Friday 25 January 2008

Bumps and bruises

Poor Alex has been in the wars these past few days. He is obviously trying to learn to stand and gets himself onto his hands and feet and then tries to pull himself up on the bars of his stairgate/cot or a table. Yesterday he was up on his knees reaching for something on the coffee table and toppled over and bumped his cheek bone...he has his first bruise. I was devastated. After the initial tears he was absolutely fine and I am sure that, being a very active little boy, this is only the first of many, but I felt horribly guilty. Everyone assures me this is normal though. Alex and I had a great time before bed this evening...he was giggly and chattery and we played both on the floor and in the bath (I am soaked as I type this!) with lots of smiles and laughter before his bed time feed.
I feel like I can't keep up at work at the moment...I have so much to do in the next two grant deadline is two weeks today and there is soo much to do on it..not just the project proposal but also all the associated paperwork and one last experiment. I also have a new student starting next week alongside other meetings etc. Needless to say I am feeling a little stressed and in need of a weekend off.
Not a great deal to report on the crafting front, although I did manage to complete this weeks sketch for PencilLines challenge (#68). The sketch called for a really long title so I felt that 'Where did you get that hat?' was appropriate for these photos of Alex dressed up in a Santa hat. The gold jounalling under the photos reads 'Santa's little helper - Alex the imp'. I am really pleased with how this turned out as I don't often use long titles. I hope to get some time for more crafting this weekend, but we will have to wait and see. Have a great weekend everyone.


Angelswings_2 said...

Caro, Bumps are NORMAL! My son fell out of our back door, just after we had built the extention, he ended up with a terrible mark on his nose. To look at him now he is fine!

Anonymous said...

Guilt is a big part of being a mum and you'll spend your life feeling some degree of guilt for something or other - but don't worry - it's normal!

It's awful when they hurt themselves, I think Mum gets more upset than they do.
