Friday 28 February 2014

Half-term fun and even a little sun!

Well it is Friday and time for Annie's smiles and rocking your world Friday.  Alex has been on half-term this week and although I have had to work all week, I did have a day off last Friday and took him to SpyZone and NerfZone in Matlock.  NerfZone is very much like laser quest, but with Nerf guns (they fire little darts of foam),
and spy zone had us crawling through various tunnels and attempting to crack codes using a variety of gadgets.  He thought it was the best thing ever and now wants spy equipment for his birthday.
We also went out for a bicycle ride on Saturday to get him used to his new big bike.
Once we got over a minor incident with a pothole, he had a good time and was fascinated by the dam.  To finish the weekend we went to the Lego movie, which we both thought was fantastic (mind you that theme song is stuck in my head!). That is all from me for now.  Keep smiling, and have a great weekend.


Annie said...

Fab photos Caro....looks like you had a wonderful week.
Annie x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Caro, Alex certainly had a great time in Matlock. We used to drive down to Matlock quite often when we lived in Chinley but we never visited SpyZone or NerZone ... maybe it's new. Love the photo of Alex sitting in front of the dam, awesome! Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth xx

glitterandglue said...

A fun time was had by all - I trained at Matlock - gorgeous up there!!! Loved my three years in the area. Is that Ladybower in the photo, Caro?

Sian said...

I've come over from Virginia's as I'm joining in for the first time with Rocking Your World Friday. It looks like you had fun. I've heard good things about that Lego movie

mamapez5 said...

Half term is a special time. I am glad you were able to have a day off with Alex and you seem to have made the most of it. they sound like perfect places to visit with a young man. Well done to him for handling his big bike so well.
i hope you get to see some more sunshine this week. Kate x

Virginia said...

Oh that looks like a fab half term week, nerf zone - best not tell said 13 year old he's addicted to nerf - literally. Spy zone sounds fun too. We have yet to be subjected to the lego movie, I've heard it's great although I hadn't heard about the brain repeating key track! Hope you've had a great weekend and have a good week ahead.!

Lesley G said...

Great photo and looks like you had a great day!
Sorry I'm late commenting, have a great week :)