Sunday 26 October 2008

What a weekend!

This weekend has really been a weekend of two halves with various things going very wrong, including my father-in-law having a heart attack completely out of the blue followed by emergency surgery.
Sam and Ben having fun while Alex looks on..
Alex with his Auntie Fay.
Today we went to visit my mother-in-law and had a lovely family meal (Roast beef...yummy!) with most of Tim's family. The three boys had a great time chasing round the house and exploring the garden together and there was much silliness had with various cardboard tubes.
Afterwards we went to the hospital to visit Tim's dad who was looking remarkably chipper and very chatty, although unsurprisingly he tired quite easily. It was a relief to see him looking so well and a credit to the ambulance and hospital teams who recognised what was wrong and sorted things out so quickly. Alex was completely shatttered when we came home and has developed a nasty cough and coughed so much that he threw up his tea...not the best end to the day, poor boy.
On a different note I managed to do some crafting yesterday and continued with the Christmas card bonanza. All four of these cards feature at least one inchie and a stamp from Crafty Individuals. This first one also uses Crafty Individuals background paper. The next three use K&Co Christmas paper by Elizabeth Brownd. I quite like the ripped paper effect on this one. This one used my crop-a-dile to set the brads in the green card. I like the rectangular design and the use of two different papers on this final one. I hope you all have a good week. More soon,


Anonymous said...

SO pleased your FIL got appropriate and speedy treatment, he should now have the best of ourcomes but a shock for you all.

Looks as if the boys had a great time.

I LOVE those CI images, backgrounds and the cards you made or gorgeous.


Tracey said...

Hi Carolyn,

Your 'Inchies' article has now been published on our new blog at

Thanks again!