Sorry it has been so long since I last updated, but this week has been crazy! It all started with lecturing to 250+ medical students on Monday and with running several experiments to try and understand how Betastatin, a novel drug for stopping blood supply to tumours, actually works. Things weren’t improved by the fact that I had to get up at 4am yesterday morning in order to get down to London in time for a conference at which I was presenting two posters. Although the conference was very good with some excellent presentations and some interesting chats about my research I didn’t get back until 8.30 by which stage I was cream crackered. Alex coped remarkably well and actually managed to go to bed without me being there for the first time, which was good. It was, however, the longest we have been apart which I didn’t like much.
As a result I took today off to try and recover and to spend some time with Alex having barely seen him yesterday. Alex and I have had a great day with him crawling round the kitchen and dining room and generally getting into trouble while I cooked his birthday cake and the food for his party this weekend. I can’t believe that he is going to be one already…the time has gone so fast. Thinking about how much he has developed and grown is amazing…he has now learnt to drink by himself from a beaker, and is very good at it, although he also likes to spray himself and us with the water too!
This afternoon we went out to the park and had a great time on the swings, slide and climbing frame…the tube is still a firm favourite which had me running round from one end to the other to make sure he didn’t try and go down the steps or slide by himself. Alex has also had his first ever shower (with his Dad) which he seemed to enjoy judging by the giggles and smiles.
I have managed to do a little crafting over this week and have finally managed to finish the Alphabet swap. W is for wine, X is for X-ray, Y is for Yo-Yo and Z is for Zoo have completed the set. They all use a mixture of images from the web and peeloffs and stickers to create the effect, with the majority of them having a raised element using foam sticky pads.
I have also made Alex’s birthday card…his nickname is ‘little monster’ for many reasons, especially the wonderful growls that he makes and so I wanted to make him a card to reflect that, and thought that the Monsters Inc character was appropriate. I layered the image on some Nana’s kids card and then printed out the message and added the balloon embellishments.
Finally I wanted to show you the card that Alex has made for his Granny (my mother-in-law), he even did the stickers (although I had to help a little). All I did was cut out his drawing and stick it to a blue card blank. I think that Kath will like this! More soon,
Oh your wee man is going to be ONE YEAR OLD! I can't believe it.
So glad your presentation went well and it sounds as though your new research project is fascinating.
Love the cards and the ATCs.
lovely pics of alex..he is growing fast ....
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