Wednesday 17 July 2019


Well here we are again - time to show my desk to the world as part of Julia's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday phenomenon.
My desk is pretty empty again, apart from one very exciting looking present (more on that in a minute) - the pile of project life stuff is still sat to the side, and in fact apart from some very simple index cards I have failed to do any crafting this week - life has simply been too crazy busy.  Working full-time, running Messy church at the weekend, end of year activities/socials and the start of my new course have kept me very busy.
Anyway, back to that exciting present - it was a very unexpected and incredibly generous present from Debbie (Tatteredrocks).  Just look at that beautiful tag...
and inside was this beautiful shadow box picture!  I had admired the ones she provided for the 10th anniversary crop so much that she so kindly decided to make me my own.  I can't believe it!  I am beyond thrilled and will be finding somewhere special to put it up on the wall the moment I get a chance. Thank you so so much!
My own little works of creativity pale into insignificance, but just to proove I have done something creative this week here are my index cards as part of the Index Card a Day challenge (ICAD). Very simple for the most part this week as I have had so little time.
I am off out to my course tonight so wont be able to visit until Thursday I'm afraid, but I will do my best to visit everyone then. In the meantime have a lovely week.
With love & God Bless,


Helen said...

Debbie is such a kind and generous person! your icads look great - I love the one with the fairies! Have a great week. Helen #6

Annie said...

Hi Caro. I love the 'little bit of crafting' you've done this week and really hope your course is going well for you.
Annie x #12

Neet said...

Hope the course goes well for you. How exciting1
Also exciting too, opening that beautiful present. What a gorgeous tag and the little picture too, Debbie is certainly very kind. But don't compare your icads to Debbie's work - a totally different medium, you have some beautiful work there.
Still holding your family in prayer and hope they are both showing signs of improvement in their health.
Hugs & Blessings, Neet 1 xx

Diana Taylor said...

What a lovely gift to receive and that tag is stunning too. I love your beautiful and vibrant index cards - it's so great to manage a few minutes each day to keep the challenge going.
Hope you have a great week,
Diana x #18

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Debbie is the most generous of souls, she has sent so much to me in order to raise money for charity. Your pic is beautiful and you're bound to find the right place for it!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Caro! I would say there's plenty of creativity there for this week and you do sound terribly busy. I only work part-time and still couldn't manage half of what you're doing! I knew it was Debbie's tag before I read about it! She has such a distinctive style and how sweet of her to send you your own shadow box! Sorry I've been off-grid for the past month - I even missed my own bloggiversary, which I have just realised, eeks! Hope to be around more for the rest of the summer! zsuzsa #23

Dorlene Durham said...

Wow! Beautiful art on your blog today. Have a wonderful week. Dorlene #29

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Oh wow! you lucky lady, loving the gifts you've received. You just visit when you can, I'm amazed how much you manage to fit in. Wishing you a lovely creative week and a very happy woyww, Angela x13x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Caro, love the Icads as always. Yes, our Debbie is such a lovely soul, I love her to bits. Her work is amazing, and yet she struggles to see how amazing they are! Eyes have cleared enough to be able to type now,lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #16 X

Sarah Brennan said...

I am not visiting until Thursday this week either Caro. Debbie's pictures are amazing. I am still trying to find somewhere worthy to put mine. Hope your messy science DNA experiments went well. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Glenda said...

What a gorgeous tag and I would have swooned if I received such an awesome gift!
Glenda #21

Sue said...

Hi Caro, That tag is fab, as is the gift.

Love your index cards.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #9

Heather M said...

Hi Caro, Debbie's present is beautiful. I would have swooned too! Gosh you have such a busy time at the moment. Hope your course goes well. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #11

StampinCarol said...

The tag and gift are gorgeous!! How sweet of Debbie!
Your index cards are pretty cool!
Thanks for popping by and have a great weekend!
Carol N #25

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Caro, ooh how sweet is that? what a very cool gift the textures are outstanding :) I love the happy colors on the Index cards you are doing :) ~Stacy #30

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Beautiful gifts from Debbie, what a talent she is. Amazing, you'll soon find a place to proudly place it. Always fab to see your ICADs you need to give yourself a pat on the back because you are doing so much better than most of us. Keep up the great work & Happy belated WoywW Tracey #8.
P.S Thank you for your visit earlier in the week, sorry i'm so late x

Marit said...

Getting handmade gifts in the mail is just the best there is... I LOVE that shadow box! You may call your index cards 'simple' but I do love them!!! Thanks for your visit earlier, I am again a bit late with my visit this week but hey, at least it IS still in this week ;) Hope you have a lovely weekend, hug from Holland. Marit #20

Shoshi said...

Wow, Caro, what a fabulous present, with an equally fabulous tag! That is really something to treasure, and a real work of art. I love, love your index cards! You've got a bit more space to play than on an ATC and they are just gorgeous! So glad your course is going OK, and that you are busy at church. Thank you for your visit and I'm so glad you liked my watercolour doodles - the birds have proved a firm favourite with most WOYWWers and they are fast becoming mine, too! I want to do some more of those, and perhaps some cats, butterflies, fish... anything that can be doodled over a simple shape really. The kitties in the bin were fun, weren't they. Apart from a couple of further visits by Ruby, they haven't been in there again. I'm hoping to hear from the GP this week about getting on some prescription meds for my headaches, but in the meantime I've only had 2 very mild ones, so I may be entering another headache-free period - long may it last!

God bless and happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #7 x