Tuesday 24 September 2013

Scared and excited! (WOYWW)

Well I am both scared and excited as it is Wednesday that I will get to meet the students who are going to be taking the Masters course that I designed! I will be giving the first lecture on Friday so can let you know how it goes then.  All this explains why my crafting desk, which I am entering into WOYWW as usual, is looking very work heavy (the blue booklet is the new course handbook)...I was working from home on it today (I confess I am typing this on Tuesday as I wont have time tomorrow).
Here is how it looked this morning with one young man playing with my Dylusions spray inks before school...probably not very sensible, but a lot of fun! The desk is protected by a thin piece of MDF that lives slotted down beside it ready for messy work. Does anyone know how to unblock a spray nozzle on a dylusion ink? - one of them is blocked and I have only used it twice.
This is the desk cleared of all work, this evening with my smash book open waiting for me to print out the next set of photos...I have about 200 to choose from so it may be a while before I decide which ones will be printed for the book.  As you can see I have a mug of tea to drink while I browse through them all.
As part of organising my crafting space I sorted out the tray at the back of my desk to make it more useful and now have all my paints in there ready to play when I get a minute.
I have managed to make a few more pages in my smash book...this one is of our wedding anniversary earlier this year...we went on a steam train ride.
I couldn't resist doing a double page spread for my dinner on board SS Great Britain (it was such a wonderful evening) and with the dark background paper I just had to use gold embellishments to mimic the colourings of the ship. That is all from me for now.  Have a great week everyone.


Annie said...

What a fab show and tell this week. I've really enjoyed my snoop.
A x # 50

My name is Cindy said...

Morning Caro! An exciting day indeed! You really must be a clever clogs to design a Masters course - I hope you are feeling very proud of yourself! Those flipping colour sprays are a nightmare ALL of them clog. I'm going to have another at declogging mine - I am going to try boiling them in a pan of water to see if that has any effect. What I tend to do these days is keep a couple of empty spray bottles and decant what I need to use and then clean those nozzles after. Very messy and time consuming but I find the others so hopeless the only other alternative is not to use them. Happy Spritzing - and if you find a magic cure do let me know!!Have a great Wednesday. Hugs Cindyx #70

Geri Meftah Art said...

Succes on friday!

Greetings from Geri

sandra de said...

Great smash pages and all the best with the course. Well done and you are a very encouraging mum to let your little one use those sprays before school. Try soaking the nozzle spray part in warm water.
Sandra @12

marit said...

Good luck and enjoy the course friday!! My Dylusion inks are still 'open' but I had adirondack-sprays that were blocked many times and I 'opened them' by cleaning the top and spraying while holding the tube in hot water. It might work with Dylusions also? Good luck! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #76

Unknown said...

Dinner on board sounds so fun! I've been working in my Smash book too--and I already want another one (I have two and one is filled to the brim) Best of luck with your teaching--I'm sure it will be wonderful. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #88

Jackie said...

What a lovely way to spend your wedding anniversary on a steam train journey
Alex looks like he's having fun!!!
Jackie 44

lisa said...

You sound very busy with lots of creative things there. Had to laugh at your little chap spraying before school. If my DD did that she'd be going out with a pink face and green sparkly sweater probably!!
The spray nozzles can be a really problem with blocking up can't they. I find taking it apart and running warm water through usually does the trick.
Hugs Lisax #58

glitterandglue said...

I trust all went well today, Caro. Sounds incredibly scarey, and ultra full of intelligence! I think my grey cells are rapidly leaving home - wouldn't dare try a course of any sort these days!!
Have a special week.
Margaret #61

Unknown said...

Good luck with your first lecture, just relax and enjoy. Love that your son is playing with you craft supplies. Thanks for stopping by. Happy crafting #5

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love the photo of the three of you in the anniversary LO, it's really lovely! Enjoy deciding which pic you're next going to use.....you may be a while!!
Good luck with delivering the course...I'm sure it will go without a hitch!
Hugs, LLJ 33 xx

Neet said...

Oh Wow! You designed a uni course? I am impressed.
Love your two LO's - especially the one aboard.
Thanks for visiting me - Hugs, Neet 11 xx

Lea.H said...

Oooh Smash Book! I want one so bad to take on holiday, but then I think, maybe I should just make my own? The cuppa looks good, cuppa and craft, 2 of my fav things :) happy smashing :) Lx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Oh I love the morning spritz before school, especially because it isn't sensible. One should start the day with a little fun. I'm not sure how to unclog the nozzle except to take it out of the bottle and run it under hot, hot water. You'll be washing off all the ink that it on it as well so don't do it in sink that might get stained. Love the page layouts. Good luck with the master class!!

voodoo vixen said...

Good Luck with the new course you are to teach, sure to be fine!! ;)
Lovely new pages in your smash book, is that a Gromit on the SS Britain page? Annette #19

Eliza said...

Hello Caro,

It might look like you are in working mode on the desk, but you have been creating some wonderful layouts and your little man playing so handsome he is. Thanks for sharing I always love popping in to see what you are upto.

sorry I am returning so late as I am in Grandfinal week and it is hell with work.

Belated WOYWW greetings
Eliza & Yoda 30

The Taming of the Glue said...

Gorgeous projects, love the SS Great Britain layouts and colours. If the sprays are like the Cosmic Shimmer ones, you can dismantle the whole thing and wash it out under a tap. Hope that helps. Good luck with the course. Many thanks for your visit, sorry I'm so late. Hugs. Pam#34

VonnyK said...

Wow, how exciting having students doing a course you designed, I'm sure it will be a success. You have a cute little worker at your desk.
Have a great week,
Von #41

The House of Bears said...

To unblock the spray bottle, remove the nozzle and tube, run under water whilst pumping it til it runs clear, spray a few times to rid it of the excess water, it should now spray clearly, if not give the pumpy thingy another try.

Mrs.D said...

Hi Caro,
thanks for visiting me and I do hope that your Masters course goes well. I can't read what the course is about, the handbook photo is perhaps deliberately only partially visible, but I can see that is is something about health, so not all craft stuff.
Chris ~47

Lindsay Weirich said...

you are a wild woman, letting the kids pray ink before leaving for school hahaha! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #28

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Caro,

Today is Friday so I'm hoping the beginning of your class went very well.

The Smash book pages look great. A very wise choice in using gold embellishments on the dinner pages.

Thank you for visiting me already!

Kay (25)

Nan G said...

Your pages are wonderful! How does he not get his hands all stained from the Dylusions? And good luck with that clogged nozzle. I'm not too impressed with ranger and the design of those sprayers.m:( Two of my Dylusions spray sideways ...not a drop on the paper...on me or the wall no problem! Hope all went well with the students! Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW a few days late! Nan G #7