Wednesday 9 December 2020


 Hello and welcome back to my blog on this cold December Wednesday for the next edition of What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday courtesy of Julia.

This is my desk looking very empty with my mug of tea and my journal on it.  I have just been updating the Christmas present list (all hidden) and the journal is open at a swimming page with two little watercolours.

This is the second one, which was actually completed during the lovely zoom meeting on Saturday.  I so enjoyed meeting so many of you wonderful crafting people. It was such a special time. This is a picture of me all bundled up after a swim - I wear a changing robe that makes me look like this!

There isn't much else to report this week, other than a few swims - this was the coldest at just under 5 degrees -

including a glorious sunset swim on Monday

and socially distanced Carol singing yesterday evening. As we wont be able to sing carols in church this was great fun.  That's all from me for now... trying to keep it short and sweet as Julia likes it! Take care of yourselves and stay safe,

With love & God Bless,


Lunch Lady Jan said...

It was lovely to ‘see’ you again Caro! And your enormous mug of tea, lol!! You did some great crafting during the meting, I did very little, too nosy checking out everyone else’s work....
Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

Mary Anne said...

Funny, when I saw you on the zoom your lips didn't look even a TINY bit blue....


I always smile at your little paintings and I think I heard you comment you didn't think they were very good. If you DID say that, know you are wrong. They are charming and evocative and I would miss them if you stopped!

Happy WOYWW! (WowWee!)
Mary Anne (1)

Catriona said...

Another lovely painting-I wonered if you wore a changing robe after your swim. It was so good to see everyone on Saturday.

Chana Malkah said...

Nice to see the images colored in!

You are a better one than I am! My husband gets annoyed that I run the tap until the water is steaming hot, just to wash my hands! I could not imagine swimming in cold water!

WOW! That sunset on the lake is amazing. I also love the caroling picture. It looks like the perfect scene from an English country village. I think I have spent way too much time watching "Midsomer Murders!" :D)

Chana Malkah, #31

Helen said...

I love the idea of carols in the street, what a great idea. The drawing reminds me of a little penguin.... all huddled up against the winter weather!! Great to catch up on Saturday. Love, stay safe, Helen #3

StampinCarol said...

I shiver just seeing your swimming photos knowing how cold it is!
So far we can sing in church but our chairs are widely spaced. So hard not to hug but some will and I appreciate it.
Anyway, have a wonderful week, God bless!
Carol N #28

Felicia said...

Carol, I so enjoyed meeting/seeing you on the Zoom meeting on Saturday! You are such a pretty lady! I loved hearing about your swimming jaunts! And your pictures today.....brrrrhhhhhh......I STILL admire the heck out of you!! I love you watercolor caption of the bundle up! That would be me and more!! The sunset picture is fabulous! As we all mentioned on Saturday, we love your beautiful pictures of the park! Would love to take a walk there....notice I didn't say swim! LOLOL I love to carol and not gathering to do just that is so sad, but you can still least that's not taken away! Blessings to you for the rest of the week! Felicia, #29

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I really enjoyed seeing you at BOTH zoom meetings on Saturday, even though you couldn't see me. I sat in my office and was unable to make anything, but I sure like the similar card you made while at the meetings.

People were interested in your swims, and I was surprised you are still swimming. Loved seeing you caroling, too. Happy WOYWW from #2.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Caro, it was brilliant on Saturday and can't wait to do it again. I thought I'd never get to the posts today, three deliveries of craft stuff, one delivery of a surprise raffle prize, walking dogs, sorting mum's vaccination, trying to finish some cards and that's without the usual stuff like cooking Lol! Wishing you a lovely creative week, Angela x19x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Caro, was lovely to see you! Love the watercolour sketches, delightful.My desk is empty too, and just have a few Christmas cards left to write. Stay safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #12. x

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Caro, lovely to see you on Saturday. BBBBRRRRR, it looks cold for swimming up there now! Still, if you can. it must keep you healthy. Love your watercolour. It's a lovely reminder.
Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 26

Neet said...

How I love a carol concert, there really is nothing nicer. Maybe with some people not being able to go out and shop as usual we will get back to the true meaning of Christmas.
The sunset water photo looks beautiful and would make for a lovely calendar photograph with that glorious reflection and the pink of the sky reflecting on the water.
Love your swimming pics, you look so happy and I do like your painting of yourself all bundled up in your changing robe. I shiver just thinking about you in that water.
God Bless
Neet 8 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

It was good to see you on Saturday Caro. Lovely watercolour and I hope that the weather stays good enough for you to be able to continue swimming. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

BJ said...

Yes it was indeed a special time on Saturday. And people say I am mad with no heating on in my bedroom and the windows open at night, look at you free SWIMMING. Oh my life. BrrrrrrrrrJ#21

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Caro, I love to see you in water :). It was lovely to see everyone on Saturday. Happy WOYWW Angela #25

Diana Taylor said...

It was lovely to see you on Saturday, albeit a little overwhelming but great fun! I love the little painting you did and that's a beautiful photo of the sunset - the water looks almost inviting!
Have a great week,
Diana xx #20

Elizabeth said...

Hi Caro, I really don't know where you find the courage to get into water so cold. Invigorating it may be but it's not for me ... I'm too much of a wuss for that! Lovely photos though and the illustration on your journal page sums up the apres-swim experience perfectly. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #34

Lillianb said...

Thank you for your visit to my blog and the lovely comment, Just looking at you in the water gave a a chill, Well done on doing that, Love your painting

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #14

Shoshi said...

Great swimming pictures, Caro - I'm convinced you'll be cracking the ice soon in order to take a dip! The painting of you all swaddled up in your post-swim garb made me smile - I think I'd be like that anyway, but without the swim lol!! Lovely to see you on the Zoom. Not easy to have a proper chat with anyone, with everyone talking at once, and a select few hogging the limelight most of the time! My hubby stuck his head round the door a few times and said it was utter chaos - unlike the Zoom meetings he frequently has, which he says are a lot more orderly! Anyway it was fun putting faces and voices to names. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the kitties. They behaved themselves very well for the camera, but then, being such seasoned online stars these days, they are well accustomed to being on the sharp end of the camera.

Our school used to play yours at lacrosse. Not that I was ever good enough to be on any sort of team - two left feet! I was very homesick when I first went, aged 11, but once I'd settled down, I loved it and am still in touch with my 2 best friends from those days. Been friends with them since aged 11 and 12 respectively, which makes it over 50 years!! They are both grannies now. My housemistress left our school shortly after I left, to live at home in Sherborne and look after her elderly father. She taught at Sherborne during that time, and when he died, she went to live in Australia near her brother. We kept in touch right up until a couple of years ago when she died of cancer. She always seemed so old when we were at school, but she must have been quite young really!

Happy belated WOYWW and God bless,
Shoshi x #18

Heather M said...

Hi Caro, sorry for the late visit. It was lovely to see you on Saturday. I'll definitely use a PC or laptop next time we have a Zoom crop. I am in awe of you going swimming outdoors in the middle of December - I'm not surprised you need a nice warm robe to put on after! Brave lady! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #17

Lindart said...

OMG Caro - just looking at you in that water takes my breath away! Brrr! Lovely drawing! sorry I'm so late this week, thank you for for your lovely comments, have a great week! Lindart #31