I have so many wonderful ATCs to say thank you for that I thought I had better do a separate entry to show you them all. These first two are from Rhea Bellamy and I love the clean lines of the oriental one and the fun way the hair of the lady becomes part of the trees of the forest in the second one.

The Oriental one in this set is from Mhairi Forsyth and I love the way she has used 3D on the card and the funny face in the bottom corner. The fairy is from Barbara Hackleton, some who I haven’t swapped with before, and I love the use of the gold peel offs and green gems on this one. The deckchair is from Gabi and is such a fun and vibrant ATC really capturing the sense of summer.

The next four are from the February techniques swap which was stamping. They are all so lovely and varied. The top one is from Christine Johnson and I love the use of different stamps on this one. The rainbow is by Kath Wilson and makes great use of three different stamps. The flowers beside it are by Linda Brunton and I especially like the background on this, as well as the use of glittery ink. The very cute PB hedgehog is from Jan Matthews and I love the way she has coloured him in and added a stipple background.

Finally, these three were fun ATCs offered for swaps by individuals and I couldn’t resist them. The leopard is from Linda Brunton again and I just love big cats, The elegant lady in pink is by Jan Mathews and I love the ladies shimmery dress, and finally the Oriental panda is by Angela Clerehugh and is wonderful.

And on a different note I have joined a ‘fat book’ swap with a theme of butterflies. For those who don’t know a fat book is a book made up of 4x4 inch pages where each person makes a page on the same theme. This is the first fat book page I have received, and is by Rhea Bellamy, and is great fun with the embellishments. With thick embellishments on each page a real possibility I can now understand where the name ‘Fat book’ came from. Needless to say I am very happy with this little lot! Thank you all so very much.
1 comment:
Great collection of atcs Caro and it's lovely to see them all together here.
Your fat book pages look great - it's a lovely swap.
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