Wednesday 24 March 2021


Hello and welcome to my blog for another edition of What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW) hosted by the lovely Julia.  I hope that you are all keeping well and enjoying the various signs of spring. 

I'm afraid my desk this week is very dull - it is first thing on Wednesday morning and all set up for a day of work!  My laptop, work note book, iPad (just in case of computer emergencies) and a large mug of fresh tea.  I have a day of thesis marking ahead of me so need the tea!

I have had very little time for crafting this week - I have prepared the photos for my next diary pages (just need to print them) and have done another CeeCee inspired painting in my little book as shown here.

I am still loving my swimming - this is an old reservoir in the middle of the moors and is so beautiful. Such a peaceful place to swim and feel close to God.

The contrast is this river plunge pool which is great for swimming against the current and standing under the waterfall allowing the stresses of the day to be washed away. I love them both for different reasons and they are keeping me sane in these crazy times.

There is not much more to report. I had my vaccine last week which I am delighted about and I am loving the signs of spring all around. It makes everything feel a little more hopeful. Do take care and stay safe everyone. 

With love & God Bless,



Mary Anne said...

I have been working on my own creations but they are not very good - unlike yours which are fab, and LLJs which are also wonderful. I press on. I need a waterproof fine pen and more practice! I suspect all of your journaling has helped you keep a steady hand - I'm far too twitchy LOL!

My DD is back in school too and loving it. But my cleaner messaged me to say her kids are isolating cause one of their teachers tested positive. I wish the darn virus would mutate out of existence...
Enjoy your extra time for cold swims!

slept in so
Mary Anne (6)

De serendipity said...

Jumping into the fresh water must really make you feel alive and invigorated. Your paintings have come along very nicely and I am sure would look lovely in your journal or on cards. Have a creative week.
Sandra de @23

Lisa-Jane said...

Beautiful water-colouring there Caro. They could easily be framed. I love the soft delicate feel to them. The plunge pool looks like it would be great for sore muscles! Sending Spring blessings, Lisa-Jane #7

Twiglet said...

Oh such lovely photos Caro. That cold water seems to work like a little miracle giving you the "boost" you need. Well done for keeping it up - you are amazing. Your little paintings are so pretty. Good luck with the thesis marking! xx Jo

Susan Renshaw said...

Well done on getting your jab!
Love your swimming pictures and those beautiful spring flowers!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #15

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Your CeeCee paintings are fab, love the soft colours!! I find her tutorials so easy to follow even if my results aren’t always quite like hers, lol! I had my jab yesterday and am completely fine today, even my arm’s not that bad, hooray. Onwards!
Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

glitterandglue said...

Hi Caro. I wish you well on your thesis marking. Goodness - it is almost 50 years since I wrote mine... As I read theology the subject I chose was Baptism in all its aspects. Great fun to write - and I incidentally managed to learn loads for my own faith journey - teehee!
Glad that swimming in the reservoir helps your closeness to Father. I sit here at home - and certain areas of my house are more conducive to that than others - strange, isn't it... one area of the lounge is even different from the other! Oh well - nowt so queer as folk!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2

Helen said...

The vaccination roll out is going well , glad I've had mine too but still taking care . Great pics of spring ! Love your paintings too . Helen #1

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Loving your doodles! Hopefully the water temperature will now get warmer and warmer - at least there's no ice in it now! I've had my Covid Jab too - seems like we were one of the last ones that managed to get in before the inevitable delays. Hope it all works out for the best! Happy Wednesday! xx zsuzsa #28

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Caro, I'm glad you've had your jab and are still enjoying your wild swimming.
Your card painting is lovely.
take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
hugs Lynnecrafts 17

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad the first vaccine is in Caro. Sorry work is getting in the way of being creative. Good that you have had time to swim at least. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Caro!
Sorry to be so late today, and with nothing to show from me. Had a doctor's appointment early today. Even cut into our morning coffee time.

Love your spring flowers. I have not seen any yet, but I do see a few buds on the apple trees.

Stay safe and well.


Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Hi Caro at least you have found a little time for crafting as well as your swims, these things certainly do help push those crazy days away.
Well done on your vaccine, those spring blooms are always a delight to see. Happy WoywW take care Tracey #12 xx

Annie said...

It’s been a busy day for me so I’m late doing my visits...better late than never eh?
Gorgeous painting Caro. I’ve smiled at you feeling close to God while you’re swimming....I have a feeling if I did it I would end up very close to God. I’m so glad you enjoy it.
Annie x #13

Diana Taylor said...

Your little water colour is gorgeous and would look fabulous framed and hung on the wall. So glad you've had the vaccine, I had mine last week and am definitely starting to feel there is a way out of this at last - as you say, Spring helps to lift the mood the little daffodils and crocuses are just delightful.
Have a good week,
Diana xx #24

Spyder said...

Evening Caro, still busy with your leaves and still swimming in that freezing water. You are braver than me! I got my jab ticket too! Love the daffs! Keep it up! Stay safe, keep crafting! Happy WOYWW?! ((Lyn))#21

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Caro. You always look as if you are having such a great time in the water. I really must look at those tutorials by CeeCee, I wish I didn’t get so tired it really eats into my crafting time! The spring flowers are beautiful. Have a great week and happy WOYWW Angela #3

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Work sometimes gets in the way of crafting but at least you're still managing to get some swimming in too. So pleased you've had your vaccine it's so important for us all to stand together on this one if we are going to get a chance of fighting this terrible virus. Take care my friend and have a happy woyww, Angela x19x

Anne said...

Hello Caro. Pleased you've had the vaccine. DH has his 2nd next week.
I don't envy you the marking,good you can find a little time fir other things though. Takd care Anne x 26

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Caro!! Good to hear you've had your jab - mum had her 2nd last week so really starting to feel we are getting somewhere now. Isn't Spring glorious? I am walking every morning and it is wonderful to see the changes each day. Great watercolours. Keep smiling!! Have a lovely week, Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy #27xx

BJ said...

Adore the little paintings, so must try this technique Jan has been tempting me to as well. Brave you having the vaccine, no one has convinced me to go yet.... we'll see.
Sorry I'm a bit late this week but I was digging a pond Wednesday then food shopping and trying to source some plants yesterday whilst the boys replaced some fence panels then I had to go clear up the garden AGAIN. Thanks for the visit BJ#9

Julia Dunnit said...

These CeeCee paintings are lovely. Fresh. I like the line work of the images, you and Jan are really running well with this style. So glad you’ve had your jab. We’re getting there.....❤️

Neet said...

Was wondering, do you wear a rubber cap underneath the bobble hat? Don't know why I never thought of that before now. The plunge pool sounds wonderful and I bet it is lovely under the waterfall but I could not imagine me in that cold water. Y0u always have a lovely smile too.
You and Jan have certainly taken to this watercolouring - I think I had better take a look - I am impressed.
Sorry I am so late but my back is really bad plus I have had 267 spam comments to delete since Wednesday. So time consuming, especially when you don't feel like bothering. Someone obviously is targeting me.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

A little late with the visit, but between 2 days of router issues and time away I'm still trying to get printers in sync. Thanks for your visit. So bright cherry things to greet me ! Always love seeing area photos and adore those little image drawings. Enjoy the weekend.

Shoshi said...

Your Ceecee inspired paintings are gorgeous, Caro. Lovely pictures of your swimming places too - You must be glad that it's warming up a bit now. Beautiful daffodils and crocuses. Our garden is also looking lovely with the spring flowers. My favourite time of year.

Happy extremely belated WOYWW and God bless - been a very busy week.
Shoshi x #22