Wednesday 28 September 2022


 Welcome back to my blog for another edition of what's on your workdesk Wednesday, the friendliest blog hop in the world, hosted by the lovely Julia.

This is my desk as it was late last night after I had caught up with diary writing etc.  You can see a cold, empty tea mug (very sad!), my three diaries (prayer journal, mini journal and bullet journal), pens, stickers and a box of tissues because I have the inevitable back to school cold courtesy of Alex!

I have been crafting this week, but can't show you as I have been working on something for the crop on Saturday so instead I thought I would share these photos taken on my lunch break yesterday. I am still enjoying my swimming but can't swim with this stinking cold sadly!

That's all from me for now.  I look forward to seeing some of you at the crop on Saturday (provided the tap in my nose stops dripping so I can drive safely!).  

Take care of yourselves,

With love & God Bless,




Neet said...

Do hope your tap stops dripping. Especially in time for Saturday. I remember those colds. When I first began teaching I was always having them and the doctor said "what can you expect when you work in a germ factory". I'll leave it there.
Thanks for the photos.
Blessings, Neet xx 4

glitterandglue said...

Morning Caro. Hope the tap stops dripping well before Saturday!!! Lovely autumn photos - yes, autumn is indeed well upon us, isn't it? I honestly don't know how you keep up with three journals - I can't manage onee - not even a prayer journal!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #6

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Caro, looking forward to the Crop too but certainly don't want your cold. Hope it's nothing worse but guess you will have tested. I used to get colds all the time when I was teaching and I have only had one since I retired. Hope you're feeling better soon. Have a happy woyww, Angela x10x

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Caro, lovely to catch up with you on the desks, our paths haven't crossed for while but I've been lax in my blogging for quite a while! Lovely flowers and what a stunning blue sky. Hope your cold disappears soon and you are well enough for the crop - enjoy it and I look forward to hearing all about it next week,
Diana xx #11

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I'm familiar with those back to school colds! Amazingly, this year - even though my son developed a bad cold within days of going back to school - we didn't catch it! I wonder if it's because of all the flu jabs we've been getting LOL - perhaps they work on the common cold too! Have fun at the crop - sadly I can't make it - hope you feel much better by Saturday xx zsuzsa #

My name is Cindy said...

Sorry to hear you have a bad cold Caro, I guess we're heading into the season for it!! Still lots of blue skies about though which keeps me cheerful (though looking out the window I can see some big black clouds - was lovely when I was out!!). Looking forward to the crop, wonder what you are working on? Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindy xx #14

Twiglet said...

See you Saturday - I will bring a box of tissues - lol. Get well soon. xx Jo

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope you feel better on Saturday so you can join us Caro. Fab photos! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Helen said...

oh those start of term colds and illnesses..... hope you feel better soon and can get back in the water soon. Love the photos. Take care Helen #1

Crafting With Jack said...

Sorry to hear about your cold -hope it goes away soon. What is the face in the first picture? Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday. Happy WOYWW. Angela #9

StampinCarol said...

Hope you are feeling better and have a wonderful time at the crop!!
Carol N #18

Mary Anne said...

Very late again this week. It has to get better sometime, right? ;) The flowers are lovely but I do hope to see the crop project soon (I'm so late, in just a few days!) and lots more photos besides.
Happy WOYWW, catching up!
Mary Anne (2)