After what has been a really busy and difficult period at work again I can truly say that I am feeling loved and blessed and it is all thanks to my wonderful family and my crafting friends…I have received so much lovely crafty post that it is amazing and this is going to be a really long blog entry. First however, a little update on Alex; his cold is improving and we have had the greatest of fun these past couple of evenings…he has discovered a new game, namely riding on my back. He has also discovered another of his birthday presents which is a car transporter complete with four cars and sound effects. He has been a bit noise sensitive recently, bursting into tears when I blow my nose for example, so wasn’t too sure about the truck noises initially but has warmed to them. My cold is also improving, although my nose is bright red and sore from being blown so much.

And now for all those wonderful thanks. I have to start with a MASSIVE thank you to Kath Wilson who made me this beautiful clock to ‘remind me to take some time out for me’. She (and I have to confess others) has expressed a concern that what with work, students, and caring for Alex and Tim, that I don’t take enough time out for me. I do try and make sure that there is some ‘me’ time in every day, and this is a beautiful reminder to ensure that I do it, so thank you once again, my dear friend.

My next thank you is to Gabi Mann who made me this beautiful fat book page. I love the use of layers and textures…this book is going to be stunning when it is complete.

This wonderful ATC was made by Barbara Williams, an artist whose work I greatly admire, and I just love the use of textures that make this vintage ATC feel and look so wonderful.

You may recall that I have joined a favourite theme swap, well I decided to ask for ‘vintage’ as my favourite theme and these four lovely ATCs are from Sandra McKeever (childrens playground), Allison Yates (all you need is love), Isobel Waite (lady in pink fur) and Rhea Bellamy (vintage tags). I love the way they are all so different and yet fit the theme perfectly.

I have also received the final letters of the Alphabet, and I have to say that the whole set look absolutely stunning. The final ones are ‘W is for Wisdom’ by Linda Brunton, X is for Xmas by Janet Matthews, Y is for Yoshi by Joshua Wade (age 6), and Z is for zebra by Angela Clerehugh. I think you will agree that these are all wonderful.

Angela, who organised this swap, also very sweetly sent this ‘A to Z’ card as a thank you for joining in. It is a lovely ATC and it must have taken ages to do one for every member of the swap.

Last but not least I received another vintage ATC for the collection, of a cute baby, by Sally Bentham. I have to say that I feel like the luckiest girl in the world at the moment despite my bright red nose! Thank you all so very much. More soon,
Wow - what a lot you got! Get better guys!
Well you deserve it all!
Wow, what lovely ATCs and fat books - lots of variation in design and texture - you have some inspiration there at your finger tips - it's so good to see it all in real life too as scans and photos never capture the true beauty.
SO pleased to hear Alex is picking up after his awful viral infection and that yours is starting to clear - I've never known a year when people have been so stricken by viruses which have been so long lasting and severe.
What a lovely lot of ATC's, they are all lovely.The clock is lovely, well done LK. Lovely pictures of Alex as well, he's such a little man now. Glad you are all feeliong a bit better.
lovely things you recieved there and u deserve them all
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