Wednesday 5 June 2013

What! Wednesday already?! (WOYWW)

Where did this week go?  I am loving the fact that it is June and we have actually had some sun... 4 days of picnic tea in the garden much to Alex's delight. 
As it is Wednesday it is time for WOYWW again and here is my desk in the process of making a card for my nephew.  Apologies for the terrible photo... the camera didn't like the sun streaming in through the window. Propped up against my mug (sadly empty) are the wonderful ATCs I have received so far from the anniversary hop... there are more to come from abroad which is very exciting.  The open drawer holds my promarkers, then there is the image I am about to colour in, the die cuts I was going to use to cut it out and some possible background papers.
This is a close up of the gorgeous ATCs I have received.  The top left gorgeous green is from Redanne, top middle vintage stamping and washi tape  from Julia (our erstwhile leader), and top right amazing stitching from Wipso.  The bottom row consists of the pink heart (and the gorgeous tag) both from Ria Gall, the stunning zentangle from JoZarty, and the stitching from Twiglet. Thank you all so much... they are gorgeous!
JoZarty also sent Alex a special ATC which he loves.... he has now decided that he wants to make them and was happy yesterday after school and this morning making a couple.
Here are the ones I sent - I hope that they have got there by now!  The background was made using my gelliplate, a stencil and a mask, and then stamping over the top and colouring using promarkers. I am entering these into SSSS 'things starting with S' (Summery colours, Stamping and Stencils).
This is the finished birthday card which loosely follows this weeks Unscripted sketch, and fits with the creative card crew 'punches/dies', Kaboodle Doodles 'for the kids' and PTW 'anything goes' challenges.  That is all from me for now.  Have a great week everyone.


Roudi said...

Ooh what a lovely bunch of ATCs you've got!
Glad you had fun with your little one.
The birthday card is so adorable. Great job!

Happy WOYWW. xx
It's my blogiversary and I've got candy to celebrate!


Anne said...

Hi Caro great ATC's you have made/received. Love that Alex wants to make some. Lovely card I am wracking my brains at the moment for ideas for my eldest grandson's birthday card. Happy WOYWW Anne x #52

Helen said...

How super of Jo to send Alex his own - she is a lovely lady! All your atc's are just fab, Caro!! Helen, 5

Annie said...

I love the sun and isn't it funny how we all complain about the lack of it in our pics then when we get bright sun we still complain hehehe.
Thanks so much for the gorgeous ATC and has just got in my way and I haven't managed to email all my friends who have sent mine to me [Sorry]. I love them all and the fact that they were sent by friends I haven't met [as yet].
A x # 49

sandra de said...

Now that is a lovely collection of ATC's and it looks like Alex has caught the bug! Beautiful birthday card, love the image.
Sandra @53

Twiglet said...

Oh what fab little ATCs - we are so lucky to have such clever crafty blog buddies. I am just deciding how to display mine. Thanks so much for the one you sent me. I bet Alex made a good job of his too. I love the photo of you two together.x Jo #49

The House of Bears said...

We're loving all your ATCS, and the birthday card is fab.

Waving hi from the bears @#85 this week

Redanne said...

Hi Caro, glad to see my ATC arrived OK, you certainly got some beauties from other Woywwers too. How lovely of Jo to send one to Alex. Your ATCs are beautiful too! Happy WOYWW, Anne x #51

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo Caro a what a fab collection of atc's on your desk!! and your sons work too :D

.. hope yours made it over there soon was sent on Thursday or was it Friday know made it after the others (funny how you think you have made enough)... and to be honest dont know what I did on it!! love the ones you made too :D and am sure it will arrive here soon!!

happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #7

ria gall said...

Hi Caro
thank you so much for my lovely ATC you have some very nice one's there on your desk. It is always so lovely seeing your son crafting
Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week
Ria #39

Eliza said...

Hello from down under again, gosh Alex is really growing into one handsome man. Great collection of ATC's you have and what a beautiful thing to have sun shining through the window, we are now heading into winter soon and it is cold here in Australia.

Eliza & Yoda 18

The Taming of the Glue said...

Great collection of ATC's and love the ones' you've made. Hugs. Pam#9

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lovely ATCs!! How fab that Alex is enjoying them too :-)
I like the brightly coloured card you've made at the end...that's fun!
Hugs, LLJ 35 xxx

BJ said...

Super card and great haul of ATC's you and Alex look really happy, this sunshine helps doesn't it? BJ#22

scrappymo! said...

So much to see this week!!!
Your desk is ablaze with those gorgeous ATC's. Hope mine arrives soon...I am off to the lake so won't get mine for a couple of weeks...
Love that cute birthday card...just right for a youngster!

Scrappymo 15

Nan G said...

Oooo can't wait to get my ATC! They're gorgeous. You've received some really pretty ones already. Everyone's is so different it's so amazing and inspiring! Thanks for the earlier visit. a late Happy WOYWW! Nan G #103

Anonymous said...

Lovely ATCs and your little helper is so sweet!
Happy WOYWW !
Gabriele 58

Unknown said...

What great ATC's and so cool that Alex has joined in the fun too! Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz@135

JoZart Designs said...

Glad you like your ATC and how lovely that Alex is making his own. That little fellow has endless talent and a Mum to encourage it too!
Jo x