Well I am exhausted again, but due to nice things this time. Alex and I made the long trek down to Somerset on Good Friday, and yes, the traffic was bad…lots of cars on the road, two accidents and a car fire turned the trip into a 6 hour marathon. Alex was actually really very good considering that he only slept for 30 minutes of it. He just about fits into his little car seat so I could have him in the front next to me and so we played games of peekaboo, clapping, waving and bouncing etc which along with finger foods (mini sandwiches, cheerios etc) kept him entertained.

It was lovely to see my family, especially as Mother had decided to make it a weekend in which to celebrate her 60th Birthday with the family (although her Birthday isn’t until May!). We had lots of laughter and fun with the two boys (now 9 and 11 months old), watching them chase each other round the room (Alex moves faster), grab each others toys (Daniel has the grab technique down pat) and generally interact with each other.

Alex and I shared a bedroom which, at least for the first night, was a complete disaster. I am not exactly sure what unsettled him, a new (huge) room, different cot (travel cot), me being in the room with him, not being well (he subsequently has lost his voice), Daddy not being around and general baby randomness. As a result of that he screamed blue murder every time I put him down in the cot after his 10 o’clock feed and wouldn’t sleep. I eventually got him to sleep in my bed, but he is such a restless sleeper, rolling over, kicking, turning sideways, suddenly sitting up and turning through 180 degrees so I get feet in my face, crying out for a few seconds and then stopping etc, that I got very little sleep myself. At 7am I dumped him on Grandma and went back to bed as I was shattered. Alex was also exhausted and ended up falling asleep on Gran.

Alex and Aunt Lavinia
Saturday wasn’t the nice weather we had hoped for so we went for a short walk in Vivary Park in Taunton, while Mother bought a ‘shrug’ to go with her party dress. We were joined for the Birthday celebrations by two of my aunts (Lavinia and Daphne), and my cousin Tamsin. Kick off was 4pm for afternoon tea with a very posh Birthday cake (organised by Gran) – the daffodils are because my Mother is a world expert in miniature daffodils.

Gran also gave Mother a ‘this is your life book’ full of photos of key events in Mother’s life and decorated with Gran’s flower paintings. It was a wonderful book and Mother was really moved by it. This photo is of Mother with the book and cake.

The 'not quite Birthday girl' in her glad rags.

We all then dressed up for a wonderfully smart dinner party (dresses all round – well OK not Andy and Dad!). As far as I can tell Mother thoroughly enjoyed the evening which was filled with fantastic food and lots of laughter.

You should have seen the dining room table on Easter morning…I have never seen so many Easter eggs (I didn't have my camera available so I have substituted a photo of the boys)! After a very nice breakfast (croissant and home made marmalade – my favourite) we all piled into the church where I was Christened, married and used to sing in the church choir. It was lovely to be back and to see everyone, and both the little boys were very well behaved…Alex actually fell asleep during the sermon and woke up at the end of the service in time to be sociable which was wonderful. We travelled back on Sunday evening and the journey couldn’t have been more different…apart from a 10 minute snow storm it was really easy and only took 4¼ hours. It was a wonderful weekend but I am glad to be back in my own bed! More soon,
1 comment:
What a lovely family week-end Caro - it is worth being exhausted for. As a fairly recent celebrant of my own 60th I can say these events really do live in your memory to be relived with much fondness.
It's so good to have family as well as friends and to treasure them.
Hope Alex is recovering from his laryngitis.
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