Wednesday 24 July 2019


It's Wednesday so time for me to show you my desk as part of WOYWW!  Don't know what I am talking about?  Julia has all the details.
This is my desk as it was on Tuesday evening - in the process of gathering together some crafting supplies for my holiday at the front of the desk - the rest of the desk is unchanged from last week. My travellers note book, pens, pencils, washi tape, glue, scissors, and my small printer and papers should keep me going for a week away.

This is my crafting for this rather busy and crazy week - index cards (and only 5 of them because I am running behind)

I will leave you with a few photos of Alex and I enjoying wild swimming in one of our local rivers where there is a lovely waterfall and a deep plunge pool for jumping into. 

This is my cooling off exercise after work each day at the moment.  I will be missing in action next week as I am off on my holidays so have a great week or so everyone and stay cool.
With love & God Bless


Sarah Brennan said...

Hope you enjoy your holiday Caro and find lots of wild swimming opportunities to keep cool while you are away. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

Annie said...

My patching and darning is done and I've even shortened the sleeves on a jacket since that so I've a little more time for desk visiting now.
I've been watching your pics of wild swimming on Facebook.....just what childhood should be filled with but stay safe of course.
Annie x #12

sandra de said...

Wow that looks like an absolutely beautiful spot to cool off. Enjoy your holiday.
sandra de @20

Christine said...

That has to be the very best sort of exercise!!!! it's cooling just looking at the photos...
Have a good week
Christine #19

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That swimming spot looks idyllic! I can't think of anything better to cool off after work. Love the action shots of Alex too :-D. Have a great holiday!!
Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

Heather M said...

Hi Caro, the wild swimming looks great fun! Sadly I wouldn't be able to jump in a plunge pool - long story about a particular water phobia, that I never even knew I had until I learned scuba diving! Enjoy your holiday. We are away too, but I've no plans to craft - 3 grandchildren will keep me busy! Have a lovely week Heather xx #9

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Caro, great pictures! Have a fab holiday. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

Dorlene Durham said...

Oh those river shots looks so refreshing! How awesome. Your index cards are fabulous. I took a break last week from my ICAD challenge - I just had no energy. Have a wonderful vacation next week. Dorlene #26

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I must say the wild swimming looks inviting though I'm not really a lover of it as my cousin was ill after falling in a river some time ago and I guess it leaves you a bit wary. I hope you have a great holiday with lots of family time. Wishing you a lovely creative week, Angela x13x

Glenda said...

What lovely photos of the river! It looks so nice and cool there!
Glenda #16

Helen said...

Hope you have a lovely relaxing holiday and stay cool! the plunge pool does look lovely Thanks for visiting. Helen #1

Lillianb said...

hopw you have a lovely holday and the pictures are lovely. Looks a lovely place

Lilian B #14

StampinCarol said...

Hope you have a fabulous holiday! That pool looks so inviting!!
Thanks for popping by!
Carol N #25

Neet said...

First of all Enjoy your holiday and Stay Cool. Love the photos of you and Alex in the plunge pool with the waterfall - how fortunate that you have somewhere like that to go and relax and cool off in close to home. Looks absolutely beautiful.
Nice little haul of things to take on your holiday so you can keep up with your crafting. Isn't it funny how we crafters always still take something with us to do when going away? It is as if crafting is an extension of us, like a third arm. Am sure you will catch up on the icads when you are away. Have a wonderful holiday. Thanks for the prayers, hopefully I will be closer to a cure when you get back.
God Bless, Neet 2 xx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

% is better than non and they look fab! Lots of inspiration at your finger tips with your gathered crafty bits Caro, enjoy your holiday time. The wild swimming looks so exciting and the deep water pool looks like a little place in heaven.
Happy WoywW Tracey #8 xx

Sue said...

Hi Caro, Fab index cards.

Just looking at the water has cooled me off:)

Hope you have a lovely holiday.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #5

Belinda said...

Ok fellow tea-lover, I am a bit jealous of your cooling off ritual! We are just coming out of a heatwave that I thought I was going to melt in and I could have used your cooling off remedy. How lovely to have access to such a beautiful place. Today the temperature is pretty nice but the heat will resume this weekend so I am enjoying the respite.
Thank you for popping by yesterday. Have a wonderful holiday and hope to see more of your lovely index cards when you return!
Belinda #27

Stacy Sheldon said...

What a peaceful scene your swimming hole is :) I love those fun shots, stay cool Caro! ~Stacy #31

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh Caro, wha fab swimming pool, so naturally positioned and not crowded with lots of other folks! Oh what fun!
Curious as to what a portable printer is didn’t know they existed, but then I’ve no need to have one!
Thank you so much for a pop up comment box, sanity! 😆
Thanks for popping over and being a blessing, and may God bless you too.
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #24

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Kathryn Frantz said...

What a gorgeous spot! Looks so refreshing! I am so very late. It could almost be for tomorrow since I am 8 hours behind you. Hope your holiday is wonderful.

Shoshi said...

I love your index cards as always, Caro. So nice to see the river swimming pictures - it took me back to my childhood when we used to do a lot of this, but my main memory is that it was always absolutely freezing! Dad used to insist on taking us before breakfast, which was even worse! Thank you for your visit, and I'm sorry to be a whole week replying but we seem to have been so busy lately. I'm so glad you enjoyed seeing my teabag doodles - I really enjoyed doing those and must do some more but this time I thought I might try something a little different, when I get around to it. I'm sorry you were having trouble commenting, and I hope that problem has now been resolved.

Happy WOYWW and God bless,
Shoshi x #18