Yes, Alex now finally has a single tooth which has come through in his lower jaw. We noticed it on Monday, and think that this is why he was so out of sorts on Sunday, although he didn’t have the classic bright red cheeks and drooling that are usually associated with teething. Sadly he never opens his mouth in such a way that I can photograph it, but I assure you it is there. What Alex doesn’t realise is that this means his days of being breastfed are numbered…that little tooth is sharp!! We have had so much fun in our ‘Mummy time’ this week as he and I roll around on the floor together playing all sorts of things, cars, trains, peek-a-boo, dancing, bouncing etc. He has also finally learnt to sit up and often plonks himself into a sitting position for a while before moving off to do something else. When he has been in a more cuddly mood we have sat at my desk and I have let him draw using my pastels (they are cheap and pretty nasty!) which he enjoys. I am intending to turn some of his drawings into cards for relatives when I get round to it.
Work is frantically busy at the moment as I try to get the first version of this huge grant application together. In order to complete it I need to do some proof of principle experiments and so this week I have been back in the lab for the first time in 18 months! I am trying to investigate whether a cell surface protein on certain immune cells is related to the blood vessel count in tumours. I have to say that the experiment was only a partial success and I will need to repeat it a number of times. It really feels as though my back is against the wall with this grant, but hopefully I will get there in the end.
The evenings are what keep me sane at the moment, with playing with Alex and crafting. I have done another scrapbook layout with a more recent photo of Alex (Sep 07) entitled PEAS! This layout is all in different shades of green following another of the Pencil line sketches, and I added blotches of green acrylic paint to represent the mess. The journaling reads ‘Alex’s first experiences of food were often messy but the first time he tried peas was one of the funniest. Not only did he get pea in his ear, but every time he smiled with his mouth full he looked like a swamp monster!’ I am pleased with the way this has come together.

I have also made two fairly quick and simple cards using the Crafty Individuals backing paper and butterfly images. I edged the purple background paper with black ink and then mounted it onto purple cardstock. I then cut out one of the butterfly images and mounted it on black card before placing on the card. Finally I added a black angel kiss flower with a purple/pink brad. These were really easy to make but really effective. I am thrilled with how they have turned out.
Having swapped 16 ATCs with people recently I am beginning to see some returns coming back my way and yesterday I received these two wonderful ones from Barbara Williams. They are both so different and yet both so effective. The foil backed one uses alcohol inks, and the Continental breakfast actually uses a bit of Special K box as the background…very effective and great fun.
This waterfall ATC arrived today and is from Dawn. I love waterfall cards, but never seem to have the time or patience to make them so I just love this one. That is all for now folks, but more soon I hope.
Caro, you amaze me - how on earth do you fit all this in?
Great work.
Gosh! You have been busy!
A great Lo of your little the title:)
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