Wednesday 2 January 2019

Happy New Year (WOYWW I'm back)

Firstly an apology for going AWOL recently, but we all had a massive shock when my beloved Dad died unexpectedly. He died of a massive stroke on 31 October, a few days after we had all seen him at my brothers, where he was on fine form, cracking his usual jokes. It was a horrible shock for us all and he is deeply missed. Needless to say I have been travelling a lot supporting my Mum, helping to organise the Memorial service etc, hence my long absence.
Anyway, onto why most of you are here...What's on your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW).  My work desk is actually really tidy at the moment as we have just had our study decorated and are rearranging everything to make it more usable. The new bright green paint has made the room feel much warmer and cosier than the dirty brown it was before and it is a joy having new carpet. The idea is that I will have more than a ten inch square to craft on and proper storage for all my crafting supplies so I no longer have a storage unit on my desk.
I am still unpacking so will show my new crafting storage at a later date, but here is the other side of my desk.  There is a definite Harry Potter theme among my various mugs!
Anyway, that is enough rambling from me for now. Wishing you a very Happy New Year.
God Bless,


Lunch Lady Jan said...

I'm so very sorry to hear your news, especially when it was such a shock as that. The only thing I can say is that at least he was happy and well until the stroke. The Joyce Grenfell poem on his memorial order of service is quite wonderful, I hadn't known of that before. It must have been a sad Christmas without him. Sending you hugs.
It is lovely to see you back on the desks however - yours is amongst the clean and tidy group today for sure! It'll be good to see what you get up to in that newly decorated study over the next few months.
Happy New Year Caro, hope it's peaceful and healthy.
Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

Sarah Brennan said...

So sorry to hear about your Dad Caro. Hope 2019 brings happiness and creativity to your new work space. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Caro, my deepest condolences on the loss of your Father.Such a shock to happen so unexpectedly. Warm wishes and hugs to your Mom too. Hoping this will be a better New Year for you all. Love the green walls, one of my favourite colours. Look forward to seeing your new crafting space all set up. Many hugs, Shaz #5 X

glitterandglue said...

Afternoon Caro. I wish you a very peace-filled, God-filled new year. What an incredible shock for you all. How beautiful to know, though, that your dad didn't suffer a long, protracted illness with great pain. I look at the last photo on today's blog and see that you have been able to celebrate the joy of Christmas - the joy of knowing that we celebrate because Jesus has come into our world. I wish you well as you mourn and as you look to all that 2019 has for you. Trusting the new-look craft room will be well filled and used.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

So sorry to hear about your dad, Caro! He looks a bit like a film star steering that yacht! A bit like Charlton Heston, actually! Happy New Year to you and I hope you'll be back creating quite soon. zsuzsa #19

J said...

Hi Cara, so very sorry to hear about your Dad, it must have been such a shock but it sounds as if he enjoyed life and didn’t suffer which is a blessing.
Your craft room looks very tidy, I’m looking forward to seeing more in the future, it’s always lovely when it’s all new, doesn’t take long to mess it all up again though!
Thank you for your visit earlier and lovely comments.
Take care, hugs
Jan S no 25

Helen said...

oh Caro, I am so very sorry to hear your sad news... I am sure you have lots of wonderful memories that will sustain you in the times ahead. Much love, and it is good to see you back Take care. Helen '#2

Heather M said...

Hi Caro, so sorry to hear about your dad. Sending you and your family hugs. You are right about the green colour, it does look lovely. I hope you enjoy your new crafty space. Take care, Heather as #33

StampinCarol said...

So sorry to hear about your dad. Great picture of him on the yacht! It does take time to readjust and be prepared to be ambushed by memories. Sending hugs.
Thanks for popping by!
Carol N #24

SumBunneh said...

Happy 500 and Happy New Year!
I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your Dad.. it's never easy to lose someone you love.. hold on to the great memories you have of him cracking jokes.

Your new crafty space is looking lovely.. I can't wait to see what you create in there.

Sumbunneh hugs,
Erika #35

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Caro, sorry to hear your sad news. I'm pleased to see the end to 2018 as it's not been a good year for myself, my family or my friends. Pleased to see you back and sure you will soon have that desk messy again. Looking forward to another year of friendly creativity. Happy New Year and big hugs, Angela x16x

Sue said...

Hi Caro, So sorry to hear about your dad. My dad passed like that, with me only seeing him the day before and he was fine. Sending you heaps of hugs (((Caro))). I hope your memories soon become mainly happy ones.

Enjoy your new crafting space.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Happy 500th WOYWW
Sue #15

Neet said...

So very sorry to hear about you losing your dad. Sending my condolences to you and to your family.
Like the new spruced up look of your craft room - and so much space now to create - get going girl!
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Dorlene Durham said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. It's a tough thing to deal with and thankful that you have family near you to share the memories with. Happy New Year. Dorlene #31

Anne said...

Hi Caro, I know I've already said but we were so sad to hear about your father. I am pleased for you that you had a lovely, happy time together not long before. Such a shock though and Christmas would have been hard for you all. Thinking of all of you.
Look forward to seeing your completed craft area. Hugs Anne x

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

I'm so sad to hear about your Father Caro, glad you had memorable time together before the shock of losing him. Wishing you all a blessed 2019 and hope you can find comfort in those happy memories. May your newly painted study give you lots of creative comfort.
Thank you for visiting earlier today. Happy 500th woyww Tracey #14

Stacy Sheldon said...

Happy New Years Caro, Oh I am so very sorry for your loss. and I love the new green paint and that you have a window right there where you are working. I bet the light is brilliant at some times of the day :) ~Stacy #27

Annie said...

Hi Caro. So very sorry to hear the news about your Dad...they are special people aren't they?
Thanks for dropping in on me yesterday....I'm playing catch up today with my replies.
Hope you have a better 2019.
Annie x #11

Kimberly at ArtJoyStuff said...

So sorry for your loss, wishing you peace in the New Year! hugs, Kim #30

Shoshi said...

O Caro... I am so very sorry to hear about your Dad. Mine died 5 years ago (is it really that long? I think of him constantly, every day...) - he was 90 and had dementia at the end, and as he went downhill his death was expected, but it was still difficult to deal with, and I can only imagine what it must be like having lost your Dad so suddenly. My heart goes out to you and your family and I pray that you will be comforted, and soon be able to remember all the good times without pain. I was extremely close to my dad and the loss of that very special father-daughter relationship is very painful.

So lovely to see you back again on WOYWW, and in time for the big 500! I am glad you have got your room done and are enjoying the new brighter look.

Thank you for visiting, and I’m so glad you like our kitties and my studio (still a tip!). Hope you enjoyed the panto! (My spell checker corrected that to “pants” lol lol!!)

Wishing you as happy a New Year as is possible under the circumstances, and an especially happy (if belated) 500th WOYWW,
Shoshi #27

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh Caro, huge hugs and sympathy, my father died unexpectedly two years ago and to be honest, it’s taken this long to disassociate the shock from the grief. I’m so glad you’re able to be there for your Mum, there are no consolations, but I’m glad to read that you had all seen him so recently and that he wasn’t ill. As to your desk, well, get you with ambitions for space! I love the green, it’s very cheering. I think you were very brave to re-paint at all....moving stuff out to get to the walls always reveals how much you’ve really got!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Blessings dear Caro, I lost my darling dad in Aug last year so know what you mean.. they leave a large hole... praying for comfort from God above for you all.
Your new crafty spot is lovely and looking forward to seeing more of it! Happy WOYWW 500!
Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #10

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
{Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}