I am glad to say that both Alex and I are improving although we still have colds. Alex is back to his usual cheeky and mischievous self and the past couple of evenings we have had fun dancing, singing, playing with his garage and general games of rough and tumble. He has also discovered the fun of sliding down the stairs on his tummy! His appetite is back which is also good as he is quite a thin child and can’t afford to lose much weight. I on the other hand am back on my diet which is going well again I have now lost in total 1stone 3lb…only 4lb more to go to my target weight.

I went out for a leaving do on Wednesday which was lovely although sad at the same time as I am really going to miss Ann. Needless to say I haven’t done much in the way of crafting, although I did manage to complete a layout following this weeks Pencil Lines sketch. In continuing a scrapbook of my childhood I wanted to do a layout of my imaginary friend – a 2 inch high elephant. Not exactly an easy challenge. In the end I thought that the Pickles and Onion images would work well as they are really cute so decided to put one of them in a thought bubble to try and indicate me thinking of my friend. At Tim’s suggestion I also put a little one on the swing with me to try and tie all elements of the page together. This page uses Bazzill cardstock, Hot off the Press papers and Hero Arts stamps. The journaling reads ‘Between the ages of 2½ and 4 I had an imaginary friend called ‘Nellie’, a 2 inch high elephant. Gran tells the story that one day I came to her in floods of tears and when asked what was wrong I explained I had put Nellie in the paint tray and Grandad had poured paint in, so Gran helped me ‘rescue’ Nellie and wash her and peace was restored’. Have a great weekend everyone.
glad you are both feeling better..
thats an absolutely gorgeous page! love the thought bubble ...perfect!
Lovely layout!
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