Wednesday 15 December 2021


 Hello and welcome back to my blog for another edition of What's on Your workdesk Wednesday, hosted by the lovely Julia.  I'm sorry I was missing last week, but life caught up with me and there was simply no time for blogging or crafting.

This is my desk this morning before tidying it for work.  I am working partly at home and partly in the medical school and today is a working from home day.  I have my trusty mug of tea and am now putting away all the other bits and pieces to allow me to have space to work properly. 

There has been no crafting this week, but I have kept my bullet journal going with a pop of colour and stickers at the end of each day giving me my little crafting fix.  These are the latest two days.

The real excitement has been the progress made on the kitchen... all the units are in, we just need the drawers to be built in the tower unit, and the worktops to be sealed (the oven in the middle of the floor is our old oven on casters which can be plugged in - it is how I have cooked for the past three weeks!).  The electrician is due to this afternoon to start the second fit electrics.  Fingers crossed we may have a working kitchen by the end of the week if it all goes according to plan. It has been 7 months since we knocked the wall down so has been a long drawn out process. Paint and flooring still needed but just having it working and being able to put things away in cupboards and put up our table again will be truly wonderful.

I couldn't leave without telling you about swimming - the weather, work and the house have prevented me from doing as much as I would like but I have managed a few dusk swims which have helped to keep me sane.

And finally, our lovely Julia, not wanting me to miss out on decorating for Christmas due to the chaos at home, very kindly sent me this gorgeous little tree which came with all its trimmings and is small enough for me to move around as needs be.  So kind and such a blessing.

Take care and stay safe,

With love & God Bless,


P.S. I thought this picture of Alex dressed up as John the Baptist for our church service recently would make you smile!  He certainly made the congregation laugh - the poor boy gets roped in a lot when I lead services... he doesn't seem to mind though.


Lunch Lady Jan said...

I reckon Alex is a ringer for Hagrid as well! Your kitchen is looking fab, it’s going to be so amazing when you’re back in there properly. The little tree is really lovely and such a kind thought too.
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

Twiglet said...

I love that pic of Alex - what a treasure he is. I'm so glad your kitchen is progressing well at last - fingers crossed it will be "working" for you soon. xx Jo

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hope you get your kitchen finished in time for Christmas! It must be so hard cooking like that. How lovely of Julia to send you a mini tree - Alex makes a rather baby faced John the Baptist, but such a good sport for doing this! Love your bullet journalling - I can imagine that even just using stickers can give you a quick fix to satisfy your creative urges! And it's useful too, to keep track of your schedule. Happy #654! xx zsuzsa #17

Helen said...

I saw the tree on FB but have to say again, what a gorgeous and generous present to send you! Alex looks good in beard and furry stuff! Your kitchen is looking so good - I bet you can't wait for it all to be finished. well done for keeping up your bullet journal. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Annie said...

It’s been such a busy day for me (it started at 8 am with my first of many customers). I’ve been head down sewing all day but have stopped to eat and blog now.
Your kitchen really is looking will soon come together now I’m sure.
Annie x #9

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Caro, don't ask where I've been but I've only just got round to opening the laptop. Your poor son has so much to put up with Lol! The kitchen is looking great, hope it's all ready for Christmas. Love the tree too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x

Diana Taylor said...

Your kitchen is looking fabulous already - it's going to be great when you get it finished, it must feel a bit like camping at the moment. What a lovely gesture from Julia - it's so crazy when building work is going on and that is just a perfect solution. Love the picture of Alex and laughed when LLJ suggested Hagrid.
Hope you have a lovely week,
Diana xx #12

Elizabeth said...

Oh, wow! Alex looks amazing and he could be the next Hagrid for sure. Your kitchen is certainly shaping up very nicely - it does look near completion. There's nothing worse than all the disruption, but for seven months!!! The little Christmas tree is lovely and a very kind thought too. Have a good week. Elizabeth x #18

Crafting With Jack said...

Alex has a wonderful nature joining in the plays for you. You will be so glad when your kitchen is finally done and just in time for Christopher x Angela #11

Mary Anne said...

Oh Alex looks great! So does the kitchen. We had ours done the Summer before the Covid hit and thank goodness. It changed life for all of us. The old kitchen was super depressing and dark and now, like yours, all light and bright and cheery, even in the dark days of winter. And PS and old acquaintance is also a cold water swimmer - just found out her group is all ladies and called the Blue Tits! Mademe smile.
Late AGAIN, but Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Caro, I love the photo of Alex. I thought of Hagrid as well. You journal decor is very pretty. How kind of Julia to send you a Christmas tree! I hope your kitchen is finished soon.
Take care, stay safe and have a good week
Lynnecrafts 3