Yes, it is the end of the week and I still haven’t recovered from going to London…it was only a day trip and I wasn’t up any earlier than normal, but it still has left me totally wiped out. Work has been going OK, although due to tiredness I have found it hard to concentrate…I even fell asleep at my desk yesterday (Oops!). I am currently working on a manuscript which we hope to get published this year. The first draft of the manuscript is written, but the discussion needs a lot of work and it has been hard going. Apart from that my talk for next week on ‘Concepts of Cancer’ is complete…found lots of pretty pictures from the web to liven it up a bit so hopefully I can keep the students interested.

On the home front life has been pretty good…Alex is eating again so must be feeling a little better, and he has been great fun to play with. I just wish he would sleep…he was awake at 3.30 this morning (Aargh!). The range of sounds and noises he makes has gone up and he is definitely developing his own sense of humour and methods of inventive play. One of the latest games that he finds amusing is to put a book on the floor, put his hands on the book and then crawl while sliding the book across the floor into the wall to make a loud banging noise! The range of cuddly games has also gone up which is very cute and I get lots of very wet open mouthed sloppy kisses (with the occasional, not quite so nice lick!).

My time for crafting has been slightly limited, although I have managed to complete the digital scrapbook layout for my Mum. In the end I have decided to get it printed at 6x6 size and turn it into a card and then if she likes it we can print it out bigger for her. The photos are all representative of different aspects of her life, the central one is one of the most recent ones of her and the others are of her as daughter (with her Mother, Father and brother), wife (her wedding photo), Mother (with Dad, Me and Andy outside Buckingham palace) and Grandma (with Alex and Daniel). The daffodils surrounding the central photo are taken from some of her own photos and are representative of how much daffodils feature in her life (she grows them and lectures on them). I hope she likes it.

Finally I have managed to make some ATCs for the Alphabet swap…we are not too far from the end of this now and I have found the inspiration a little slow in coming. S is for shoes used a background image from the web, a shiny letter S and a 3D sticker freebie from one of the magazines. T is for train reflects my love of steam trains…I replicated the photo in the background and printed it in greyscale on parchment coloured paper to give it a vintage feel and then cut the letter T out of some old train tickets andmounted the image of the train on foam squares. Finally U is for Underwater used my alcohol inks (Denim and stream) to generate the watery background, a piece of blue watery patterned paper for the letter and a hologram sticker of a dolphin underwater for the centre. More soon,
Alex looks such a bright little boy and amazingly like Tim on the top photo!
I have given you an award...
Here is my blog.
Oh your lecture sounds fascinating but no wonder you're nodding off at odd times if you're awake from the small hours.
I love the art work you've done for your Mum, a lovely concept.
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