Wednesday 29 September 2021


Hello and welcome back to my blog for another edition of What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday!  Firstly I would like to start with an apology – I failed dismally to comment on anyone’s blog last week due to the fact that we had (and still have) a VERY unwelcome visitor in our house in the shape of a rat.  All efforts over the past week have been dedicated to trying to get rid of the beast while working full-time (20 MSc vivas and intro week activities), and planning a service for Sunday.

This is just some of the damage that our unwelcome visitor has caused. This is the sitting room door, it has also shredded the carpet at the other end and had a go at the door frame. In addition, underneath a couple of pieces of furniture it has chewed holes in the plaster and floor boards and insulation creating a nice hole for it to now run under the floorboards. We have had to box up every bit of food in the house into plastic tubs (even cleaning out our blue bin to store things in), and put poison and traps everywhere… it is all so very unpleasant.  Anyway, enough of the bad stuff!  You are here to see my desk, not hear me whinge…

So here is my desk. All neat and tidy and set up for work. I have my to do list, iPad, mouse, tea and pens in addition to my laptop.  I have a day of working from home and marking ahead of me.

I did manage to do a little crafting this week in the form of keeping my bullet journal up to date as well as my mini journal with pictures.  Just a week behind on this now so not bad!

I haven’t managed to swim quite as much as I would have liked but did escape one evening and have a stunning swim where the light over the water was incredible. The two photos are before and after a 750m swim which was stunning.  That’s all from me for now. I hope to have better news on our visitor next week, in the meantime, take care of yourselves,

With love & God Bless,



Lunch Lady Jan said...

Wow, beautiful skies - I’m impressed that you’re still swimming now the temps have started to fall. The rat problem isn’t funny, I really hope you manage to get it sorted quickly.
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Helen said...

I hope you catch the blighter soon ! Well done on the journal and always love to see the sunset pics, just magical Helen #2

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Oh my goodness - a rat! How do you even sleep knowing it's out there? It would be good if you could catch it humanely and let it go somewhere (very) far away from your house but heck, your mental health is more important, so just catch it any way you can! Get a cat! A big one LOL! We had a mouse once inside the kitchen cupboards - ate all my oatmeal from a plastic bag - it came in through a hole in the wall (Oreo never had a chance to see it, otherwise he would have caught it for sure). My husband put a trap down (inside the cupboards) and one day we were standing in the kitchen and heard this almighty snap and we went like oh-oh - sure enough, there it was poor little (rather fat) mouse - it was so cute and I felt so sorry that we had to kill it, but we didn't have a choice. Last thing that went through its head was 'hmm, peanut butter!' So sad, but we certainly didn't invite him in our house! We managed to find the hole and patch it up. Hope you catch yours - perhaps it's just a large mouse and not a rat - that would be easier to stomach. Or if it is a rat, just think that the cute squirrels are just like rats with a different tail. On the flip side - lovely tranquil lake shots - hope they balance out the stress the rodent has caused. xx zsuzsa #21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Caro, I do hope you mange to get rid of this visitor. When I used to keep Lovebirds a rat got into the aviary and dragged one of the birds out and we found it half eaten. I hate rats! We had one in the greenhouse and it took ages to get rid of it and several different types of poison. Hope you are successful soon. Hope you have a good woyww. Hugs, Angela x14x

Annie said...

I really hope you manage to sort out the problem with your unwanted guest very soon. They do so much damage and you really don’t want them inviting any friends in.
Annie x #8

Twiglet said...

Those views are stunning Caro - lovely photos. Not so lovely - your little "visitor" I do hope you can get rid of it - its amazing how they manage to get in and take over isn't it. xx Jo

Crafting With Jack said...

Lovely photographs, not at all lovely having that sort of company. We had one in the garden a few months ago and the council came round and dealt with him. I didn’t like the poisoning part at all, but apparently if you catch them and let them go they come back! Hope it’s all sorted soon. Happy WOYWW Angela #7

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh I do hope you manage to get rid of the unwelcome visitor Caro - such a pain! Glad you have been able to keep up to date with your journal and at least manage some swimming. Good luck with the marking. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh Caro, as if you need anything else on your busy mind and agenda. My Ma In Law will only spell it out because she hates them so, has battled on the farm with R A T S for years and despite the shuddering feeling, her only advice is to do whatever it takes to end its life. So destructive. And really not good for your mental health - we had a mouse invasion sometime last year that very nearly put me to bed in end! If every swim could be under such beautiful skies, you’d never want to leave the water! Mr Dunnit swam in the sea weekend before last and was in and out. Took an hour to bring his shivering under control…and everyone kept saying the water was at its warmest. Argh, just don’t know how you do it! Take good care, hope you have a fast result before the r a t does any further damage. Xxx

craftyani said...

OMG all that damage from a rat. Hope you caught the little b..... Glad you managed your swim and the photos are great lovely colours. ANi

Mary Anne said...

Believe me, I do HATE a rat with a passion. We had one under the house in our old middle-of-the-field house and it dies there. OMG the SMELL! and it lasted for WEEKS. Glad you had a swim to forget abut it all for a bit. That photo is indeed stunning. The view almost makes up for the temp.... :D

Happy WOYWW, late again
Mary Anne (1)

StampinCarol said...

After we had to put our cat to sleep we had a problem with mice. Found where they came in and filled those 2 holes with steel wool. They were so small! Got the mice with traps and have had no more issues. But a RAT!!! Ugh!
Beautiful lake! How blessed you are to be able to swim there!
Have a great weekend!
Carol N #23

Stacy Sheldon said...

Ooh no Caro, that is not a good adventure, I hope you all can catch & deal with it soon. Those skies look gorgeous! ~Stacy #26

Shoshi said...

Oh dear, Caro, I'm sorry to hear about your most unwelcome rat! Perhaps I should send Lily and Ruby up for a visit - they would soon sort him out. The damage is dreadful. We had a mouse in the pantry a few months ago but he doesn't seem to have made a reappearance. Beautiful evening skies! You do live in beautiful surroundings.

Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you enjoyed my various antics and my organising! I do that in fits and starts, in between other things I want to do / have to do.

Happy belated WOYWW and God bless,
Shoshi x #19

BJ said...

Oh gosh so late this week (eeek last week) don't think I've had the PC on since Wednesday's link up.

Oh my life "IN THE HOUSE" and I thought the garden was bad enough. Did you catch it? Better still did you find whence it was entering? Total nightmare! One got into our workshop and got caught in the swing lid bin once. I saw he gnaw marks, hubby didn't believe me! Had mice in the conservatory once too. Most recent was the mole under the floorboards. Oh the natural world is thrilling! Hope you are back to some normality soon. Hugs.

Hand and wrist still sore seeing the consultant this evening for my dressing off proper, hoping it's all OK, although still not using it much.

We'll see. BJ#10