anymore. Oh dear, that's what comes with great age. Great journal pages - like starbursts. And some lovely pages from Shaz in Oz.
Take care. All the very best with the new intake. God bless.
Margaret #3

Annie said...

You sound to be very busy Caro so I'm hoping this means you're feeling much better now. I love your pages of doodling...very colourful. Your Nan's promise box is a very special find...I'm sure it will give you a lot of comfort knowing what it meant to her. I have several of my Dad's diaries that I love readying back through.
Annie x #9

Glenda said...

What a lovely idea of the box. I'm so glad you found it; will you be able to keep or will it have to be passed along? What a wonderful keepsake!
Glenda #14

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Caro I adore the sound of the promise box, i've never seen one in scrolls only in cards rather like a pack of playing cards. Could you imagine creating one yourself with family writing heart warming messages, what a keep sake that would be. Amazing the things our relatives have that we know nothing about. A beautiful find.
Stunning journal pages, paint pens and posca's always send a positive vibe with their wonderful colour way.
Thanks for sharing WoywW Hugs Tracey #5

craftyani said...

What a lovely idea the promise box is and something to treasure. Love the cards also. Have a good week. ANi #6

Helen said...

Your journal pages are fabulous. What a treasure that box is. Have a good week Helen #1

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I love your colourful doodle pages - it's similar to what I used to do before I went all grungy LOL! I saw the Promise Box on Facebook and was hoping to find out more about it - now I did! It's lovely knowing that it belonged to your gran and perhaps one day you can pass it on to Alex. Beautiful colouring pages from Shaz in Oz - how generous of her to send them all the way from Australia! Have a lovely week! zsuzsa #16

Julia Dunnit said...

I just love the idea that you have such a treasure from your gran. And that she considered so much a part of her life that she didnt even bother to talk about it! I hope it gives you years of memories, support and encouragement. Just like your Gran did! I must say your doodling is really very upmarket compared to mine. I still write my name a lot and draw a lot of close as I come to your classy pages is that some of the shapes are circular!!

StampinCarol said...

The Promise Box is amazing! What a lovely way to learn Scripture!
That is quite the bright page! Love all the little doodles. Your other page is pretty cool, too!
Great card to color!
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #21

Stacy Sheldon said...

Oooh I have never seen a promise box before, so that is very cool indeed :) I love how vibrant your journal pages are too Caro. ~Stacy #24

Neet said...

Good luck with the rest of the term at Uni.
How colourful your pages are - I love them. Everything you have made is full of joy and I hope that whilst doing them you found joy in memories of your beloved Gran.
The Memory Box takes me back a long while as I used to have one myself. Whatever became of it I do not know. In fact I cannot remember whether it was mine or belonged to my mum but I do remember using it and unfolding those little scrolls and reading the verses. Quite often they gave a lot of comfort in times of need. I know you will love and use it now that you have found it.
How kind of Shaz to send you those cards - I look forward to seeing your end results some time in the future.
We do have wheat bags, in fact we must have about five of them in different shapes and sizes. I was finding the hw bottle stayed warm longer which is why I used it. Silly me.
Blessings, Neet 2 xx

Darlene said...

WOW what a great find !
Darlene #27

My name is Cindy said...

Love the idea of the promise box - what a find! Lovely gift from Shaz too. Thanks for your visit, Happy WOYWW Cindy #17

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Never seen a box like this before but love the idea. Your journal pages are great, love the colours and the images too. Hope your week is good and a lovely creative woyww, if you have the time Lol! Angela x15x

April said...

The colors in your book are so pretty and bright. Love the box - I'd not heard of one of those before.
April #20

Fonda said...

Stopping by to say hi, fellow deskie! Happy WOYWW! Fonda #23

Sarah Brennan said...

How amazing to find something that meant so much to your gran Caro. Fab journal pages. good luck with the start of the new semester. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #4

Anne said...

Hello Caro. I am sorry to be late visiting. Thank you for popping by.
Love the box - I have a tiny book that belonged to my Grandma - it had a verse from the Bible on each page,designed so that you read an uplifting verse each day.
Love the colours on your journal page.
Anne X #19

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh dear, my thoughts are with you dear Caro, amd those new students ... after a few weeks they’ll be knocked into shape, am so glad mail is better going to UK than it was in May! My friend in US sent me a parcel in June, I’ve still not had it. It does puzzle me sometimes.
Love the journal pages and yes I’ve seen one of those promise boxes, and used them when visiting folks with them. I’ve a smaller version of cards you move around from front to back and get new one every 30 days.
Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #18

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Belinda said...

Wow Caro! I love the journal pages you created they are beautiful. I especially like the vibrant colors. I thought those were posca pens. I just started using them this year in my coloring books (mainly the white) but I really like them. Might have to grab some other colors. I like the cards from Shaz. Thanks for visiting me yesterday.
Have a blessed day my friend!
Belinda #29

Kelly said...

Good morning, Caro! Thank you for the stop by this week. I love the 'promise book'. I watch Larry's Country Diner and they always start the show with a 'promise' - a bible verse. I can see replicating this with just uplifting words of encouragement as a gift for someone struggling. Thanks for sharing! Creative Blessings! Kelly #25

Lindart said...

Hi Caro! What a lovely burst of colour from your desk today! Your other journal page is also really nice and creative! Thanks for your visit, have a great week, Lindart #27

Elizabeth said...

Love your very colourful pages, Caro, your doodles are fab. The Promise Box is a great piece of history. Even today many of us would appreciate a box full of uplifting quotes. In fact, I have a couple of books with a similar intent - I dip into them now and then and always enjoy the quote of the day. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #22