Wednesday 18 November 2020


 Hello and welcome to another edition of What's on your Workdesk Wednesday, courtesy of the lovely Julia.

This is my desk, taken last night, where I was trialling an idea for a Christmas card. With work the way it is, in order for me to make cards, they are going to have to be quick and simple to make.  You can see various ink pads, applicator, ruler, pen, pencil, a couple of stamps, post it notes (used to mask areas of the card) and my mug of tea.

This is the final card. What do you think?  Would it be acceptable for a Christmas card?

I have been continuing with my outdoor swimming, either in the lake or the river plunge pool (11 swims so far in November) with temperatures ranging between 8 and 9.5 degrees in the water. The difficulty now is that as it is getting dark earlier, I am struggling to find the time - when meetings allow, I sometimes swap work around and work later in the evening in order to get a swim in! 

The art form to cold water swimming appears to be getting dry and warm layers on asap afterwards, something I am getting better at.  Someone once described open water swimmers as looking like they had been dressed by toddlers who insisted on them wearing everything Michelin man style- its not pretty, but its warm!

That's all from me for now - keeping it short and sweet as I am off to Uni now to teach face-to-face. We have 20 students in a massive lecture theatre, all 2m apart from each other and we all have to wear masks - as I am slightly deaf, it does make hearing what they have to say a little challenging. Still, I am sure we will cope. 

Take care and do stay safe everyone, give me a shout if there is anything I can do to help anyone.

With love & God Bless,




Neet said...

Well, that looks to be a fancy mask.
I love the idea of your swimming and am sure that your beautiful complexion is enhanced by your doing this.
The card is perfect, I did a similar one a few years ago but mine was horizontal and in oranges and reds and I loved it. So keep going you have nailed it.
Blessings, Neet 10 xx

Spyder said...

I have a pic of me in my dog bone mask... bit scarrry, I thought I might swap it as my blog photo is a bit (years) out of date! Love the card, of course its Christmasy! and it's another idea I've seen today that I might pinch!! (Different stamp though...I have wisemen! (freebie from a mag), won't, catch me in the water anytime before the hotest day in June! Stay safe! Have a really crafty week. Good luck on the Christmas cards. Happy WOYWW?! ((Lyn)) #12

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Quick and simple - that what I would go for too! No harm in swapping your hours around if the work gets done - that's what I've been doing too and love the flexibility. I still think you're crazy for swimming in those cold waters but I can also imagine how exhilarating it must be once you get over that initial hurdle. Loving the whimsy mask - good luck with your face-to-face lectures. As long as you stay apart, you should be ok! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #20

Annie said...

I love your card. I've been making a few this week but it's taken me til this morning before I could actually say I've felt creative...I'm doing some appliqued robins with machine embroidery at the mo. :-)
Annie x #9

Helen said...

The card is perfect. I only do quick ones too . Hope teaching goes ok . Take care xx Helen #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Caro, well done for keeping up the swimming. When we go skiing to Tigne in France they do Ice diving with specially heated suits though I've never fancied being under the ice but it's very popular. We managed to get my mum a temporary hearing aid which seems to be working so I now how difficult it is if you'r a little deaf and the masks are making it even more difficult. The card is fine, it's more than acceptable. Take care and sending woyww hugs, Angela x14x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hope you and the students managed ok - it is really amazing how deaf I am when speaking to people with masks on, I have to ask them to repeat stuff quite often. The Christmas card is lovely and great for sending out, I like the clean and simple style v much!
Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

Twiglet said...

Your Christmas card is beautiful Caro - I wish I was being as successful! Good luck with your masked lectures - lol. xx Jo

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Caro!

Our aquatic center closed again due to Covid restrictions. I’m a fair weather swimmer but do miss my water aerobics!There is a river nearby but not suitable for swimming!

Glad you are staying well! The Michelin mad is quite a visual!

My husband has the same issue hearing folks wearing masks.

I do like your Christmas card!

I hope to join the Zoom meetings next month should internet cooperate.

Happy Wednesday


StampinCarol said...

Beautiful card! I love how there are different shades of blue.
Hope you can continue your swims. You are a brave soul in the cold waters!
I have no hearing issues but sadly the masks makes what the other person is saying very muffled and hard to hear.
Have a great week!
Carol N #26

Shoshi said...

Oooh brrr brrrr brrrrr Caro! You are so brave, with this freezing swimming! Love the Michelin man look though. Definitely the way to go, to get nice and toasty again afterwards! Your Christmas card is great, very stylish and simple too.

Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you enjoyed the final carpet and the various kitties! We have such happy memories of them all. I shall have to dig out the old photos and scan them, of the ones I haven't included - not many photos as they were all pre-digital.

I'm really looking forward to meeting you on Zoom, too! What fun it will be.

Happy WOYWW and God bless,
Shoshi x #19

Felicia said...

Caro, LOVE the card. The scene to be sure, as well as that yummy color! Well done! :) All I can say about your plunging activities is you are one brave soul!! Good on you cause this gal is staying in the fuzzy jammies! LOLOL Blessings for the rest of your week! :) Felicia, #32

Anne said...

Hi Caro. I think your card is perfect. I do admire you still swimming. Take care. Anne x 16

Heather M said...

Hi Caro, the card is lovely. Nothing wrong with quick and simple - the one you have made is definitely effective, so go for it lol!! Well done on keeping up the swimming - lots of layers are the way to go. My problem with masks is I struggle to breathe when wearing one, partially due to mild COPD, and partly psychological I think. I'd rather stay home and not wear a mask, but on occasion it can't be avoided. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #22

Sarah Brennan said...

Well done you on keeping up with the swimming Caro. Love the Christmas card. Good luck with the face to face teaching. We have 30 in a small classroom and little mask wearing except on the corridors! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Lillianb said...

The card is lovely and a great Christmas card, The thought of swimming in the rive made me feel cold lol and just love you mask,

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B # 15

Chrissie said...

Love your Christmas card, the inking is perfection!
I'm always in awe of your swimming!!!!!!
Take care,
Chrissie #6

Mary Anne said...

A lovely simple striking card, and what else is ther to say but Brrrrrrrr?

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)

Crafting With Jack said...

I think it’s a great Christmas card. I keep meaning to try that technique of the ink down the middle. Glad you are managing to have some swimming. They showed two women on the TV tonight swimming in a river and they were towing what I think was a float behind them? Have a great week Angela #33

Julia Dunnit said...

I think it’s laudable that you’re finding time to make any Christmas cards! And yes, I think your sample card is lovely, did you do the stars afterwards with a white pen or is it resist? The swimming is amazing, I bet that feeling of layers and warming up afterwards is wonderful.

Ellie said...

Beautiful xmas cards, very effective with the inking and masking. Oh my, thats freezing cold water, my goodness.
Hope the lectures go well.
Ellie ~8

Lindart said...

I think the card is beautiful, definitely a Christmas Card! I don't know how you can keep up that swimming! I'm cold just looking at you! Sorry I'm so late! My computer was acting up, today she seems to be OK. Stay Safe, Lindart #29

Susan Renshaw said...

Good luck to you in that cold water swimming. No wonder you have to drag on many layers afterwards!
Think your card design is brilliant - similar to some I have made!!
Sorry I am late again...
Happy WOYWW!
Susan Renshaw #23
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