Wednesday 29 April 2020


Well here we are again, ready to share some gentle crafting fun courtesy of Julia and What's on Your Workdesk.  Sorry I am running a little late today - work and home schooling have taken over and I had too many zoom meetings last night to prep my post in advance.
This is my desk as it was on Monday evening - in the midst of doing some crafting in my journal, with everything everywhere!  The rest of the time my desk is either very neat and tidy and empty or c covered with my computer and work papers as it is where I have to set up my laptop for the on-line teaching/meetings for work.  I promise I will eventually show my recent journal pages, but I haven't managed to photograph them yet!

This week has mostly been spent trying to keep Alex on task with his school work while I work - I'm not sure how successful we have been - and making sure that we take some exercise each day.  This is more successful with alternating between a walk (minimum of 2 miles) and a cycle ride (minimum of 4.5 miles) per day.

Here are a few photos from our explorations over the past week for you to enjoy!
I'm afraid I have to keep it short and sweet today so I will just leave you with a daft picture of googly eyes on a wall - we had a fun walk sticking these everywhere and taking photos.
Finally, a thank you to all of you who watched my sermon last week and gave me such kind and encouraging feedback. Take care of yourselves and stay safe,
with love & God Bless


glitterandglue said...

Hi Caro. Just love the googly eyes. I have them all over my home - courtesy of the five grandchildren!! They even put some on my kettle - which made it look like a duck. They are great and I refuse to remove any of them! I'm sure the juggling acts are actually working well, bless you. Must pop back a week and find your sermon... I didn't get around to it.
Take care of yourselves. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #3

CraftygasheadZo said...

Love seeing the googly eyes such fun. Sounds like you're keeping busy with work and craft. Fab desk share. Take care Zoe xx 25

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I think you're doing astonishingly well keeping all those balls in the air at any one time! It's been lovely to see your evening perambulations and the googly eye faces made me hoot!
Hugs LLJ 11 xxx

Belinda said...

Caro, I think I need to move in with you because I love seeing the beautiful places you can access to walk. Love it!! Your post has really inspired me. I use an app called Collect and I take a photo a day and store it in the calendar. Seeing your journal with the mini images laid out in a calendar makes me want to do it. I am already halfway there. I use them now in my monthly scrapbook traveler's notebooks. but I think it would be fun to do a two-page calendar at a glance view. Thank you for sharing. Stay well my friend and don't forget to get my room ready!
Belinda #31

Kathryn Frantz said...

I so love your pictures! It is wonderful that you are able to get out and enjoy such beauty!

Don’t work too hard! It will wait for you..

Stay well.
Happy Wednesday!

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Hi Caro, I believe you have been brightening days with your googlie eyes, so funny for all ages hee hee!! Must be so nice to get out and about during work and homeschooling, I do not envy that job at all.. well done & keep up the grand work, we'll all be waiting to see you super pages when you've a moment to take a snap shot.. Stay safe Tracey #14 x

Helen said...

you've started something with those eyes! Hope your day was ok and Alex did ok with his schooling - it's tough having to do both like you (and so many other parents) do... Kind of glad it's just me in a way!! Helen #4 take care stay safe.

sandra de said...

Love the pics of your son out enjoying himself and expending some energy. Well done on leaving those little eyes around. I am sure they have brought many a smile to peoples faces. Stay safe and hope you can get some work done.
Sandra de @6

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh well done Caro. I don't have to worry about home schooling on top of work which makes my life a lot easier. You and Alex are doing so well. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Lovely desky share sorry I’m late... again... 😁 dear Caro, and well done, on lecturing remotely teaching through school days too.
My fiend hasn’t son Alex’s age, shes really struggling with him, wants her to do it all for him! Well done on walk, cycle ride and such. You tire me out.. love the google eyes and other pickies too.

Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these troubled times, may we look up in faith, not at the mud underneath ! Praying you’re all kept well too!
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊 #22

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Shoshi said...

Hi Caro, what a great post. You are doing absolutely splendidly - you are such a good mum! I love it that you are not only home-schooling Alex, but making sure you have quality time together, and going out into your beautiful countryside, getting exercise and just enjoying being together in God's wonderful creation! I'm not surprised you haven't had so much time for creative stuff this week! The googly eyes are so much fun - they give that funny rock such a surprised look! That's really imaginative. I think Alex will look back on this time with great affection in years to come. If only all parents would realise that it's not expensive toys and a posh neighbourhood and flashy cars that impress kids, but just time and attention.

Thank you for your comment, and you are welcome! You have no need to be nervous about your sermons. You know you are doing the Lord's work. What you say is good, and makes a lot of sense, and ultimately all that matters is that you are hearing from Him and doing His will, and what other people think is neither here nor there - they are His problem, not yours!! I've spent 35 years trying to convince my hubby the same thing! He still gets nervous about sermons, even now he's retired and isn't in overall responsibility, although he loves it too. I am so glad you liked my latest Florabunda set, and the cards too. I am currently working on the final set of Florabunda drawings and hope to have them completed by next Wednesday.

Happy belated WOYWW and God bless,
Shoshi x #10

Neet said...

I didn't know about your sermon, I must investigate if it is not too late to listen.
Caro, you do an amazing job, you are continuing with your work, being teacher to your son and as a mum keeping him occupied all the time with cycling and walks and I just love the Scouting things he gets up to. The video of him in the canoe was brilliant as was the mountain climb.
Hope you get time for yourself.
Take care and God Bless you
Neet 8 xx

Lillianb said...

Sorry for the late visit had a migraine and it wiped me out, Thank you for your visit to my blog and your kind comment, Love all your pictures,

Take care and say safe,

Lilian B # 9

Marit said...

I love the photos of you and Alex exploring nature, the idea of taking 'eyes' with you and sticking them everywhere is just awesome!! Sorry I'm late with my visit this week... it's already Saturday, wow! Enjoy your weekend! Hug from Holland, Marit #20