Wednesday 9 September 2020


 It is Wednesday and time for another blog hop around various crafting desks courtesy of the lovely Julia and What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday.

Firstly I would like to start with an apology, it has been one helluva week and I failed dismally to comment on anyone's blog. A combination of my great aunt's death, Alex back to school, Tim's operation and me doing my first face-to-face teaching (wearing masks and socially distanced) in 6 months, as well as marking student final presentations has left little headspace or time for anything else.  I will try and do better this week...As a result my desk is looking pretty empty - except for the contents of a lovely envelope that came through the post arriving yesterday, my mug of tea and my diary. 

These lovely items were sent to me by Cindy!  Thank you so much, they are all gorgeous and I love them. The layers, textures and details in the little tag book are gorgeous. I keep thumbing through it and finding something new to admire in every page.

I have done a little crafting over the past week - I printed out the photos and stuck them into my diary along with washi tape and stickers.

These are the two weekly pages I did.

A post from me wouldn't be complete without some form of swimming photo (sorry about the out of focus photo - Alex took it!).  I am going to try to continue swimming regularly as the year gets colder but we will see what happens!  

Alex is unlikely to continue much longer as he gets cold easily. That said, he came out with me to explore this old paper mill pond.  Unfortunately it is pretty silted up so not very deep and very squelchy underfoot. I'm not sure that we will revisit this, although Alex did enjoy the rope swing.  Anyway, that is all from me for now.  I an very much hoping that I will be able to do a better job of visiting people this week.  Take care and stay safe.  With love & God Bless,




Annie said...

I love your pages...I think that's rather a lot of crafting to me. Sometimes life gets in the way but that's ok...we will still be here :-)
Have a great week.
Annie x #7

Kathryn Frantz said...

Perhaps a wetsuit will keep you two swimming longer?
How’s hubby?
Nothing from me again today. One room...the one with the leak, has been emptied and the contents fill most of the useable space elsewhere.
The insurance adjuster was here. But haven’t heard a response. We may be one our own to track the leak and fix it...

All I’ve managed to do is keep up with my two Christmas card groups.

Stay safe!

Happy Wednesday!


StampinCarol said...

Boy, you certainly have been busy! Glad to see you're getting some swimming in and pages done in your diary!
Have a great week!
Carol N 38

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Don't apologise, we all have crazy times!! And your week sounds full of all sorts of emotions, well done for getting through it...sending hugs.
Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

Shoshi said...

Oh Caro, you poor thing, it sounds as if it's been quite a week. I'm so sorry to hear about the death of your great-aunt. I'm not surprised you didn't get round the desks with all that going on. It must seem really strange being back in school, too. I am so glad that despite everything, you and Alex are managing to steal away and get some wild swimming in! Well done!

Take care of yourself and God bless.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #2

Helen said...

oh goodness you have been busy! no wonder you've needed the swims more than ever! love the cards from Cindy, especially those quirky birds! Hope Tim's op went ok (Must have missed that news, sorry!) and Alex is enjoying being back at school. Helen #16 (was 2 on the first list lol)

Catriona said...

Condolences to you all, Caro. You are Very hardy being able to keep open water swimming going as the temperature goes on dropping-will you wear a wetsuit later in the year. Hope Alex has settled back to school and your face to face teaching goes well.

Karen said...

the card and tag you received are really sweet. Great diary & journal posts ~ Enjoy your week

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Caro, the link went silly earlier and I hadn't realised but I've relinked now. Loving the diary and the cards. I didn't know you are a teacher, so wondering what age group you teach? Best wishes for Alex now he's back at school too. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela Xnow 13X

Heather M said...

Hi Caro, such busy lives for us all at the moment. Sorry to hear about the passing of your great aunt, and I hope Tim's operation went well. Love the gorgeous post you received - those birds are still some of my favourites - I'm thinking of combining some into Christmas Cards. Great photos in the stamp book/album. I gets lots of pics from my daughters of the children- it would be great to print them off as you have done. I'll look into this soon. Have a lovely week, take care Heather xx #14

Sarah Brennan said...

No apologies needed Caro. Life happens and you have to prioritise the more important stuff. Hope Tim's op went well and he is on the mend and that Alex has settled back into school and you to face to face teaching. Love your weekly journal! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #22

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your return visit, Caro, and I hope things are settling down for you a bit now. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing my Romanian wedding outfit - thank you for your kind words! The variegated background on my current tiny carpet is turning out very well, and I'm glad I made that decision. I'm making good progress with it and it should be done by next WOYWW. The peacock cardigan is going to have to wait a bit because I must discipline myself and work on my UFOs!

Have a good week, and God bless,
Shoshi x #2

Neet said...

It was indeed a bed of shells I was walking on and I hated to think I was breaking them up. Just to keep you guessing still I will give you a clue, it is a northern seaside town and is famous for its "bits" inside the shells - also infamous for the deaths of several people from another continent who died picking the shells, or rather the "bits" inside them.
Smiling - Neet xx

Belinda said...

Cindy your journal is so inspirational. I have fallen behind on my scrapbook because of work and other stuff but seeing yours always keeps in my mind so I can't wait to return to it. Thanks for stopping by. Stay well!
Belinda #1

Kyla said...

wow sounds like a very busy week, hope it all worked out ok in the end and love the wild swimming photos too
Thanks for visiting my desk already