My poor boy is really struggling at the moment. He has a stinking cold and isn't sleeping well as a result of a bad cough and is totally exhausted. As a result he is tired and grumpy and inclined to cry at the slightest sign of him not getting his own way, which is tiring all round. My tummy is still painful but at least I was able to sleep last night (first time in a week). I am really glad it is the weekend and maybe we can all recover a bit with a gentle time at home. Hopefully Alex will have a decent nap tomorrow which will set him right again.

Crafting wise I have made this scrapbook layout of me 'Helping at home'. Again these papers are all from Hot off the press, the flowers are angel kiss and flora doodles and I used my Martha Stewart edging punch for the lace effect. The journalling reads 'In these photos I am aged between 21 and 24 months and am helping to clean the daffodil bulbs for my parents nursery, Broadleigh Gardens and picking the mulberries from the big old tree at the top of the garden'. This page again fits with the use ribbon challenge from crafty cardmakers, and as the photos were taken in Autumn I guess it loosely fits with the autumn challenge on SCSC. Thank you for looking and have a great weekend.
Lovely page - nice papers and images combo.
Get well soon both.
Gorgeous layout Caro. Those papers are beautiful too.
Hope you and your son both feel better soon and that you both get the relaxing weekend you need to recouperate.
Fe x
Oh poor wee Alex, it is horrible when your babies are unwell, hope he improves soon caro. Love your scrabook layoutx
hope your little one gets better soon, lovely challenge entry, thank you for joining us at crafty cardmakers xx
Lovely layout Caro, very nicely made. Thanks for joining us at crafty cardmaking and hope your little soldier gets better soon x
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