Wednesday 15 October 2008

I am so busy at the moment!

I can’t believe how busy I am and how fast this week is going. I have finally finished and submitted my 13,000 word review about angiogenesis assays, completely read through and written my report on the PhD thesis I am viva-ing on Friday, reviewed a grant application, held mentoring meetings with 5 undergraduate students and submitted two abstracts for a cancer conference in London, to name but a few of the things that have been keeping me busy! I thought that things would be calming down about now, but it doesn’t look like it so far.
Poor Alex has had the worst sore throat he has ever had this week, crying when swallowing or coughing which means that eating has gone out the window again...he has only been able to manage petite filous and pureed rice pudding...not exactly a great nutritional combination. He hasn’t been sleeping well either and on Monday he and Tim sat cuddling an watching CBeebies for 30 minutes which is unheard of. Fortunately he is now a bit better and was able to go to nursery today where he had great fun doing painting and actually ate normally for the first time in three days. The Christmas card marathon has continued with these four cards, which I personally think are quite fun. They again used cuttlebug embossed card (courtesy of Christine) and the penguin background papers (courtesy of Debbie). I have also decided to take a mini break from Christmas cards to make some ATCs for the ‘peel-off’ ATC swap on the CM&PC forum. The challenge for me was to find ways of making using peel-offs interesting. I hope that I have succeeded in this with these three ATCs, but would love to know what you think. I hope you are all having a great week,


craftymumof3 said...

These are great Caro. My eldest would especially love the penguin ones as she is mad on Penguins.
Hope your little man feels better as there's nothing worse than a sore throat at that age.

Angelswings_2 said...

Stunning, stunning, oh and stunning!
I love your christmas Cards and the set of ATC's you have made. I have no idea how you fit in all your work and crafting.

Claire said...

Wow what a week. It makes me tired just reading about what you've been doing!

Hope Alex is back to 100% soon and you get a bit of a break soon.
