Yesterday Alex had the highest temperature he has ever had, and the poor little boy spent most of yesterday evening really upset and not really calming down when we cuddled him. We did eventually get him to sleep, but his sleep was intermittent at best so he has spent much of today in bed because he fell asleep on the floor while playing this morning, and he has generally been happier in his bed than elsewhere. He is off his food and we have had a bit of a battle to keep his fluids topped up. It seems that he has this rather nasty fluey bug that is going round as his nose is very gooey. If it is anything like Tim and I have it is no wonder Alex has been so upset as this bug leaves you with very achy joints and head. I hope that he gets over it soon as I so hate seeing him like this.

Earlier in the week we played with some of his birthday toys including his new train track…he hasn’t yet fully grasped the idea of it! He thinks that the tracks are designed to hit against things to make a loud noise and finds it the greatest of fun to dismantle the track as fast as I can make it. He also loves chasing the tractor he was given across the floor when I push down on the little man to let it go, and to chase and grab ‘James the red Engine’ and pick it up and listen to the wheels go round (it is a wind up by pulling backwards train). All good fun.

Work has been horrible, partly because I feel so rotten and partly because I am so busy. I have 6 medical students who I am teaching lab work to and it takes hours! I will be glad when this week is over and I have less involvement in the process. At least I have been able to get some light relief in the evenings in the form of crafting. I made this layout to celebrate Alex’s budding creative side! This layout is entitled ‘Drawing’ and follows a sketch from Pencil lines and uses some of Alex’s own artwork in the circles and the two panels next to the photo. The journaling reads ‘Alex loves to sit on my lap and draw even if he doesn’t always hold the pen the right way up. His other favourite trick are hitting the desk with the pen and screwing up the paper he has been drawing on’.

I have also spent time this week making thank you cards on Alex’s behalf using photos of him on his birthday, some of his drawing and a rounded thank you stamp. I hope that people like them.

I have also made my three ATCs for the ‘distressed vintage swap’ on the CM&PC forum, which I enjoyed doing…not sure how ‘distressed’ they are though! I hope to catch up with some more scrapbooking later on this week when I have caught up with the letters and cards I need to write and send. More soon,
sorry to hear you are all unwell..its really hard when little ones are ill
love the L O of Alex' artwork and the atcs ....still admire how much you manage to fit in...
Love the thank you cards they are so sweet, your layouts are fab I've not done any for ages!
Fab vintage atc's to.
Have left an award for you over on my blog ;0)
Get well soon little man - it's dreadful when they are poorly - you feel so helpless.
Love the cards you've made using his artwork and that page layout is perfect.
The ATCs are lovely, mine were slightly off the mark, alth' I have sent them.
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